hunter world

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
Chapter 39 Obsession
Although these robots have high attack power and thick blood, they really don't drop anything, except for a few engineering blueprints with a high drop rate occasionally, and nothing.Fleeting Year and Ye Ci picked up the dropped blueprints respectively, and waited for a while to send them to the engineering players of the guild at Niqi.However, the goblin alarm who died first dropped another energy core for the two.

Looking at the two energy cores in his hand, Ye Ci felt that he couldn't find a way to use them, which was really aggrieved.

Fleeting Nian squatted on the ground, turning over a pile of scrapped copper and iron.Suddenly he turned around and said to Ye Ci: "Hey, this one seems to be incomplete, come and see if it can be used?"

Ye Ci tilted his head to look at the still-complete robot that Fleeting Years turned out, then looked down at the two energy cores in his hand, and finally walked to Fleeting Years, and also squatted down. Discussed the robot that had been turned off.

"You said to use this energy core to install it on its body?"

"Yeah? Try it out."

"Could it be too rotten? I just saw that it was already smoking. Will it drop parts while walking with the energy scale installed..." Ye Ci looked at the robot lying on the ground and always felt that this thing Even if the energy core is installed, it should not move.

"Who knows, life is about experimenting. Anyway, there are two energy cores. Since I can't find a new machine to use for the time being, there is nothing wrong with trying this broken one first." Men are sometimes more adventurous than women Spirit, although, in Ye Ci's view, this is pure waste.

"Okay." However, although it is a waste, it is a solution after all, but...Ye Ci circled around the destroyed robot for a few times and did not find the most important thing... "Where should the energy core be installed?" ?”

"This..." Fleeting Nian scratched his head, he is not an engineering player, nor has he personally assembled engineering machinery, so of course he can't answer this kind of question.

"Forget it, I'll ask the engineering players in our guild." Seeing Fleeting Nian's expression, Ye Ci knew that this guy was the same as himself on this high-tech issue - he didn't understand at all.So, she started sending secret messages to Yidou Gao.However, what made her furious was that the system gave her a reply to the secret message she sent: "The player you called is within the restricted range and cannot receive your call. Please adjust your position and continue calling. "

Nima, you think this is China Mobile!Calls are also restricted, why are your users not in the service area!

Sighing, Ye Ci said to Liu Nian: "There must be engineering players in your guild. My call is limited, and I may not be able to contact you. You can ask."

Fleeting Nian nodded, and began to contact the engineering players in his guild.

However, because the two of them have spent a lot of time in the dungeon, and now the real time outside has reached three or four o'clock in the morning, most players have gone offline to sleep, especially those players with a good life pattern. They couldn't find any of them, and finally found one or two engineering players, but because the other party hadn't studied goblin engineering, they also didn't know about the problem of fleeting years.

"What? Can't get in touch?" Ye Ci saw Liu Nian sitting on the side contacting several people. Although Ye Ci couldn't hear Liu Nian's voice when sending the secret message, but from his expression, it seemed that the inquiry was not going well. .

"Yeah." Fleeting Nian looked at the guild members while continuing to look for engineering players, "It's already three or four o'clock in the morning, and most of the life professional players have gone offline to sleep, and it's hard to find one or two. Asleep, haven't learned goblin engineering yet."

Goblin engineering is a branch of engineering, because learning needs to trigger pre-tasks, not every professional engineering player can learn goblin engineering.However, the goblin engineering that has been handed down for players to learn is very superficial, and it is still far from the essence of the real exquisite goblin engineering.However, even with this superficial technique, some of the gadgets created are already quite popular among players.

For example, the goblin mobile repairer, which is specially used to repair equipment in team battle dungeons, can only be used five times in total, but the price of each in the market is already as high as tens of thousands of gold coins, and the supply is often in short supply. It can be seen here how enthusiastic players are about this engineering, which is also the main reason for the recent substantial increase in engineering players.

However, life professions are so difficult to practice in Destiny, and it is very difficult to grow from an engineering apprentice to a senior engineering engineer without the financial and material resources of a large guild and the support of formulas.

It was only then that Ye Ci remembered that the real time was such a thing, probably because she wanted to complete the task too much, and she had ignored this problem.Involuntarily, my heart sank, and I sighed. Even if I could contact Yidou Cake at this time, I'm afraid that guy has already gone to bed.As far as Ye Ci knows, this guy is a good baby with absolute standards. He goes online at 08:30 in the morning on time every day, goes offline at [-] noon for dinner, goes online again at [-] o'clock, goes offline at [-] o'clock in the evening, goes online at [-] o'clock, and goes online at [-] o'clock. Click offline to sleep.It is like this every day, and there has never been a day when it is not implemented according to this standard.

At that time, when Bai Mo talked about this matter with Ye Ci, they both felt that Yidou Cake was actually a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise, who would be able to control the time like this?Not even 1 minute on time is bad, it's horrible.

At this point in time, it's really hard to find someone. Except for those who can't go offline because of special delays, most of the players actually pay attention to the combination of work and rest.In addition, holographic games have been launched for many years, and everyone knows that even if the nutrient solution can supplement the necessary nutrients for the human body and provide the human body with rest protection in the game room, it is still not as good as real food and sleep. It's not that there are things that must be done and you must use the nutrient solution, except that you don't go offline for a long time, the vast majority of players will still go offline on time to eat and sleep.

"Forget it, let's clean it up first, and ask later in the daytime." Although Ye Ci felt a little unwilling, at this time, he had no choice but to give up.Suddenly, she remembered a question: "Aren't you going offline to sleep?"

"No, I will accompany you."

"It's actually fine..."

"Your time is limited. I don't know how big this dungeon is. Two people are stronger than one. So, I put the nutrient solution on it when I went offline for dinner in the evening." At first, he looked at Ye Ci and smiled, and then continued, but this statement is really half-truth, people don't know whether to believe it: "I did this not only for you, but also for myself. But I am so interested in this dungeon, I am reluctant to leave."

Ye Ci just looked at Fleeting Years like this, but he didn't know what expression to use to face Fleeting Years.

Liu Nian knew that Ye Ci would be awkward after hearing this, so he didn't continue the topic, but quickly changed the topic thoughtfully. "Actually, it's not like there aren't players who don't know goblin engineering."

"Huh?" Obviously, Fleeting Nian's words immediately diverted Ye Ci's attention. She didn't continue to struggle with Fleeting Nian's words just now, but focused all her attention on the information Fleeting Nian now revealed. "Do you know any Goblin Engineering players?"

"It's not that I know him. A player in the guild knows him. That player seems to be online. I'll ask her." Fleeting Year didn't raise his head, his voice was calm, and he couldn't hear any ups and downs in his emotions.

"It's not good to disturb others at such a late hour." Although Fleeting Year's words raised a lot of hope in Ye Ci, but soon she sensibly extinguished this hope. "Let's wait until daytime to ask."

Hearing what Ye Ci said, Liu Nian raised his head slightly, looked at Young Master You who was not far away, and rolled his eyes: "I think you will regret it if you don't figure out this issue now."

"There is a little bit. But it's nothing, life is to endure loneliness and regret." Ye Ci was somewhat surprised that her own thoughts could be seen through by fleeting years, but she was not angry either.At this time, in this place, there is actually nothing worth guarding against.

It may only be a few days to get along with him. After this dungeon is completed, the two people will be like two intersecting lines, each returning to their original tracks, and there will be no such point of intersection in the end.At that time, they are still sworn enemies, they are still rivals.

Nothing will change.

How lucky it is for a person to have a chance to turn his fateful opponent into a teammate or friend in his life.Therefore, Ye Ci felt that he should cherish this kind of luck, and not getting angry at unnecessary things is the most direct expression of cherishing this kind of luck.

Ye Ci can be seen through by Fleeting Years, just as Fleeting Years can also be easily seen through by Ye Ci for a reason.Because in this world, the person who knows you best is actually your opponent.

It is extremely rare for a person to have an opponent who understands you and is an enemy all his life.

What Ye Ci said somewhat surprised Fleeting Years.Judging from Gong Ziyou's face, she is extremely young.Because the fate system can adjust the appearance, but not the age, the age that the characters can show is actually the same as the player's real age.With a young face like Gong Ziyou's, it looks like she is no more than 20 years old, but the words that come out of her mouth often make people feel mature and sophisticated.This kind of maturity and sophistication is not pretending, but a kind of deep hidden in the bone.

However, it is this kind of mature sophistication coupled with Gong Ziyou's too young face, for some reason, Fleeting Years will always have an illusion of incomprehensibility, which is heart-piercing.

He quietly looked at the indifferent smile on the corner of Ye Ci's mouth, and suddenly there was a very beautiful arc on his lips: "I don't want you to have any regrets."

Until a long time later, Ye Ci will often think of that day, the arc raised on Fleeting Nian's lips, so charming, so turbulent.It seems that a person's life will always leave many beautiful fragments and memories. Ye Ci thinks that this fragment is probably the one that impressed her the most.

While Ye Ci was still in a daze, Liu Nian lowered his head again and began to contact the other party.In fact, according to Fleeting Nian's own thoughts, he didn't want to contact this person at all, because he knew that once he contacted this person, he would find himself in a big trouble. It is impossible to do such a stupid thing.However, it's different now, the young master You on the opposite side.Perhaps their acquaintance was very short, but, for some reason, Fleeting Years felt that she was so familiar, so familiar that he couldn't bear to leave any regrets and unhappiness in her life.

So, knowing that this contact would bring him a lot of trouble, but Liu Nian contacted that person without hesitation, not for anything else, just for this person, just for Gongzi You.

"are you there?"

The white fairy sits on the shore of the Silver Coast.This is her favorite map among all the maps in the western continent. The silver-white beach, the soft sand, and the calm sea, plus the starlight now, seem to be the only ones that she owns. good.

Such beautiful scenery is actually perfect for two talents in the heart of the white fairy tale.One is myself, and the other, of course, cannot be the sour apple sitting beside me now.

When she first came here to do a mission, she fell in love with this beach. She always dreamed that one day, that person would sit here shoulder to shoulder with her, listening to the ebb and flow of the tide, and watching the clouds roll Yun Shu.It's just, just, it's not possible anymore, is it?
"Fairy tale, don't think too much about it. You also know that Absalom is a fool. He doesn't think about what he says. Don't take what he says to heart." Sour Apple sat on the white fairy tale She is not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of the seaside, she just thinks why is the sea breeze blowing so cold?Although Absalom warned her, she did not dare to forget at all, but seeing the melancholy look of the white fairy, she still rushed out words of comfort.

It doesn't matter, if something goes wrong tomorrow, there is still tomorrow, but today I have to comfort her anyway.

Usually Absalom and his wife go to bed at twelve o'clock on time, but today Absalon is busy looking for the Mithril vein, and Sour Apple is busy comforting the white fairy tale. Things were forgotten.

However, no matter how much saliva was wasted by Sour Apple, the good and the bad have been said all over again, and the white fairy tale is the highest quality of ten thousand years-quietness.

The sour apple was finally tired, and she didn't want to waste her saliva with the white fairy tale anymore. Who could resist talking for hours by herself, without the other party even farting?If she hadn't had a guilty conscience, she would have lost her temper too.No longer reading white fairy tales, sour apples looking at the waves in the distance, one wave after another, suddenly regretting, in fact, I should have listened to Absalom a long time ago, it is best not to get involved in this family's emotional problems, otherwise It will make it like I am now, Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror-two sides are not human.

I don't know how long the two of them were silent, and then the voice of the white fairy tale faintly resounded. The movement was like a soul that appeared suddenly. It was far away and quiet, and it was a little creepy in such a seaside night.

"Apple, do you know why I like the Silver Coast map so much?"

Sour Apple is tired and sleepy now, even if the white fairy tale starts talking nonsense, she doesn't have the heart to continue chatting with her.So he replied with a lack of interest: "It's beautiful."

"No." A faint smile appeared on Fairy White's face.

"What's that for?"

"Do you still remember that when we graduated from junior high school, everyone wrote the classmate record?"

"Yeah." Sour Apple actually doesn't remember the difference between classmate and school record at all. In her impression, the biggest thing she did after graduating from junior high school was being kissed by Absharon in public. As for other things, she didn't know anything at all. remembered.However, facing the white fairy tale at this time, she could only agree perfunctorily.

"Do you know what his favorite place is written in his classmates?"

"He?" Sour Apple yawned, and now her thinking was a little slow, and it took a while to realize: "You mean fleeting years?"

"Yeah. He wrote that his favorite place is the beach with the white sand."

"So, you like this map the most?" Sour Apple was a little shocked.

"Yeah." The white fairy looked at the sour apple and smiled sweetly.

Sour Apple stretched out his hand and touched the white fairy's forehead, it seemed that this person didn't have a fever.

"Fairy tales, that's something from junior high school. It's been more than ten years. At that time, Fleeting Years was a little boy chicken who didn't even grow any hair. Can you count the words at that time?" Sour Apple's eyes widened and pointed. His voice yelled out in a voice that almost collapsed.

"It should be counted, why not count it." But in the face of Sour Apple's questioning, White Fairy Tale seemed so calm: "As long as it is said by Fleeting Years, it is counted."

"It's not the root of the problem, okay? People change. You can't use the words of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child as an imperial decree. You said that Fleeting Years like white beaches, and Absalom also told me that Fleeting Years like mountains and rivers." Well, this is not right at all, okay?" Sour Apple simply felt that the white fairy tale was unreasonable, and she even felt that there was something wrong with the white fairy tale's psychology.No normal person would take seriously what a child once said, and it has been true for more than ten years.

"People do change, but the innocence in their hearts will never change. Even if Fleeting Years likes mountains and rivers now, even if Fleeting Years likes desert scenery in the future, but I believe that in Fleeting Years' heart, I must like this kind of silver sand beach. As long as I wait, as long as I don't leave, he will definitely find out that I am good, and he will definitely come to me." Fairy Bai shook her head, her expression became more serious, she looked at the sour apple quietly, and said The words spoken are simply sonorous and forceful.

"You, you..." Sour Apple pointed at the white fairy tale, feeling out of breath, she didn't know what to say.After a long time, she let out a breath, stepped forward to hold the white fairy's hand, and started to walk towards the teleportation stone in the map camp: "Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, what you need now is rest, Everything will be fine when you sleep."

"Apple, I know what you think in your heart, but that's what I think. It doesn't matter if you let me sleep for a while, or you let me sleep for ten years, I still think so!" Struggling, he let the sour apple pull him obediently.

"I'm stunned, I'm stunned!" Sour Apple kept shaking her head, and now she felt that this was either a white fairy tale bewitched, or she herself was bewitched, it was simply too terrifying.

"Apple, you must believe me, you must, you must believe me, Fleeting Years will definitely return to me in the end." The white fairy tale looked at the back of the sour apple, still shaking her head and smiling calmly, with a calm expression, It looks like oil and salt do not enter.

The sour apple stopped abruptly, her heart was like a crater, with lava whizzing and rushing inside, and the stone pressing down on the top of the mountain had no effect at all, the angry lava was very It was about to break through her reason and explode completely.

"Apple, help me again, just like before, try to let us have more opportunities to get along. I know, this will make you very difficult, and Absalom disagrees, but, Apple, after so many years, you Don’t you understand what I’m thinking? Don’t you think it’s a wonderful thing if I’m with Fleeting Years and I can be like you and Absalom? Our love can last forever, and our friendship can last forever… ..." White Fairy slowly walked in front of Sour Apple, she smiled, so beautiful, her voice was gentle and soft, so close, she even stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on Sour Apple's face, it was extremely warm.

Sour Apple looked at her, but didn't agree as before, but turned away and sighed: "Fairy Tale, don't be like this anymore."

"How am I? I have always been fine. Each of us has our goals, and my goal, and the direction of my life, is the fleeting time."

"I said, Fairy Tale, don't be like this anymore!!" Sour Apple finally yelled, she raised her hand and opened the hand that White Fairy Tale was touching her cheek, and took two steps back, her voice was urgent and loud, Like lava erupting suddenly, it swallowed all the peace and reason in an instant. "For so many years, I have been helping you. It's not that I think that Fleeting Years and you will always be together, but that I don't want to see you suffer. Unlike you, I am an outsider, and I can see everything clearly. Things, I know what you are about fleeting years, and I know more about what fleeting years are for you, why should I help you all the time? It is because of you that you keep talking about your sad past, which makes me unbearable Reject you! But, Fairy Tale, be more sober, do you think you can really get back your fleeting heart like this? If you can get it back, do you need to waste so many years of time?"

"Apple, you don't understand men at all! In Fleeting Time now, he is a child at heart. He seems to be playing outside and crazy outside, but he will always have a tired day. When that day comes, he will definitely turn around and return to me. Beside you." Bai Fairy shook her head stubbornly.

"You mean, you want to be a spare tire for Fleeting Years? If he never comes back outside, you will wait for him forever?" Sour Apple was very surprised, and smiled embarrassingly.

"As long as he is willing, so what if I'm just a spare tire?"

"White fairy tale! Can you stop being so mean! Can you not embarrass women! You can actually say such things. The books you have read and the education you have received over the years have all gone into the stomach of a dog!! "Sour Apple was so angry that her eyes were burning red. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the white fairy's shoulder vigorously, shaking it desperately: "You wake me up! Even if you want to be his spare tire, you still have to know , Fleeting Year is simply a bastard who doesn't need a spare tire!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! For so many years, I have seen Liu Nian clearly. He is a bastard who only cares about himself and doesn't care about other people's life and death! You are pitiful, and your infatuation is in his eyes Not even a fart."

"Don't talk nonsense!!" White Fairy screamed, "He knows what I've done, but he just hasn't figured it out yet!"

"He has already figured it out! When you first confessed to him, when he first rejected you, he has already figured it out, white fairy tale, you are not the person he wants at all! If you really are You don't have to wait so many years for the person he chose!"

"You nonsense!" White Fairy screamed even more mournfully, her eyes blurred.

Sour Apple stood not far away and looked at her, feeling the pain in her heart. Destroying a person's dream with her own hands is actually the most ruthless and shameless thing in the world, but she is doing such a thing now.Sour Apple felt that she was really nothing. At the beginning, she was helping White Fairy Tale to build this dream, but now, she stretched out her hand again and pushed down this dream with her own hands.what is this?Maybe she's crazy too.

Just as Bai Tong was crying heart-piercingly, her secret words suddenly rang.If it was just an ordinary whisper, White Fairy would never care, but the sound of this whisper is different.

In Destiny, the player's friends can be classified by themselves, and then they can customize the prompt sound when different secret words arrive.Just like the classification and grouping of mobile phones.However, only friends can have such classified treatment, strangers or other blacklists do not have such treatment.At the beginning of the opening of fate, the first friend that White Fairy Tale added was Liu Nian, but Liu Nian did not add her as a friend, so, on her friend list, Liu Nian was her friend, but on Liu Nian's friend list , but there is no white fairy tale name at all.

Even so, White Fairy carefully made the sound of Fleeting Nian's secret language into a special one, as long as Fleeting Nian contacted her, she would be able to hear it immediately.

It's a pity that from the first day of fate to the present, Liunian has never contacted her, just like the name of Liunian on her mobile phone has never been displayed.

However, today's Miyun's voice is really special, so special that it makes White Fairy feel that it has never sounded.She suddenly held back her tears and listened carefully to the voice of the secret language.Could it be him?Will it be true?She couldn't wait to click on her secret language channel, and sure enough, the flashing name was the one she had recalled thousands of times in her dreams.She couldn't believe it, and even held back her thigh and pinched her thigh hard, feeling the pain, it really was true.

The white fairy tale is basically a code word for frantic connections.

"are you there?"

"Yes, yes, I've always been here." White Fairy Tale hastily answered Fleeting Years, as if she would lose Fleeting Years if she slowed down a bit.

It's just that such a hasty voice made Fleeting Nian's eyebrows frowned, and he began to regret that he shouldn't contact this woman.Such a hasty voice, such an impatient answer, how could it give him the feeling that he was about to be torn apart?However, looking at Gongzi You who was standing not far away, he still didn't cut off the conversation of the white fairy tale.

"Is your friend who knows elf engineering online?"

"Yes." Fairy Bai was a little overjoyed, this was the first time Fleeting Years had spoken to her proactively.

"Then ask me, where are the energy cores of goblin robots usually installed?" Fleeting Nian just wanted to know the answer quickly, so when talking to the white fairy tale, he only picked up the most direct questions, and the extra nonsense was determined. Not a single word will be mentioned.

"Okay, wait a minute, let me ask." Fairy White immediately contacted his friend, who was fast, and seemed to be doing the most important thing in the world.Soon, she got the answer, but she didn't want to tell Fleeting Nian directly, because she knew that if this happened, Fleeting Nian would immediately hang up the language without hesitation, so she said: "Fleeting Nian, he said all kinds of mechanical People are different, what kind of mechanical energy nuclear device do you want, if you don't bring it here, I will take you to him to have a look."

"Forget it, I'll find someone else." How could Fleeting Years fail to see through the little white fairy tale thoughts, he raised the corners of his mouth, showing a hint of mocking indifference, and immediately prepared to find another Gao Ming.Even if he can't find it, as long as he asks in the world, I believe many people will betray his face.

"No, no, I'm asking..." Bai Xianhua said hastily, she was afraid that Fleeting Nian would immediately hang up the secret language regardless.

Fleeting Nian paused: "What's the answer?"

"Why do you ask this? Yes, you have to do a mission, download a dungeon?" White Fairy asked carefully, the concern in her voice was palpable: "Do you need me to add blood to you..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard that the whisper on the other side had hung up, and there was only a busy tone in her ears.Fairy White froze there, her mouth full of bitterness, tears streaming down her face no longer could hold back.But at this time, there are fleeting questions in the world.

Fleeting Year: "Does anyone who is proficient in goblin engineering know where the energy core of the goblin robot is installed? Ten thousand gold for the answer."

"Wow, wow, it's so psychedelic to be able to see fleeting years on the World Channel on such a night!"

"The God of Fleeting Years is so rich, he will give you [-] gold for just one answer... The money is generous..."

"Ah, why didn't I study goblin engineering, ten thousand gold, ten thousand gold!!"


Fleeting World's speeches have always been able to arouse the madness of players in the western continent. In addition, there are rewards for speaking this time, which made many players scream. Many engineering players looked at the gorgeous [-] gold , couldn't help but red eyes.

"I know, Great God, I'll keep you secret!"

"I know it, I know it too, God, let me tell you!"

"At a hidden recess in the middle of the neck, the shell needs to be opened and the hand can be reached in."


According to the first player in the world who gave him a hint, Fleeing Nian walked directly in front of the robot, opened the back cover of the robot, and then reached up to touch the neck of the robot. Sure enough, there was a groove there.This place is really hidden. Without the guidance of a player who is proficient in goblin engineering, it is really impossible to find it.He turned his head and stretched out his hand towards Young Master You: "Give me the energy core."

Ye Ci quickly handed the energy core to Liu Nian, and Liu Nian reached out and put the energy gem in the groove.Sure enough, the eyes of the already paralyzed robot suddenly lit up and stood up unsteadily. Although the body was still rusted, after a few rounds of movement, it was able to walk very steadily. .

He is taller than Fleeting Years, but he is not clumsy at all when he walks, although the rusty bearing still makes a harsh sound, but looking at it looks very majestic.Ye Ci threw a reconnaissance skill to this robot, and found that its name had become a manipulated robot, and its blood volume and attack had dropped by [-]% compared to the robot they just fought. There is also a countdown time on the board, which indicates that the energy core just now can support the robot to work for three hours.

"It seems that we need to fight more goblins and get more energy cores." Fleeting Year observed this sloppy robot, and found that there is no limit on the number. Presumably, as long as they can be controlled together, there should be no upper limit requirement.

"Well, but the goblins in the palace seem to be hard to find."

Fleeting Nian sent a friend request to the Goblin Engineering player who gave him a reminder just now, and then told him that someone would send him [-] gold by tomorrow morning at the latest. With little effort, but a lot of money has been made, it really makes people have to sigh that there are really good things in this world that fall from the sky.

Then, Fleeting Years handed over the completion of this matter to Absalom.Although Absalom complained a bit, there was nothing he could do. After all, only a few people knew about Young Master You's stay in the western continent. At this time, Fleeting Years caused him troubles. If he didn't solve them himself, who else would solve them?

(End of this chapter)

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