hunter world

Chapter 235 Searching Wasoko

Chapter 235 Searching Wasoko

Chapter 35 Searching Wasoko

"There is a mechanical trap at 27 degrees in front of the left, with a diameter of seven yards. Go around it." Fleeting Nian walked cautiously ahead, while telling Ye Ci behind him what he had detected.

Ye Ci followed Fleeting Years' prompts exactly and bypassed this trap.

"There is a mechanical trap fifteen degrees in front of the left, with a diameter of ten yards. There is a mechanical trap at seventeen degrees in front of the right, with a diameter of ten yards. The two traps are parallel, and there is a path of [-] yards in the middle. You need to walk through it, pay attention to your feet , the digging of traps makes the soil on the path soft, so don’t walk too hard to avoid triggering the mechanism.” Fleeting Nian probably often does this kind of pathfinding work, and he just glanced at it while exploring mechanically, and he has already made the final move. Accurate judgment.

Although Fleeting Nian is from the Western Continent, in this dungeon, without Ye Ci's mechanical exploration, she can only choose to believe in Fleeing Nian unconditionally.This is not easy for Ye Ci, but after more than half an hour of running-in, she suddenly found that it is not difficult to trust this person.Although Fleeting Nian usually doesn't feel very good to him, it cannot be denied that in dungeons and missions, this is indeed a reliable teammate.

"There seems to be a mechanical dog coming in front, let's wait on the sidelines." Finally, the two walked through the path with many traps, and just entered the city of Wasoko when they saw a mechanical dog heading in their direction Walked over slowly.

The mechanical dog must have passed through too long a period of time, the original bright color of its body has become mottled, and there are rust spots everywhere, and when walking, it can hear the screeching sound of lack of engine oil.However, despite this, its eyes are still glowing red, which means that the mechanical dog has not lost its original function.

Goblin engineering is indeed much more advanced than the engineering learned by ordinary players.Ordinary players can rarely create engineering objects with vital signs, let alone things like mechanical dogs and robots.Apart from its lifelike appearance, that mechanical dog also moves like a normal hound.It wanders around in a designated area without any rules, and sometimes sticks its nose to the ground to keep sniffing. If it weren't for the screeching sound of its body because it hasn't been oiled for too long, it can almost let the People think it is a living hound.

The name of the mechanical dog is not red, but yellow and neutral, which means that as long as Ye Ci and Liu Nian don't actively attack it, it will not attack them.

It's just that sometimes people are always blinded by conventions, causing them to capsize in the gutter.Just like the current Yeci and Fleeting Years.They sneaked around the corner for a while, and found that the mechanical dog was just a neutral monster, so they didn't take it seriously, and decided to continue walking, but they didn't find that when they passed by the mechanical dog, the mechanical dog suddenly looked like a monster. It was as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, he suddenly rushed towards the two of them, and launched the most violent attack!
This kind of attack was nothing, when it was the most annoying, it barked sharply, and all the mechanical dogs and goblins in the area it was patrolling rushed towards them!
"Damn it! So this mechanical dog is the condition for triggering neutral monsters!" Ye Ci gritted his teeth, the speed of the mechanical dog was extremely fast, and it directly attached two people, and there were a large number of mechanical dogs and goblins rushing over. , Liu Nian and Ye Ci had no way to keep a distance to shoot, so they had to recruit pets, four besieged one, and killed the mechanical dog as quickly as possible.

When the mechanical dog had 10% of its health left, Ye Ci withdrew and rushed towards the direction where the goblin and the mechanical dog were running, laying frost traps and freezing traps in succession at the fastest speed.Then she retreated back. At this time, Liu Nian and Lao Si Xiao Wu had already put the mechanical dog down. The mechanical dogs and goblins who rushed over stepped on the freezing trap and were immediately frozen into huge ice blocks. .

And before they were frozen, Fleeting Nian had already thrown a hunter's mark on one of the goblins' heads, which meant that it would be the target of the two people's next battle.Just when all the monsters were frozen and the goblin marked with the hunter's mark was attracted by Ye Ci, Fleeting Nian rushed to the edge of the trap and added another freezing trap and frost trap.

Although the two had never formed a team before, their fighting habits were very similar, so after a round of fighting, they quickly got used to their coordination.The speed of fighting monsters has also become faster.There were about 20 goblins and mechanical dogs in this batch. After the two people set up two rounds of traps respectively, there were only seven or eight left.Fleeting Nian said to Ye Ci: "Multiple arrows can be counted in seconds. There are only seven or eight arrows. They are only elite monsters. It shouldn't be too difficult."

Ye Ci happened to think so too.She released the fourth child to push forward, and she threw out an arrow net first, and then gave up the multiple arrows together with Fleeting Nian.

An arrow net, coupled with the multiple arrows of two high-level hunters, is powerful enough to instantly kill most of the [-]th-level elite monsters, and there are two pets that are not weak. The remaining goblins and mechanical dogs Before they even had time to get close to the two of them, they all fell down.

Ye Ci looked at the battle time, three minutes and 47 seconds. The 22 elite monsters at level [-] all fell down, really quickly.

Fleeting Nian sat down and began to restore mana. Although Ye Ci didn't need to restore blue, her stamina dropped faster on the western continent than on the eastern continent, so she often had to sit down to replenish her stamina.The fourth child swung his fat buttocks and rushed to Ye Ci's face, begging for food.Ye Ci reached out and took out a piece of grilled quail from the package and threw it to the fourth child. The fourth child excitedly picked it up to catch it, and then looked provocatively at Xiao Wu who was standing in the air and flashing his wings. His little eyes were very mean.

Xiao Wu squeaked and flew around Fleeting Years. It seemed that he was irritated by the fourth child, but because he was a small team, he could not attack each other, so he began to sue the master, hoping that the master would take action to seek justice for himself.Fleeting Nian just reached out and patted Xiao Wu's head, and then threw a piece of high-grade barbecue to it to calm its uneasy emotions.

This is the first time Ye Ci has watched Fleeting Year's pet at such a close distance. It is a huge dark red bat with a pair of fleshy wings that are seven or eight yards long. There is a fierce light hidden in a pair of green eyes. , the front paws have degenerated, but its hind paws are very strong and powerful, with deadly hooked claws, it seems that it is not easy to mess with.But at this moment, Ye Ci didn't find anything fierce about this bat, only found a kind of childish anger.

"Your bat doesn't seem to be an ordinary bat." Ye Ci made a judgment. After all, ordinary bats, even elite-level bats, are not so big and vicious. This kind of bat looks like an epic-level monster: "It is an epic-level monster. Yes."

"Well, I met by chance in the Togo Canyon, and I almost died trying to catch him." Liu Nian nodded, and then looked at the fourth child who was shaking his head and tail: "Your Tyrannosaurus Rex is not an ordinary Tyrannosaurus Rex, right? Class?"

"Well, it's about the same as you. I almost fell to my death trying to catch him." Ye Ci nodded, with a rare smile on his face.In fact, when two hunters are together, there are still many topics to talk about, from strategy and tactics to skills and skills, from equipping weapons to raising pets.

"It's conceivable." Fleeting Years understands what Ye Ci said. Epic-level creatures are not so easy to capture. Behind every hunter who owns an epic-level pet, there is a book of endless bitterness. "What's the name of your Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"Fourth." Speaking of his pet, Ye Ci didn't seem to have that much defense against fleeting years, and even opened up the conversation in a good mood: "Where's yours?"

"Little five."

"Why is it called Xiao Wu?" Ye Ci was puzzled.

"I am the boss, Xiao Er is too ugly, and Xiao San is too immoral, so my pets start from the fourth row, and Xiao Wu is the second pet. According to the ranking, it is Xiao Wu." Liu Nian is very complacent about naming himself , What an easy way to remember. "What about yours? Why is it called the fourth child?"

Ye Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, he really didn't want to answer this question, it turns out that there are guys in this world who are as bad at naming names as himself...

"How many pets do you have?" Liu Nian looked at Ye Ci with an elusive smile on his lips.


"Your first pet won't be called Lao San?"

"How do you know!" Ye Ci was a little surprised, is it so easy to guess?

"Absolutely, you are the boss. The second child is not good because it involves a certain part of the male body and cannot be on the stage. So I jumped directly to the third child. When it comes to this dinosaur, I will be the fourth child." Fleeting Nian laughed. : "Young master, I didn't expect that your idea of ​​naming my name is still the same."

"It's called incompetence, and it's the same thing..." Ye Ci muttered, this Fleeting Year's face is really thick enough, this kind of embarrassing thing can be said in his mouth so high-sounding, this There are not many people in the world with such thick skins.

The two rested for a while, and continued to move forward after the fourth child and the fifth child were full of wine and food.

Now that they knew how to trigger the neutral monster, the two of them didn't need to sneak, and walked freely in the city of Wasoko.This used to be a city full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, but now there are dead trees and flowers and rotten branches everywhere, the river bed has also dried up, and many fish bones can be seen in the crevices of the stones at the bottom of the river. It is conceivable that this place used to be How wonderful.If there was no mechanical dog, the two of them would have been able to pass by the goblins here, but their expressions looked dull, and there was no trace of expression in their big eyes.

The two moved forward cautiously, while constantly investigating. If they found traces of the mechanical dog, they would kill it immediately without giving it a chance to bark.Wasoko is not too big, but it took a lot of time to go around like this. When the two sat down to rest again, it turned out that it was time for dinner in real time.

Seeing that Ye Ci had no intention of going offline, Liu Nian asked her, "What's the matter? Aren't you going offline for dinner?"

Ye Ci shook her head: "No, the time for this task is too tight. In order to complete this task, I have already filled the nutrient solution. There is nothing special. I will not go offline until I complete this task." She said and looked at it. Looking at Fleeting Years, although I have to do tasks all the time and don't have time to go offline to eat and sleep, it doesn't mean that I should let Fleeting Years follow her all the time. Anyway, she still has enough supplies now, so it's not easy to bother people to send supplies for the time being.So she said again: "You go down to eat, I won't run around, I will always be in the copy."

Fleeting Nian wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, he nodded: "Okay, I'll go offline, you should pay more attention to the surrounding situation in the dungeon, be careful."

"I understand." Although the two have always been at odds, Ye Ci still humbly accepts Fleeting Year's instructions.After all, if you die in this dungeon as yourself, not to mention the inevitable punishment of losing experience and equipment, just running the corpse is a very troublesome situation.

After confirming that Ye Ci nodded, Liu Nian stopped talking and went offline directly.

Ye Ci sat for a while, and after waiting for her stamina to be full, she walked towards the city of Wasoko.Although there are still many goblins living here, the strange thing is that they don't wander around in the city, but just wander around the edge of the city without any rules, making the already dilapidated city even more desolate.Leaf Ci held an elf compass in one hand, and walked slowly on the streets of Wasoko. There are now everywhere leaves and mud after the decay of the grass, giving off a stench. However, after careful observation, it is still You can see many small wild flowers blooming in the corners.

I don't know why, but it's probably because these fresh wild flowers are in full bloom, which makes Ye Ci feel that the city is even more desolate.Ye Ci doesn't know the language of ancient goblins, so she can't understand the words written on the shops in the streets and alleys, but fortunately, there are some signs on these shops, and these signs are different from the signs of shops on the whole mainland. The difference, this allows Ye Ci to smoothly distinguish where is the grocery store and where is the pharmacy...

Since this was once a city, there should be something in these shops.

With this thought in mind, Ye Ci casually walked into a shop. The containers inside were already in a mess. She searched carefully, but found nothing useful. It seems that the equipment, potions, etc. Things that have long since been destroyed when Wasoko was in decline.Even so, Ye Ci did not give up hope, she still searched door to door on the street, hoping to find something useful.

Hard work pays off, in a shop inlaid with gems, Ye Ci really found a few flawless gems, although there are not many, but this kind of gems are priceless in the market now, just these few gems are worth a lot. It has made Ye Ci's hard work these days not in vain.In a happy mood, she threw the few gemstones into the package, and then continued to search forward.

At this moment, a sharp reminder sounded from the goblin compass: "Dangerous, dangerous! Dangerous at 45 degrees ahead to the left!"

Hearing such a reminder, Ye Ci immediately dismissed the fourth child, and then entered a stealth state.She is currently in an ordinary resident's house. The window is open to the street. Ye Ci is hiding under the window. She quietly stands up and pokes her head out, following the instructions in the goblin compass to look in the direction of 45 degrees to the left. After passing through, there was indeed a small alley there, and there was nothing to be found. If it wasn't for the constant alarm in the goblin compass, Ye Ci would probably think it was a mechanical prank.

She waited quietly for less than a minute, when she heard the sound of orderly footsteps coming from far and near.Probably because the streets of Wasoko are not made of stone, the footsteps are not too loud, but they are very neat. As you can imagine, there should be a lot of them.

"Little son, where are you?" Just as Ye Ci was still stretching her neck and looking out of the window, she was questioned by Fleeting Year's team.

"Look at the map yourself." When did this guy come up?Unknowingly, she didn't notice it at all.

"I'm on the roof opposite you. According to the map, you should be near me. Why didn't I see you?" In the house, but he didn't find any trace of Ye Ci.

Only then did Ye Ci adjust his gaze and look towards the house opposite him.In fact, it is a house, but it is just a huge dead tree. She quickly found the fleeting time hidden in the shade of the tree, so she replied: "I am under the window. Just now, the goblin compass pointed out that it is 45 degrees in front of the left." It's dangerous, I only heard the sound, but didn't see what it was, can you see it from that angle?"

Liu Nian searched for Ye Ci's location again, finally found her, and then looked towards the place Ye Ci described. Sure enough, a dark pack of orcs walked towards the street where the two were.

"Did you find out what it was?"

"A group of orc guards." Fleeting Nian also began to sneak up, and then began to describe according to what he saw: "The number is about forty to fifty, and each level is above sixty. Elites should be chained. Yes, as long as you move one, all of them will come over."

"Is there a mechanical dog?" Ye Ci is quite concerned about this thing because he suffered from the mechanical dog at the beginning. That mechanical dog is like a real hunting dog, with a very developed sense of smell. If you have a mechanical dog with you , it is easy to find their existence.If this is the case, according to the current situation of the two of them, there is no doubt that there is only one way to go.

"I haven't seen it yet." Fleeting Nian looked carefully for a while, "You hide and don't move, don't make any noise, as long as there are no bloodthirsty undead, we should not be found."

In Destiny, each race has a racial specialty. For example, elves are inherently better at hiding than other races. Humans are born to be more intelligent than other races, and undead, its perception is inherently stronger than other races.

Although the bloodthirsty undead are monsters, they are also of the undead family in the final analysis, so their perception must be very high. If they exist, it is easy to detect the smell of strangers.Especially... the smell of the living.

While the two were talking, the group of evil orcs got closer and closer.Ye Ci buried his head under the window, so that he could better hide himself in the shadow of this room, and even held his breath, in order not to be discovered by these orcs.

Liu Nian squatted on the tree house, completely hiding his body under the shadow of the dead tree and the parasitic plants. Through the leaves of the plants, he quietly inquired about the group of orc guards who came over.Unlike the monsters in the bloody wilderness, these orc guards are dressed in neat armor, holding silver weapons in their hands, and their steps are uniform and majestic. At first glance, they are relatively high-end ethnic groups, unlike those wandering around outside the copy. The hide scouts are no different.

The pace of this group of orc guards was extremely powerful, and they made a very damp sound when they stepped on the soft and rotten mud. Behind them was a soldier in more advanced clothes.I saw him wearing a silver helmet, with two long feathers on the helmet, and a huge spear on his back. He was armed almost to the teeth, and under its crotch was a blue-skinned Kodo beast. .Fleeting Nian threw an observation spell at the orc and obtained its attributes.

Orc Patrol Captain: Level 63, Elite, HP: 500000/500000.
"There is a guard captain at the end of the team, a level 63 elite with 50 HP." Fleeting Years knew that Ye Ci's current hiding place was invisible, so he took the initiative to tell Ye Ci whenever there was any situation.

"Pervert." Ye Ci rolled his eyes. Although the blood volume is not too high, it's not so easy for elites at level 63 to be killed. With so many guards, they can only go And sighed.

"These monsters can't be killed, just wait for them to pass." Liu Nian hid his body in the shadow again.

The orc patrolling soldiers had already reached the street between the two of them. Suddenly they stopped, and the few orcs walking in the front began to sniff around, and then spoke the orc language that Fleeting Years could not understand. "What are they talking about? Have they been discovered?"

Ye Ci had learned the language of the ancient orcs, so he could understand what these orcs were saying.But the things they discussed were obviously quite unfavorable to the two of them.

"It's a bit bad. They found that there is a beast smell on this street. It should be the smell left by the fourth child just now."

Orcs are an excellent race of natural hunters. They are different from elves. They are better at tracking. Therefore, the smell of some beasts is very sensitive to orcs.

"You have not yet entered the battle, so you go offline quickly." Hearing this, Liu Nian immediately said to Ye Ci, before entering the battle, players can go offline at will, as long as the team does not disband, when they go online in a while, The player is still in place. "It will be online in half an hour."

"Okay." Ye Ci can't think of a good way now, she has the smell of a fourth child, and if she continues to hide like this, she will soon be discovered by the orc patrols. The best way is to go offline.She didn't delay and went offline immediately.

After Liu Nian watched the portrait of Young Master You in the team turn gray, he continued to calm down and hide in the shade of the trees.He went offline just now, and he didn't summon pets after he went online, and he didn't have Xiao Wu's smell on him, so as long as he hides here quietly and doesn't make any noise, nothing will happen.

The orc guards not far away suddenly lost the source of the smell because of Ye Ci's offline, which made them a little confused. They sniffed around, but still found nothing, so they had to start reporting to the guard captain. this matter.Obviously, the captain of the guard didn't pay much attention to this matter. After listening to his subordinate's report impatiently, he waved his hand and spoke a series of languages ​​that Fleeting Years couldn't understand. The whole team assembled again and set off again.

Clap clap clap.

The IQs of the orc guards were not high. Since the captain of the guard said to move on, they didn't continue to search for the matter just now. After they were arranged neatly, they went far along the street.

It wasn't until their shadows had gone far away that Fleeting Nian exhaled slowly. This is too mysterious. If it wasn't for Gong Ziyou who went offline in time, and a few seconds later, both of them would have been discovered up.

Soon, these orcs left, and the whole street returned to its peaceful and decadent past.Liu Nian observed carefully, and after confirming that there were no more orc guards, he jumped from the tree house to the ground, then lowered his center of gravity, and quickly ran into the room where Ye Ci was hiding just now, and hid there.

Just before he hid, he suddenly heard a crisp voice from behind: "Hey, outlander, what are you doing here!"

Ye Ci went offline, because she agreed with Liu Nian to go online again in half an hour, so she took this opportunity to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.Although the nutrient solution can guarantee the body's various sound needs, it is different from eating. In addition to filling the stomach, the more important reason for eating is to satisfy the appetite, especially for Ye Ci. She is a foodie, and not eating is really a painful thing for her.

Almost pinching the thread on the watch, Ye Ci still appeared under the window of that room, but when she could see the things in front of her eyes, the first thing she saw was a huge green face with a pair of eggs on it. The big eyes stared at herself, and she took a step back in fright, and immediately drew out her dagger and took a defensive posture.

"Wow! I was scared to death, why did another elf come out here suddenly." Before Ye Ci had time to say that he was scared, he didn't expect that guy to yell like that instead.

Ye Ci only took a closer look at this time, and it turned out that the speaker was a goblin.In fact, it looks quite normal, of course it refers to the normal of the goblin, just now I thought its face was extremely huge, mainly because it was too close to Ye Ci, and the person standing behind the goblin was either Fleeting Years or someone else.

"This is my companion." Liu Nian introduced Ye Ci to the goblin with a smile, and then said to Ye Ci in the team: "Meeting an NPC seems to be different from other NPCs. This NPC is a friendly NPC, and the mental state Relatively normal."

"Oh, so it's also an elf." The goblin looked Ye Ci up and down, with a big smile on his green cheeks: "Hello, my name is Niqi."

"Hello, my name is Young Master You." Ye Ci put away his dagger after hearing Fleeting Nian's explanation, and bowed respectfully to Nicky to show his friendship.

"Ha, this is the other companion you mentioned, right, so can you help me now?" Nicky was obviously not particularly interested in Ye Ci's salute, he nodded at Ye Ci, and then turned his head immediately Ask about fleeting years.

"Of course, there is no problem." Fleeting Nian agreed to Ni Qi, and at the same time began to explain to Ye Ci in the team: "I just met Ni Qi here, and he gave a task, let us go to the square of the Goblin Palace to general I found his package, and I don't think it's inconsistent with your mission route, so I'll take it, no problem."

"No, I have to go there anyway." Ye Ci nodded. Of course, the task in the dungeon is of course not to be missed, so it's best not to miss it.

Ni Qi seemed very happy about Fleeting Year's promise. He took out two red stones from his body and handed them to the two people: "These are two energy cores, which are used to control mechanical chariots. You also know that, The most powerful thing about our goblins is engineering, which is why Wasoko has become so dilapidated. The current backpack is in the corner of the square. I think there must be a large number of orcs and undead gathered there. It depends on yourselves If you fight alone, you will never get back my backpack. Therefore, I will lend you these two energy cores first. You take these two energy cores to the northwest corner of the Palace Square, where the Many goblin chariots, undead and orcs are fools without brains. They don't know how to manipulate those things, so they just leave those goblin chariots there. In fact, they don't know that goblin chariots need energy cores to start Yes." Nicky is a goblin who talks a lot, he said a lot, and finally told the two of them the most important point.

"Goblin chariots have different uses, some are used for defense, some are used for attack, and some are medical vehicles. You have to choose well to finally defeat those orcs and undead."

Standing in the northwest corner of the Palace Square, Ye Ci and Liu Nian looked at the row of chariots, and began to discuss which two would be better to drive.

"The defensive one is definitely the same as the MT. It won't have much attack, but if you don't turn on the defense, can you resist it?" Ye Ci stood between the two chariots and was confused. The one on her left was the defensive chariot. The attack tank on the right, I really can't make up my mind which one is better to drive.

"Let's drive the attack one, I'll drive the treatment one, and I'll add blood to you later." Fleeting Nian has already installed an energy core on a medical vehicle.

Ye Ci sighed, it is indeed a bit dangerous to lose one person, but it is useless if the light can be blocked, and it does not hurt, so let's attack.The energy core was installed on the attack tank, and Ye Ci also jumped on the tank.

This kind of operating machinery is relatively rare in the early stage of Destiny, but there are many in the later stage, such as driving chariots, catapults, cannons, and even airplanes. It is really enjoyable for players to be able to play.However, compared to the difficulty of operation in the later stage, the machinery in the early stage is relatively simple.Ye Ci often drove this thing in his last life, so he was not familiar with it at all, but it was the first time he drove it in Fleeting Years. He jumped on the medical car and got familiar with it for a few laps before he got started.

Then the two of them drove towards the palace square.

I don't know if I don't enter the Palace Square, but it is really shocking to enter the Palace Square.The square was surrounded by countless undead and orcs.Throwing a detection technique, it is not difficult to find that these undead and orcs are not high-level, and they are not elite monsters. However, they are superior in numbers. If so many undead and orcs are attracted, they will be like a tide When it rushed over, the two of them would be submerged in an instant.

"Oh, it's exciting enough." Fleeting Nian narrowed his eyes, even though he said so, there was a smile on his lips.He has this expression whenever he is interested in something.

Ye Ci took a deep breath: "I'll walk from the corner first, try not to attract large troops, and see how many I can deal with."

Fleeting Nian nodded, when he didn't know the depth of the other party, it was obviously the best way to be careful.

Ye Ci began to attack the chariot and began to clean up from the corners.There are three skills on this attack tank, one is a single attack, one is a group attack, and the other is a large-scale group attack.Among them, the last large-scale group attack has the strongest lethality, but the cooling time is the longest, while the single-target attack has the worst attack power, but it is instantaneous.At the beginning, Ye Ci could only use single-target attack skills to clean up the monsters one by one. However, although the single-target attack attack power is not high, it is enough to deal with single undead and orcs, one shot at a time, very simple.

It's just that these undead and orcs live in groups, and it's easy to attract a group by hitting one, so after a few single attacks, Ye Ci still wants to use a group attack to kill those guys surrounding his chariot.This attack chariot has a good attack, but its defense is the lowest. If it weren't for the fleeting medical cart at the back that healed up quickly, Ye Ci's chariot would have fallen apart long ago.

After playing for three and five minutes, Ye Ci discovered something.This chariot is the same as the original cannon in the dungeon, and it also pays attention to a combo rate. If the combo rate is higher, the cooldown time of the skills for large-scale group attacks will be shorter and the attack power will be stronger.Not only that, but the chariot also has a storage of energy points. When the combo rate reaches a certain level, the energy point storage will be activated. As long as the energy point storage reaches 5 points, a hidden chariot skill can be activated, causing 10 All monsters within yards are stunned for ten seconds.

These discoveries really made Ye Ci very happy. As the operation of the chariot became more and more flexible, the range of damage became larger and larger. In a short time, the corpses of dead undead and orcs almost filled the entire square.

(End of this chapter)

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