hunter world

Chapter 225 The Black Iron Dwarf

Chapter 225 The Black Iron Dwarf
Chapter 25 Dark Iron Dwarves
The Mithril vein in the eastern continent is located in a corner in the southwest of the mainland map. This map is not too big, but it is definitely not too small. However, there are more than 50 level monsters wandering around this map. Most players are basically discouraged from this map.Not only that, because there are smoky volcanoes everywhere on this map, the air is also very hot. If players are not fully prepared, they will suffer a "hot injury" when they come to this map. of fire damage.

It's easy to lose your life here before finding a supply point.

The environment here is so harsh, and there are many high-level lemurs wandering around, which is enough to dissuade many players from coming here for a visit.

Ye Ci sat for a while, but still couldn't find a way to open this vein.In the end, I could only go back to the nearby supply point to have a look.A map like this located in a remote area of ​​the city is basically a map with only one supply point.And the design of the supply point is not necessarily in the middle of the map, its position may appear in any position of the map, it depends on your luck when running the map.If you are lucky, you will be able to find the supply point soon. If you are unlucky, you may have to open the entire map to find the supply point.

Ye Ci, as a reborn person, naturally does not have the hard work of other players running the map. Since she entered this map called Evil Habitat, she went straight to the supply point, opened the teleportation point, and then went to Mithril Dangling around the veins.

It's a pity that Ye Ci, who has been wandering around for several days, really didn't find any effective way to discover or excavate the mithril veins. In desperation, she had to give up the opportunistic method and go back to the supply point to see if she could find it from the NPC there. what clues.

Back at the supply point, Ye Ci checked with all the NPCs first, but when it was disappointing, none of the NPCs mentioned that there was a Mithril vein in this place, but they received a lot of quests.Although she was anxious in her heart, Ye Ci thought that the Shengshi Guild was able to find the mithril veins, and it definitely did not fall from the sky. There must be some way, but she doesn't know this way. Miss any clue, I believe she can find it too.

Since he decided not to give up until he found the mithril vein, Ye Ci didn't care how many tasks he had now.Her current level has reached level 55, and she is a top-level suit. It is not difficult to do the task of level [-] here. Even the difficult task of a three-person team is not a problem in Ye Ci's opinion.

The task of brushing a low level with a high level is generally very fast, and it will not take much time to solve it.This practice is most vividly reflected in Ye Ci.So dozens of tasks, if it is done by players around level 55, it will probably take a day or two, but Ye Ci only took 3 hours to complete all of them.

Take quests, do quests, turn in quests, and take quests.This is the most common leveling method in the game.Although Ye Ci couldn't get any experience from doing the quest because of his full level now, he still got a lot of money, prestige and various quest rewards.Even if nothing is gained from these NPCs in the end, Ye Ci can still earn a considerable income by selling all the equipment rewarded by these quests.

"Oh, elf, my friend, I am grateful for everything you have done for me, because of the herbs you picked, my legs feel much better." The tasks that the NPCs in this hidden camp can deliver are basically It's done, but there is only one female dwarf named Jasmine left to complete the task.

Speaking of which, the tasks that Jasmine gave Ye Ci from the very beginning were very simple, either to pick up some rocks, or to dig some herbs, or to kill a few evil spirits.However, her rewards are much richer than other NPCs.This situation did not attract Ye Ci's attention at first, but after a few rounds of tasks were delivered, Ye Ci discovered the unique existence of this NPC.

The task is so simple, but the rewards are so rich, this is definitely not a bug that was neglected by the planner, there must be something important behind it.Players who have just started playing games may not have this keen sense, but if Ye Ci, who has already been reborn for the first time, does not have it, then she is wasting the loophole of rebirth in vain.

In view of the fact that Destiny has a very large hidden mission system, Ye Ci is very careful when doing Jasmine's missions. She never chooses to skip the conversation with her. Instead, she carefully studies word by word before making choices and answers carefully. You can't just let a hidden mission pass from your eyes in vain.

"Really? It's my greatest honor to be able to help you." Ye Ci smiled all over her face. She spoke in a very gentle and modest tone, and even gave Jasmine a slight salute.

Jasmine's race is dwarves, but they are not dwarves in the general sense.Unlike the player's dwarf race, they belong to another group of dwarves - the dark iron dwarves.It was recorded in the history books of the mainland that the race of dwarves is divided into three types according to the skin color. One is the white dwarf, which is the dwarf in the general sense, the race of the player.The other is the black iron dwarves, their skin is dark, and there is another kind of dwarf called the red fire dwarves, whose skin is red, like a burning fire.

These three wildlings were originally led by the dwarf king Mokmodo. However, after the death of Mokmodo, the three races wanted to recommend their own warriors to succeed the dwarf king. The most powerful race after humans - dwarves, divided into three.

Because the white dwarves have the best relationship with humans, they received the greatest help from humans in this melee, so they divided up the best territory among the dwarves, and they established a long-term and close comrade-in-arms relationship with humans. All continents began to multiply.The black iron dwarves were the first race to lose in the war because they were relatively withdrawn by nature and had the smallest number of races. Their patriarch was very far-sighted. After signing an armistice agreement with the white dwarves, they left the white dwarves far away. The dwarves' territory, went to explore the deeper parts of the continents.The red fire dwarves, who were the last to lose, were not as lucky as the black iron dwarves. All their territories were occupied by white dwarves, and they were driven out of the four continents by white dwarves.

This is also the main reason why players haven't encountered red fire dwarves on their own continents until now. However, with the opening of the expansion pack, red fire dwarves will soon break into everyone's sight, setting off a new wave for the players' exploration career. A climax, of course, is something that will happen in the future, the important thing now is how Ye Ci found the Mithril vein.

The nature of dwarves is actually not to fight. Although they have never been afraid of fighting, it can be said that everyone is brave and good at fighting, but their interest has never been here.The interests of dwarves are a bit similar to those of dragons. They all like shiny things, such as gems, such as precious minerals.Therefore, every dwarf, male and female, grows very strong and strong, because every dwarf is a born miner.In the days when they are not fighting, the dwarves live underground, where they dig all kinds of ores and gems they like.This habit is something that dwarves grow in their bones, and it will not be different because of the different races of dwarves.

Therefore, on the mainland, no matter which mine is in the mine, if there are NPCs distributed, if you observe carefully, there must be dwarves.

This is probably the reason, so elves who have always loved nature are the most disdainful of dwarves. They think that dwarves have a copper smell that makes elves sick. Similarly, dwarves don't like elves. And the races that can only sing and dance, but these two races are close comrades-in-arms with humans, so, in terms of this relationship, they are more tolerant of each other.

It was for this reason that Ye Ci was particularly careful when facing Jasmine, speaking neither humble nor overbearing, and tried not to touch the conflicts between the two races, so that he could gain the trust of this female black iron dwarf to the maximum extent possible.

"Oh, you're the kindest elf I've ever seen!" Jasmine looked at Ye Ci and nodded in satisfaction, then twitched her lips, looked at the sleeping elf NPC not far from the camp and said disdainfully: " And the other elves are so annoying! It seems that there are good people among the elves."

As for this kind of battle between NPCs, Ye Ci certainly wouldn't go to the trouble to participate in it. If she had to participate in this kind of thing, then she would die soon without knowing how.So, she just stood aside, smiled gently, and listened to Jasmine's words without expressing any opinions.

Jasmine talked to herself for a while, when suddenly there was a rumbling sound in her stomach, and she actually showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

"When you are injured, you really need to eat something delicious, so that your wound can heal quickly." Ye Ci didn't laugh at Jasmine because of this, and even offered her a very kind and considerate suggestion.

"Oh, what a good elf said is good." Jasmine smiled shyly after hearing Ye Ci's words: "I am indeed very hungry, but I really don't want to eat dwarf bread, oh my god, you I don’t know what a disgusting feeling it is to eat that dwarf bread every day. I heard that the food made by elves is delicious. I always wanted to try it, but I never had the opportunity. I don’t know if you can satisfy me This wish?"

"Of course, I am willing to serve you."

This is an open task.Because the NPC didn't name what food to eat, but just said in general that they want to eat food made by elves, which is too broad.You know, in the game of destiny, like the formula of life skills, each race will have its own unique formula, which is outside the public formula.There are many players who only learn the popular recipes because their reputation in other races is not enough to learn the formulas of other races, and Ye Ci is no exception.Although she is a reborn player, although she also knows how important it is to achieve a high reputation among various races, but in the end, she has no skills at all. Raise the reputation of other races.

It seems that improving the prestige of other races can only be done slowly in the future.

Fortunately, the dishes Jasmine ordered were the dishes of the elves. As a hunter, as an elf hunter, cooking is a necessary life skill, and naturally all the dishes of her own race have been learned.Now that the most fundamental conditions have been met, the rest is a matter of choice.

I don't know who once said such a sentence, life is to bear the result of your choice in different choices.

But now one of the problems Ye Ci faces is choice.For players who are exposed to open missions for the first time, they may not understand that such missions are actually the most difficult, because there is only one chance to choose, and this opportunity will determine the outcome of subsequent missions.If you make a wrong choice, it may be the end of the mission. If you choose the right one, you may be able to start a huge hidden mission.And how could Ye Ci, who has been reborn, not know the importance of such an open task.

After ten years of honing in her previous life, she has experienced tens of thousands of open tasks, and the choices she made are basically correct in nine out of ten, so she is also very confident in the choice this time.

How can the open choice task be more likely to be completed? This issue has also been discussed a lot in the forum of the previous life. If it is possible to efficiently complete the open choice task, there is only one way, and that is to go to the National Library of the Mainland to read more books.Of course, when this point of view was raised, it was basically ridiculed by all players.

You must know that there are not just a few books in the National Library, but tens of thousands of books. If you want to read them all, it is absolutely impossible without a year or two.

At first, Ye Ci also thought so.At that time, she also relied on luck for the open choice missions, anyway, the hit rate was so-so, until she was hunted down... In desperation, she hid in the absolute safe zone of the National Library.In the first one or two days there, Ye Ci lived like a year. If she wanted to go out, the enemies outside were waiting to kill her, but if she didn't go out, there would be nothing in the National Library except books.After suffering like this for a day or two, she saw that she really couldn't get out, so she decided to read the book with peace of mind. After reading the book, she actually got into it. She soaked in it for several months, letting the surrounding All the enemies who blocked her simply gave up, and she was still obsessed with those books.

Although Ye Ci came out of the National Library later, he would still go to the National Library every day after playing games. After all, reading is a very happy thing.And Ye Ci, who only regarded reading as a hobby at the beginning, completely regarded reading as a kind of BUG, ​​and the timing to face it was actually an open choice task.Or it should be said that it is a series of open choice tasks.

That was a classic mission after the game had been in operation for four years and after the fourth expansion was released.There are a total of sixty rings in this mission from the first ring to the last ring, and each ring is an open choice task.And once you choose the wrong link in the middle, you will be forced to restart. If you are forced to restart more than ten times, then the player will miss this mission.However, there will be a very special reward after the last link of this mission is completed. It is for that reward that billions of players in the entire game try to do this mission, but no more than a hundred players complete this mission in the end. indivual.

And Ye Ci is one of the hundreds of players who have completed this.Not only that, but she was the only player who didn't choose any link wrongly.The rewards are naturally very rich, but it is not luck that Ye Ci can do this, but the books he has read in the National Library for a long time.

During this mission, Ye Ci discovered how powerful the books of the National Library are, so powerful that it can be called the bug of the entire game.It records all the issues of the entire continent, from astronomy and geography to human history, and even to the genealogy of each race, as well as how various skills were developed, how they were finalized, and so on.In short, as long as it is all the problems that players can encounter, they can all be read in the National Library.It's a pity that such a huge BUG has never been discovered by players.

I don't know if players pay too much attention to playing games, but less love for books?Still facing such a huge sea of ​​books, few people can persevere.In short, in the subsequent games, Ye Ci would spend time in the National Library whenever he had time, reading non-stop.

It is probably because of this reason that she has become a rare know-it-all on the entire continent.

It's a bit ashamed to say that Ye Ci was so keen on reading in his previous life, but after his rebirth, he didn't even step through the gate of the National Library.All the knowledge she knows now is completely based on her own money, so Ye Ci secretly made up her mind that when everything is over and she is free, she must visit the National Library frequently.

Facing the current choice, Ye Ci is not flustered at all.When she knew that it was Jasmine who made the request to eat elf cuisine, she had already made up her mind.Of course, it is impossible for the National Library to tell the player the correct answer to the open choice, but the player can reason based on some details recorded in the National Library.

For example, dwarves are a race that likes food and wine very much.For another example, dwarves are not good at hunting by nature, but they like to eat meat very much. The rarer the meat, the happier they will feel.For example, the food that dwarves hate most is dwarf bread, because the only food that dwarves are good at cooking has been eaten for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have long since hated it.For example, among the four continents, the dwarves actually like the town of Bran in the southern continent the most, not because of the beautiful scenery and simple folk customs there, but because the Bran wheat that is abundant there can brew the most delicious Bran stout...

Etc., etc.

These detailed descriptions of various races are put together, and the player can easily deduce the most suitable and correct answer for the open choice.

According to Ye Ci's knowledge of all the habits of dwarves in his memory, coupled with Jasmine's request, Ye Ci quickly found the most suitable dish in the elves' recipes-braised dragon meat with western wine.

Of course, the dragon meat here refers to the more precious dinosaur meat, not the kind of dragon that flies in the sky. =
The ingredients for this dish are very rich, such as 50-year-old western Irish wine, ceratopsian thigh meat with a quality higher than 40, the characteristic cumin of Champion City, and the secret spices of the elves... and so on. Not something easy to prepare.

In order to prepare this dish, Ye Ci had to fly back to Champion City and travel to various maps.She even contacted Yang Yu Hongchen, who was pushing the dungeon in the southern continent, and asked him to quickly get herself a few bottles of good Bran Stout...

In short, after spending a full three hours, Ye Ci finally delivered this so-called perfect western wine stewed dragon meat, plus five bottles of Bran's Stout to Jasmine's eyes.

Even through the lid, Jasmine has already started to sniff, "It's so fragrant, so fragrant!"

"Hurry up and eat, this is the special dish of our elves." Ye Ci put the plate in front of Jasmine, and then lifted the lid, and the rich fragrance immediately permeated the air.Jasmine closed her eyes and sniffed vigorously, unwilling to let go of even a little bit of fragrance. From the flush on her face and the intoxicated look, Ye Ci thought that she basically made the right choice 50% of the time. Alright, the remaining 50.00% depends on Jasmine's performance after eating this dish.

Dwarves are really a very fast race. Even if the delicacy of the world is placed in front of them, they will never taste it carefully like humans, undead or elves, they will only stuff it into their stomachs at speed.Because for the dwarves, savoring food or fine wine is a pure waste of time, and wasting time is tantamount to wasting their chance to earn gems, and they will never do this.So, very quickly, Jasmine finished off the large plate of braised dragon meat in western fine wine in front of her, and poured five bottles of Bran's Stout into her stomach by the way.

It is simply a wind-like fast.

This speed moved Ye Ci who was sitting on the side.You know, it took her three hours to make this, and this NPC took less than 5 minutes to solve it all. In comparison, Ye Ci felt that the food she had worked so hard to cook was ruined.

"That's great, that's great! It's really great!" Although Jasmine couldn't stand up because of her leg injury, she still waved her hands happily, and it was obvious that she was really excited.Then, the follow-up that Ye Ci was waiting for finally came: "How can I enjoy such delicious food all by myself! I have a good friend named Dudu, and he is currently exploring the mines in the west. Can you bring a copy of this dish?" Give him a taste?"

"Of course there is no problem." Ye Ci immediately stood up and accepted the task.Fortunately, she likes to leave room for things. Just now, when she was making dragon meat braised in western wine, she made a total of five servings. If it weren't for her, wouldn't she have to waste another three hours?
Ye Ci was very excited. Judging from Jasmine's satisfied expression, she chose the best answer this time.Although Jasmine would reward Jasmine no matter what kind of elf recipe Yeci made, but if she chose the best answer, she would get the biggest reward. This is also the charm of open-choice missions.

And after this choice, Jasmine did not give Ye Ci any rewards, but just asked her to find another NPC. This is very abnormal for an NPC that has been giving players rich rewards. This abnormality shows a problem , that is, the player has found the most critical point to proceed to the next link of this task.If the player does not find this key point, I am afraid that what they get is just a pile of money or better mission equipment.

Compared with those things, Ye Ci was naturally more interested in the follow-up tasks. She bid farewell to Jasmine and ran towards the mine to the west.There are several different mines, big and small, in the map of the ghoul habitat. For Ye Ci, she has been running around here for the past few days, but she knows every piece of land here clearly.She clearly remembered that there was no NPC in the western mine.

But now Jasmine asked herself to go there to find Dudu, which meant that after she made the corresponding choice, an NPC was refreshed there.

Soon, Ye Ci arrived at the western mine, and he saw a dark-skinned black iron dwarf sweating profusely at some ore in the huge abandoned mine.Ye Ci walked into him and greeted him friendly: "Hello, dear dwarf."

The black iron dwarf named Dudu looked back, and saw a tall elf standing beside him, and a disgusted expression appeared on his face: "Go away! Nasty elf! I can't bear it!" If you are not a hypocritical white dwarf, you will not be pleasant to you, get out of here quickly, or don't be rude to the hoe in my hand!"

It seems that although Ye Ci has gained Jasmine's favor, it does not mean that Dudu also has goodwill towards her.So Ye Ci had no choice but to take out the western red wine braised dragon meat from his pocket, "My friend, don't be angry, I am Jasmine's friend, and I am entrusted by her to bring you today's lunch."

"What? You're Jasmine's friend? How could Jasmine make an elf friend? It's so strange." Although Dudu was stubborn, he was no longer so angry and stubborn when he smelled the aroma of braised dragon meat in western red wine.He began to sit down and taste the food while sipping fine wine.

Alcohol quickly anesthetized Dudu's nerves. After Dudu had finished the meal, his attitude towards Ye Ci had completely changed. Not only did he call Ye Ci brothers and sisters, but he also started chatting drunkenly: " Let me tell you, Elf, I actually don't want to come to this ghostly place to explore, look, I've already walked through such a mine, where is there any treasure!"


"It's hard that Jasmine didn't tell you? The reason why we left our race and went to this place where no shit is to explore is because of the precious ore. Jasmine's guy didn't know what kind of false news he got from the patriarch. If you want to say that there are precious ores here, you dragged me here, but we have been here for a month, what kind of precious ores, I rarely even see ores! Tell me, have I been Lied to?" Dudu complained through alcohol.

Ye Ci was silent.The black iron dwarves are the most popular among the three types of dwarves. They are not as fond of dealing with humans as the white dwarves, and they are not as aggressive as the red fire dwarves. They put more experience on the ore. Therefore, there are their mining figures on every continent.Now Dudu said that Jasmine and him came here to find the precious ore, and Ye Ci can confirm that what they are looking for is Mithril!
In other words, the Dudu in front of her is probably the key NPC for her to open the Mithril vein!

Thinking of this, Ye Ci couldn't hold back his excitement.She took two deep breaths to stabilize her emotions, and then said calmly, "Maybe this legend is true."

"Shit!" Dudu finally swears, which makes Ye Ci a little surprised. You must know that in the game, players who swear will be blocked by the system, but she has never heard of NPC swearing. This Dudu It's really special. "Do you think we are the first group of people who came here to search for that precious ore? No! Many tribesmen have come here to search for it before us, but none of them returned to the tribe in the end. It's so dangerous here, there are lemurs everywhere, I really can't stay here for a day!"

"Then what can I do to help you?" Now this NPC named Dudu is full of resistance to the search for the Mithril mine. Although Ye Ci is a little anxious, he dare not persuade him casually. Say what he wants, and then find a way in Manman.

"Oh, good elf, my good elf, you are the best elf I have ever seen. Since you are good friends with Jasmine, can you help me go back and talk to Jasmine, don't embarrass me anymore, I I don't want to send my life to this place where the birds don't shit." Dudu looked pitiful.

This is a errand task, although it is a errand task, but it is indeed the only way for the task to continue.Ye Ci began to walk between the two NPCs to send them messages.

I don't know how many times I went, Jasmine finally sighed: "My friend, it seems that Dudu really doesn't want to find that treasure, so I wonder if you can help me find some clues for Fadudu? You have to know that the patriarch is my grandfather, he will never lie to me, I believe, there must be a treasure hidden here!"

"No problem, please leave it to me!" Ye Ci almost screamed.Although she had wasted more than eight hours on these two black iron dwarves, she finally saw the light!Looking for clues to the Mithril Mine?This is tantamount to telling Ye Ci directly, as long as you find the clues, you will open the mysterious mithril mine! !

Riding the fourth child, Ye Ci's gloomy figure was running around the ghoul's habitat like a ghost.The ghoul habitat, as the name suggests, the most monsters here are ghouls.

The lemurs are the lowest level of monsters, but don't look down on them just because they are the lowest level of monsters.Although they don't have much blood, they are all long-range attacks. They are good at using magic flames and magic bursts. Two lemures together can easily deal with a 55-level high blood warrior or knight. It is really not to be underestimated.

Although Ye Ci has reached level [-], it is expected that they should be extra careful.However, both sides are attacking from a distance, as long as they are not chased and intercepted, Ye Ci can easily deal with these little demons.Ye Ci wandered around near the mithril vein, hoping to find some clues, but unfortunately, what was waiting for her was still the silent black rock, and there was nothing else.

It seems that I was wrong?
Since we can't find any clues near the Mithril vein, let's go a little further and look.Ye Ci distanced herself and began to search further away from the Mithril vein. It didn't take long for her to find a very important clue.

Unexpectedly, in the cracks between several rocks, she saw a dying black iron dwarf. His face was all over, and his beard had turned white. It could be seen that this black iron dwarf was very old.He lay there, murmuring: "I'm so thirsty, I'm so thirsty..."

Ye Ci immediately took out cool spring water from his bag, and brought it to the lips of the black iron dwarf.He seemed to feel the damp breath, and immediately held the kettle in his hands, and began to drink water in big gulps. After a while, the black iron dwarf drank all the spring water in such a big pot.

"Are you feeling better?" Ye Ci looked at him and asked eagerly. You must know that this guy hadn't noticed it at all when he was inspecting this map. It can be seen that he was also refreshed with this mission. But looking at his current state is really not good, Ye Ci has a feeling that he will return home and west soon.

"Oh, it was an elf who saved me. This is such a ridiculous ending." The black iron dwarf blinked his eyes, his voice full of exhaustion.

"I'm a friend of the black iron dwarf Jasmine. They came here to search for a precious ore, but they had no direction. I was entrusted by her to find clues. You can trust me!"

"Jasmine? Is it the patriarch's little granddaughter?"

Ye Ci thought about it, Jasmine did say that she was the granddaughter of the Black Iron Dwarf patriarch, so she nodded, "That's her."

"How long have I been away? Jasmine has grown up, and Jasmine is already able to find treasures!" The black iron dwarf let out a long breath: "Being able to gain Jasmine's trust shows that you are a good elf, elf , I do know the clues of that ore, I even drew a map, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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