hunter world

Chapter 107 Copy in Progress

Chapter 107 Copy in Progress

Ye Ci looked at Qing Yanmo, and saw a trace of bitter helplessness between the corners of his eyes and brows, probably because these failures made him really stressed.She shook her head: "Aren't you the conductor today? Why do you want to change?"

"But now..." Qing Mo hesitated to speak, looked at all the members, he sighed, and lowered his head.

"Aren't we opening up wasteland today? Who can open up wasteland without killing people, and who can open up wasteland without destroying regiments?" Ye Ci just laughed: "The so-called cooperation is dead, and there is no natural perfect cooperation." Speaking of it Here she paused again, seemingly unintentionally, and said, "Changing the command like changing the general in the middle of a battle. How can there be such a thing? Changing generals just before the battle, nine times out of ten, you will lose the battle. "

Ye Ci had already said this, and it was obvious that he would not accept Qing Yanmo's proposal.Qing Yanmo felt more and more nervous, his hands and feet were cold, Mo Shuishen saw his emotions, went up and patted him on the shoulder: "Just do what you think, we are all your soldiers now, if you don't obey, just say it... ..."

Qing Yanmo looked up at Mo Shuishen's smiling eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded.He turned around and walked aside, and went to adjust his mood by himself.After a while, he was almost adjusted, and the team assembled again.

Ye Ci turned his head to look at him, and saw that his face was still as calm as water, but it was not difficult to see that there was a kind of burning confidence in his eyes.

In the first stage, standing up and fighting monsters, no one fell down, and passed the level smoothly.In the second stage, the icy ray hid perfectly and passed the level smoothly.The terrible third stage came. Qing Yanmo summed up the failures of the previous few times, adjusted his thinking, and tried to find a method suitable for his guild.

"MT hold the hatred and don't move, vice T and MT stand at a 129-degree angle to attract the second hatred! The main healer adds blood to the deputy T. Three Ts pay attention, once the deputy T falls, take over immediately, four Ts and five Ts Pay attention to pull the mobs on both sides, don't let the mobs explode. The melee fighters focus on all the mobs and the long-range boss. When I call for damage reduction, all occupations will use damage reduction skills. Drink potions without skills! "

Qing Yanmo adjusted the entire battle command, and now everyone is basically used to his command, and soon understood its meaning, and everyone was ready. The third stage of the BOSS will begin immediately.Mo Shuishen held the boss. In the third stage, he can be regarded as the safest character. The boss will not attack the first hatred, but mainly attack the second hatred, and kill other professions randomly.

"The little monsters have appeared!" Qing Yanmo was outputting while observing the whole scene, "Four Ts and five Ts speed to the corner, don't let them get close to other professions, other melee speeds rush up to focus fire, don't let them Self-destruct!"

Four Ts and five Ts immediately rushed out, holding two green-skinned goblins from left to right, and other melee output professions such as thieves, barbarians, and knights rushed up immediately, and gave a meal to a super sea ​​flat.

"I'm angry, I'm angry!" The goblin on the left who was being flattened by the sea began to turn red gradually. This process lasted for 15 seconds. If it cannot be killed within 15 seconds, it will explode. Once he explodes, not only all the professions around him will be killed, but at least the long-range ones will not be preserved.The failure just now was due to this reason.

Ye Ci also adjusted the shooting target, transferred from the boss to the goblin, strengthened the hunter's mark, protected the falcon, and quenched the poison. In short, all the high critical strike skills were not lost. On the body of the goblin, he finally knocked down this one with 3 seconds left.Then a group of people immediately rushed to the other goblin and did the same, knocking it down.

After the goblin was brought down, everyone let out a sigh of relief, it was really amazing.

The melee fighters had just returned to their positions and formed a long-range group, when Qing Yanmo shouted again, "Soldiers, knights, protect the nanny, all occupations are ready to activate damage reduction skills, DPS, activate damage reduction skills and immediately AOE!"

"My children, come out!" As soon as Qing Yanmo's voice fell, he saw the boss raised his hand, and a lot of spore-like things sprung up on the ground, and then exploded one after another, and many strange things rushed out of it. The bugs are coming.

"Injury reduction!" Qing Yanmo shouted.

Almost everyone turns on damage reduction skills, or eats damage reduction potions.At the same time, the group skills of DPS occupations are all put down.Blizzard, Starfire Fall, Arcane Rain, Volley, Lightning Art... Countless skills are intertwined to make the whole scene look very beautiful...

Ye Ci shot randomly, while looking around, he felt that this scene was even more beautiful than the fireworks on the People's Square during the National Day...

"Puff puff puff..." Although the little monsters had thick blood, they couldn't stand such a frantic bombardment, and they all fell to the ground soon.One-third of the third stage has passed. As long as it goes through three times like this, the third stage is considered to be over, and the whole battle is also considered to be over.

After adjusting the commanding rhythm, it was much better. This first attack, no one was hung up. This made Qing Yanmo very happy. His voice on the commanding channel became excited and high-pitched: "Very good! Very good That's it! We keep it! We must keep it! Victory belongs to us every day!"

As long as you succeed once, the second and third times are much easier.Some people say that success can be replicated, others dare not say, at least, under such circumstances, it can be completely replicated.Soon the second wave of shock came again, and it passed smoothly!The third wave of mobs is also coming!Once again it went smoothly!
"No! It's impossible! Great kings, how could I be wiped out by a group of ants! Forgive me! Forgive me!" The boss screamed and turned into a puff of smoke, leaving only him The armor he was wearing fell to the ground.

"Ah! It's over!" Everyone shouted happily, laughing and dancing.Only when Qing Yanmo stood alone and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking, and Ye Ci walked to his side, did he realize that his whole body was trembling.

"Congratulations, it's over!" Ye Ci wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but in the end he just stood behind him and smiled.

Qing Yanmo immediately turned his head, rubbed his eyes hastily, and looked at Ye Ci with a happy smile: "President..."

"It is not good?"

"I, I..." Qing Yanmo didn't know what to say.

"I'll do better in the future." Ye Ci didn't say much anymore, just pointing at the armor of the boss in the distance with his fingers in his arms and said: "Hurry up and touch the corpse."

Qing Yanmo's luck is very good, so, in the group, it is customary for him to touch the corpse.This time, 2 pieces of equipment were produced, all of which were blue, including 5 weapons, 11 pieces of clothing, [-] loose pieces such as gloves, shoulder pads, helmets, belts, shoes, and capes, and one piece of jewelry.One of the hunters used leather armor, but it was not as good as Ye Ci's, so she gave it to another hunter in the same group.

After the old one called, Qing Yanmo looked at the time and it was almost noon, and said: "Everyone take a break for an hour, eat if you need to eat, and organize if you need to tidy up, don't make a copy, and continue with the old one later." two."

Everyone agrees.In the dungeon, as long as the monster is killed, it will not be refreshed again, so everyone stayed at the place where the first boss was, and went offline.

When driving to the second child again, the journey went smoothly, but the second boss faced the problem of treatment for the whole team.Because the difficulty of the second boss is to rescue a imprisoned undead NPC, players must ensure that the undead NPC cannot die when fighting the boss, otherwise, the boss will be invincible, and the only thing waiting for everyone is to destroy the group.But to treat undead NPCs, ordinary priests and priests are not enough, because the healing spells of priests and priests are all light-based spells, which will cause damage to NPCs, so druids and rangers must be used for healing.

The problem is that druids and rangers don't have a high amount of healing. Not only that, but now the druids and rangers in Tiantianxiang's team basically take the DPS route, and none of them take the auxiliary route, so the healing equipment can't keep up , the talent can't keep up, and the treatment is very difficult.

So at the second place, even after trying several times, he had to leave the battle because of insufficient treatment.

Qing Yanmo and Mi Lu studied for a while, and finally decided to use a druid and a ranger to heal the NPC. This time, the NPC's blood volume was enough, but the DPS was not enough, and it was extremely difficult to fight. The pressure within the four treatments increases a lot.

Ye Ci had to recruit the fourth child to help attack the boss in melee combat, but she said in the channel: "MT and deputy T must stabilize the hatred, we can't let the baby grab the hatred and pull it away, his hatred is very high , and there is no ability to reduce hatred. So you have to be very careful, don't be greedy for attacks, and stabilizing hatred is the first priority."

Others don't know, but Ye Ci knows that the skills of the fourth child are all epic skills, so the hatred is called a fast, and she has never released it because its hatred is too high, but now, if you don't use it It is released, I am afraid it will not work, if one druid and one ranger are lost, the DPS of the whole team will drop a lot, so the old four can only go up.

The fourth child is indeed an epic-level creature. Although it is only level 17, even normal attacks are scary. After going up and grabbing it a few times, Mo Shuishen felt that the hatred on his body had dropped so much that he quickly shouted: "Hurry up!" Get your thing back! I can't hold back anymore!"

Ye Ci hurriedly called the fourth child back to rest, and waited until Mo Shuishen stabilized the hatred, then let it out, attacked more than ten times, and then brought it back.In addition to Qingyanmo, the hardest part of fighting a boss is probably the fourth one. He ran over and came back, and refused to eat. For this, it expressed anger and protest—strike .

(End of this chapter)

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