Chapter 129 The Jino Clan

Although the Spring Festival is the most solemn and lively festival among many ethnic groups, it is not the case for all of them. For example, the most solemn and lively festival of the Jing nationality is the "Ha Festival".

The "Ha Festival" is held every year, and the dates vary from place to place. "Singing Ha" means singing and entertainment in Beijing. On the day of the festival, all the men, women, old and children in the village must wear costumes and gather in front of Hating to greet the gods and offer sacrifices, praying for a good harvest of fishery and prosperity for both humans and animals.

Every year during the Harbin festival, the villagers take turns making "hatou", and a fat pig will be brought out from the "hatou", and a table of wine and meat will be held to participate.It seems that many ethnic groups value men over women, and men are superior to women. This is often reflected in inconspicuous small places, such as taking turns singing at banquets, and women can only listen to the singing and not sit at the table.

"Marriage in ancient times was basically the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. In other words, it was a feudal arranged marriage, and the Jing people were no exception. Now most of them fall in love freely and use antiphonal songs to find a partner. After antiphonal songs, if the man If you are in love with a girl, you will slowly approach her, and use your toes to push the sand towards the girl, and if the girl also wants it, you will kick the sand back to her."

"In fact, not only the young men and women of the Jing nationality determine their marriage and love through antiphonal songs, other ethnic minorities also have this marriage custom, but the Jing nationality's custom of kicking sand is a bit fun." Su Jiu had met the locals when he was honeymoon with Gu Ye People kicking sand, although she thought it was fun, she still didn't participate in it.

"The fishing industry of the Jing people is very developed, and they have many customs born of it. For example, they still retain the custom of 'seekers have a share' called 'relying', which means 'staining light' in the saying of the Han people. If you want to eat seafood, you can go to the fishing foil after low tide or on the fishing boat returning with a full load, pick some up and take it away, the owner will not blame you.”

"The anchor has to say that the fishermen of the Jing nationality are really generous. If they were the anchor, it would be impossible for outsiders to be honored. In the eyes of the anchor, the so-called 'reliance' contains the feeling of Lao Lai. Try to think about it, you have worked so hard, okay? It’s easy to fish for a day, and then a lazy guy who does nothing all day comes forward to take your fish, are you happy?”

"Of course the anchor believes that the original intention of the Jing people's custom is not to serve these lazy people, but people can't prevent this from happening, and it is inevitable that they will feel a little unhappy. So it's better for everyone to support themselves, and don't expect to be alms of men."

"Okay, let's talk about the taboos of the Jing people. The taboos of the Jing people can be said to be closely related to the long-term fishing life. For example, if the rice is burnt, you can't say 'Jiao', because 'Jiao' has the same pronunciation as 'Jiao'. Hitting the rocks... How should I put it, it feels like a strong wind of feudal superstition is blowing over—"

Su Jiu took a breath, and then broadcast live: "Let's talk about the Jing people for the time being, and the minority we want to know next is the Jinuo people."

"About the ethnic origin of the Jinuo nationality, there are two kinds of theories of the aborigines and the theory of southward migration. The word 'Jinuo' originated from the era when the ancestors of the Jinuo nationality lived in Jiezhuo Mountain. For uncle, 'Nuo' means the one who follows behind, and the literal translation is 'the person who follows uncle'..."

"There is an ancient legend in the local area. In ancient times, when floods flooded the land, only a pair of kind and brave brothers and sisters Mahei and Manu survived under the protection and guidance of the gods. Husband and wife. The immortal once gave them 10 gourd seeds... 4 kinds of people came out of the gourd. The Jino people came out first, followed by the Han people, Dai people, and Hani people."

"This legend is false as soon as you hear it. It is the same as the legend of Nuwa's creation of man. It is a fairy tale created by human beings. However, from this legend, we can see that the Jinuo people are the same as the Han, Dai, Hani and other ethnic groups. The close relationship in ancient times, maybe we all have the same root, but after a long time, we have developed into different nationalities, anyway, we are all descendants of China."

Although it sounds fake, the audience in the live broadcast room still listened with great interest. After all, in the eyes of most people, the story about the origin of human beings is the creation of human beings by Nuwa. Unexpected little surprise.

Su Jiu flipped through the explanatory notes and said: "The Jinuo tribe respects Zhuge Kongming, and that's right, Zhuge Liang who needs to visit the thatched cottage. It is said that the ancestors of the Jinuo tribe were part of Kongming's Southern Expeditionary Force. Furthermore, "lost" was attached to the association as "youle". Although these people caught up with Kongming later, they were no longer taken in. In order to survive these outdated people, Kongming gave tea seeds and ordered them to grow tea well, and called Zhao He built a house with the style of his hat. The circular embroidery pattern on the back of the Jinuo boy’s clothes is said to be Kong Ming’s gossip, and he also called Mr. Kong Ming when offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods. Although the authenticity of the above legends needs to be verified, it reflects to a certain extent The close connection between the ancient Jino people and the Han people."

"Zhuge Liang in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can be regarded as a major protagonist, but the wisdom described by Zhuge Liang in it is so close to a demon, he is hardly a human being. Of course, the anchor is not cursing, but Zhuge Liang in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Like a god, but it turns out that he is not a god, otherwise Liu Bei's side would not have lost in the end."

She had sold the books of the four major classics in the live broadcast room early in the morning. Of course, the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" was not sold in the Qing Dynasty, mainly because she was worried that it would affect Cao Xueqin's writing in the future. After all, this is a masterpiece that can be passed down through the ages!Besides, she also hopes to see the real follow-up of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in her lifetime, not just the first eighty chapters.

At this time, Su Jiu never expected that by the time Cao Xueqin wrote this great book, her connection with the Qing plane would have been severed long ago.Under the influence of Su Jiu, the Qing Dynasty has now entered a stage of rapid development, and the industry has also begun to start. High-level officials such as Kangxi and Prince Yinfeng attach great importance to scientific research personnel. I believe that there is no need to worry about talents like Dai Zi being buried in a short time.

The plane of Mercury is still the same, but as the rainstorm stopped, the coastline gradually began to shrink, and the land area gradually began to recover. Coupled with the high-yield grain researched by the research institute, their life became easier.

The plane of Eternal Night has seen the biggest change. Although there is still no sunlight, the number of patients suffering from depression caused by sunlight has gradually decreased due to the existence of holographic online games. The government departments are actively researching artificial suns and exploring other habitable planets.

The game plane is still the same, and all races are gradually adapting to the new life. The force value of human beings has now increased, and the once-a-month animal horde is no longer a problem. They even use it to make a small fortune , the number of skill cards purchased by Su Jiu's live broadcast room is not only increasing in number, but also in more and more types.

Su Jiu always felt that the Mercury plane should be about to pass the catastrophe——

 (O ^~^ O): Vote up——

  Monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and evaluation tickets expire and become invalid, don't be stingy——

  If you like it, you must collect it——

(End of this chapter)

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