The three moved their chairs to make room.

Wei Miao pulled over the wooden chair with backrest, lifted half of her cloak, and sat down leisurely.

The faint blue candlelight was right in front of her, but she didn't feel the slightest heat, like the phosphorus fire near the tomb.

The four of them gathered at a table, like a scene of a gangster conspiracy, with incompatible auras.

Ambrose against the wall was cutting cards, his magic shotgun stuck in his back.

He raised his eyelids and looked at her calmly, and said, "This dress is not bad, where did you order it?"

Wei Miao:?
There was a lot of twists and turns in her heart, and she finally replied: "It was a gift from a friend."

"Can you introduce me?"

"She is no longer in this world."

Ambrose paused while cutting the cards: "...Sorry."

Wei Miao didn't change her face, and said calmly: "'s okay."

Although the hunter misunderstood something, she was indeed telling the truth.

The cat boss with a friendly face asked, "Mr. Gray Rabbit, would you like to join the game?"

Wei Miao: "Of course, what are the rules?"

"This game is called 'Two Frequency'." Bud introduced, "The rules are very simple..."

For some reason, card games in different worlds are similar, but the rules introduced by Bard are rather peculiar.

The cards in this world are the same as in reality, a total of 54 cards, divided into four suits, replaced by simple geometric symbols, triangle △, square □, center ○ and star pentagon☆ each have thirteen cards, sequence 1 To 13, the cards face from small to large.

The remaining two are sacred hexagrams, one is an equiangular hexagram, and the other is an equiangular hexagram.Equiangular cards are larger than non-equal angles, similar to big and small kings.

The "two-frequency" rule of a deck of cards for four people is as follows: remove the six-pointed star from the deck, and distribute 13 cards to each person.The person who gets the triangle 1 needs to call out a 13 of any suit that is not in his hand. If all four 13s are in his hand, he can call out other cards.

The person who has the called card in his hand will be the teammate of the caller. These two are called the 1st team, and the other two form the 2nd team.

The shouter's teammates need to hide themselves and help their team win.That is to say, before the called 13 does not appear in the card pile, except for the called one, the other three cannot determine who is the teammate, and it is very difficult to cooperate.


If the 1st and 2nd or the 1st and 3rd place are the same team, the team wins.

In addition, if the hand is very good, the person who gets the triangle 1 can choose to become a landlord and monopolize the bet.

In terms of card type, three of the same card is a bomb, three of the same < even pair (three consecutive pairs and above) < four of the same.A single straight requires only three or more consecutive single cards.The size order of other single cards and pairs conforms to the order of the size of the cards. 13 cannot appear in a run.

It sounds like a complex variant of Doudizhu.Wei Miao wrote down the rules with interest, and watched Ambrose smoothly shuffling and reorganizing the cards.

Ambrose: "Want to play some bets?"

Wei Miao smiled slightly: "Talking about money hurts feelings."

She is a novice playing cards with three veterans, and if she has a little luck, she will lose all her pants.

Card skills and luck are indispensable, she does not have the blind self-confidence as a player, thinking that she is the child of destiny.

Bud joked: "Don't embarrass a penniless guest, this is pure entertainment."

"Okay." Ambrose replied, leaning back on the chair, without moving, and only dealt cards with his index and middle fingers, relaxed and freehand.

Precise power control allows each card to slide properly in front of its temporary owner.

Wei Miao waited until all the cards in her hand were collected before starting to organize them.

The material of this deck resembles steel as thin as a cicada's wing, smooth, hard and flexible.The back of the card is a gradient dark blue exquisite pattern, and the front is simple numbers and geometric figures.

The playing cards are rectangular and just the right size to hold in the hand.

Wei Miao looked at her own cards, she was quite lucky.She had two pair of threes, 7 and 10, but there were a lot of flops.

Kristal said, "Triangle 13."

Triangle 13 is waiting alone in Wei Miao's hands.

It is worth mentioning that, in order, she is Krystal's last family.

She looked up and saw that everyone had the same expressionless face.

The game started with a round of single cards. When Bud played the cards, he looked at Wei Miao and started chatting: "...We have roughly understood the affairs of Hebler. Why don't you tell us about your commission?"

The attention of the other two people also followed.

Wei Miao briefly explained her misunderstanding with Oga, and even told the whole story about Little Red Riding Hood.

The other three must have heard about the Xueji potion. She wanted to test the attitude of the three, and it would be great if she could help.

After telling the story, Wei Miao held only two pairs of bombs and two pairs.

But Krystal's card luck was also good, holding only one card in his hand, and looked at her calmly.

According to convention, the last single card left in the hand must be a high card, at least 12, and most likely 13.

At this moment, the power of cards is in Wei Miao's hands. She can explode and surpass Cory Stoll to become the number one, because the possibility of having a big card that can defeat her is very slim.

But the hunter and the catman still hold a bunch of cards in their hands.

She hasn't seen the number 6 on the poker table so far, and there are a few numbers that only appear once, and it is not impossible to even blow up a pair. If there is a bomb that can overwhelm her, the outcome is very uncertain.

Triangle 13 has already been played in order to grab the right to play the card. Now that the team is clear, Krystal shook the single card in his hand at her.

At this time, all fools know what to do. The worst result for the team that wins the first place is a draw.

Wei Miao didn't evade the obvious answer, she moved her finger and landed Zhang Wujiao 5.

Corry Stoll played the last 13 with a smile on his face and won the first place.

Next, Wei Miao successfully won the second place with two pairs of bombs.

Ambrose threw the bad cards in his hand into the pile of cards: "If that card was in my hand, I would play bomb and win the first place. After all, it is a purely entertainment game."

Wei Miao smiled slightly: "I don't think it's necessary to take the risk of a very small probability and give up the victory that is easy to get."

Krystal nodded approvingly and said, "Being your teammate is a very reliable thing."

Wei Miao corrected him in her heart, she only showed reliability to teammates with the same interests.

Thinking in another way, if she is the Crystal Prince, and she sees that her teammate played a pair without knowing the cards in her hand, her first reaction is to be full of question marks, and she beeps in her heart: "You play games like this?"

Pretending to be cool, only teammates are left sweating soybeans.

Now that the Crystal Prince is in a good mood, it's time to talk about Little Red Riding Hood.

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