Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 183 Luncheon

"We can finally be together. Will you despise me who is blind?" Hiberr asked.

"How could it be? You will always be my dearest prince." Princess Rapunzel smiled sweetly.

"I was raised by the witch like an animal, and I drew blood regularly. I was forced to pretend to obey her, and now I am finally liberated!" Princess Rapunzel rolled up her apricot-yellow bubble long sleeves and showed them the scars on her arms.

It was densely packed with small, flesh-colored scars, similar to those left by vaccinations when I was a child, spreading from the muscles of the upper arm to the forearm.

Its dense distribution reminds Wei Miao of the Sacred Eye Sacrifice Formation in the ghost domain dungeon.

"To celebrate freedom, may I entertain you a sumptuous lunch?" Princess Rapunzel smiled brightly, "Then I will return to the kingdom with you."

"Oh, this is really great!" Hiberle agreed in surprise, "I haven't eaten your cooking yet."

"I just learned it." Princess Rapunzel looked at the three of Wei Miao, and for some reason, she ignored Rapunzel's wife, "Would you like to stay for lunch? Don't dislike my poor craftsmanship~"

Looking at her pure eyes, the will to "agree" is just around the corner.

The Crystal Prince smiled: "The princess entertained her personally, but she was disrespectful."

The core of the secret realm is right in front of you, how could you leave easily.

"I'm not a princess yet, I'm just someone who just got out of the witch's clutches." Princess Rapunzel smiled coquettishly, "Let's walk around casually first, and I'll prepare."

She stepped forward to hold Prince Heber's arm, pulled him out of the warehouse, and smiled back.

"Let's go, go out and have a look." The Crystal Prince slightly raised his head as a signal.

Lettuce's wife stayed in the warehouse, guarding the circle, and the other three all walked out of the warehouse.

As Orga said, this place is in the wilderness.Brown-yellow Gobi Desert, dark light green sparse grass, grayish-white sky, windy wind with sand and gravel... There is almost no other life in the flat land at a glance.

Empty, desolate, dead.

Except for a lettuce bed.

The green lettuce is still vigorous and tenacious in such a harsh environment.

A simple log cabin and warehouse stand here.Their building materials are transported through the teleportation array. The design is simple, but strong and reliable, and can provide a shelter in the wilderness.

A boulder slapped on the bone scabbard, making a slight crisp sound.Wei Miao wove the cloak into a hood to cover her head, otherwise her short hair would be full of fine sand soon.

She walked to the wooden house, and the brown paint of the wooden house still exuded a faint smell.The door of the house was closed tightly, and laughter and laughter could be faintly heard from inside.

Oga squatted down, flipped the leaves of lettuce with wolf claws, and said, "It grows very well."

"The scenery is not good." Wei Miao knelt down beside him, pointing at Lettuce with a ray of Eternal Night Power at the tip of her index finger.

"Have you all forgotten? The most important thing is the will of the prince. We are the prince's friends, just like he wants to stay for lunch, we have to follow." The Crystal Prince stood beside them.

Oga was stunned, and admitted: "You are right."

Wei Miao smiled and looked towards the wooden house.

The luncheon is almost here, and everything is almost over.

At noon, when the sky was the most dazzling, Princess Rapunzel finally opened the door of the wooden house, and greeted her warmly with a smile: "The luncheon is ready, the three of you, please come in!"

Wei Miao tentatively said, "There is another lady in the warehouse."

Princess Rapunzel looked sad: "Her? Actually she is my mother, but she abandoned me to the witch. So... please forgive me, I am not ready to communicate with her yet."

For parents who saw her as a monster, such a reaction was understandable.

The Crystal Prince comforted: "It's okay, we understand."

"Anyway, if you don't come in, the food will be cold." She raised a perfect smile again and moved out of the way.

The three of them entered in a file, passing through the narrow door, and the goal of entering the room was a feast of sight and smell.

An indescribable aroma filled the nostrils, and all kinds of delicacies were brightly colored, including lettuce they were familiar with, and unexpected meat, such as a roast duck.

The caramel-colored skin is dripping with oil, reflecting a seductive luster.

These should be entertained from the precious food reserves.

Obviously just had a meal not long ago, after seeing this table of food, Wei Miao unexpectedly surged up his appetite again, and his appetite widened.

She has also been to various high-end places in reality, but the luncheon in front of her is also the best among all the banquets.

Prince Heber was standing by and smiling to welcome his friends.

"What a superb cooking skill!" The Crystal Prince exclaimed, "I can't wait to taste their delicacy."

"It's all thanks to the princess, I just watched from the sidelines." Prince Hebere's tone seemed to be showing off his peerless treasures, "After a few people are seated, the luncheon can begin."

There are a total of five seats, each with a porcelain plate of knives and forks, and exquisite glass goblets filled with crimson fine wine.

Several people sat down at the round table under the guidance of Princess Rapunzel.

Starting from Heberle and counting to the right, the seats are Crystal Prince, Orga, Wei Miao, and Rapunzel.

"First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Gray Rabbit, Lord Oga, and Lord Crystal for their great help, so that I can reunite with the prince!" Princess Rapunzel happily raised her glass, "Let's drink wine and celebrate this moment!"

Prince Heberle responded first, and drank the wine in his hand based on his feeling.

The other three raised their glasses politely, but they were not in a hurry to speak.

Wei Miao saw the blurred reflection of Mr. Gray Rabbit on the surface of the wine, and the fragrant wine tasted as clean as fruit juice.

The body is sending craving signals to the brain.

Perception is wrong.It's just that pure wine can't arouse her subconscious desire.

This desire is similar to when facing a demon sheep.

I don't know what is mixed with this wine.

She looked at her good partners on both sides.

The smile of the Crystal Prince was polite and distant, he swung his glass and sipped.

The werewolf gulped it down boldly.

The two of them did not know what method they had secretly prepared to deal with this glass of wine.

"I..." Wei Miao just wanted to deny that she had never drank alcohol, but received a thought from the cross pupil.


Ghost Eye didn't make a sound for a long time, Wei Miao was stunned by the sudden appearance of her head before realizing the source of the thoughts in her mind.

Her superficial movements paused, seeing that other people were looking at her, she forcibly changed her words: "I don't drink well, I'm afraid everyone will laugh at me."

Heberer joked: "I really want to see Mr. Gray Rabbit playing like a drunk."

Staring at the glass of wine with unknown ingredients in her hand, Wei Miao believed Ghost Eye's words, because she felt a desire coming from it.

The red wine slipped into the three lips.

It's the final week, not only the review is very busy, but also the unfinished professional homework is even more busy, and it is very engaging. It can be busy from afternoon to midnight.So please forgive me for updating

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