Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 169 The Blind Prince

The three walked all the way back to the White Tower, only the wind listened to their whispers.

The formation was still in the retreat, and the three of them maintained a good vigilance.

Wei Miao keeps her cross pupils open to gain a more comprehensive view.The bone-white scabbard was slung around his waist, and the long and narrow night-cut was held in both hands, pointing relaxedly at the ground, with the tip of the knife occupying the center line.

To be precise, Ye Cai was a one-handed sword, but the hilt was barely long enough to be held with both hands.

Prudence is not cowardice, bravery is not recklessness.

The Crystal Prince dominates the conversation among the three, and seems to have everything in mind.

"Let's review the experience of the White Tower."

"The witch pretended to be Princess Rapunzel and removed the forbidden space of the thorn barrier, which shows that she had planned it long ago."

"But she chose the roundabout way of pretending. Instead of strangling the prince in the White Tower, she followed him up the crystal ladder and pushed him down halfway."

Hearing this, Wei Miao said casually: "Her intention is not with the prince."

The Crystal Prince agreed: "That's right, in addition to punishing the prince, she also wanted him to lead the way and find me. When she walked out of the White Tower, she was performing a mental power scan at the same time. She found us before pushing the prince down. Ready to fight."

Oga interjected, "Why didn't the witch discover us later, and just pushed the prince down on a whim?"

The Crystal Prince patiently explained: "Whether witches are inside or outside of the secret, their cultivation systems are similar. According to the needs of casting, magic can be divided into instant magic and guided magic, and the latter can be divided into gesture guidance and singing guidance. "

"Instant casting, concise gestures and short chant are the mainstream of combat magic. The reduction of the process provides the advantage of quick casting, but sacrifices part of the power. Of course, the power ultimately depends on the strength of the witch."

"With the peak strength of an official witch, it is impossible for the instantaneous water shield to block my offensive. If it is not a witch weapon, it is the use of pre-chanting skills."

Pre-chanting, Crystal Prince didn't explain in detail, Wei Miao can guess one or two based on the literal meaning.

Complete part of the chant in advance to shorten the magic release time.

The witch has a complete training system and a huge and complicated extraordinary knowledge, and the booklet worth 5 silver coins is still too superficial.

Professional popular science analysis is very convincing. From Wei Miao's game perspective, Crystal Prince acts as a kind and omniscient guiding daddy.

The prince's attack at that time was indeed straightforward and fierce. Those dazzling crystal fragments were not ornamental objects, but the witch's first attack was easily blocked by the witch.

Oga didn't speak again, and the Crystal Prince continued: "The official witch's mental power scan can only roughly perceive abnormalities, and cannot penetrate the crystal wall to probe our information in detail."

"If we are distracted by the prince's suffering and miss the last hidden advantage, the witch will seize this opportunity to strike a thunderbolt—the pre-chanting gave her plenty of confidence."

So the Crystal Prince made a decisive move first, and even left that sentence in advance, which Wei Miao practiced exactly.

She was replaying the whole incident in her mind.

The Crystal Prince has psychological expectations for the witch's appearance and the prince's distress... He has a plan in his heart, he has insight in his head, coupled with his calm attitude and balance, his danger level in Wei Miao's heart soars.

The last person who gave her that feeling was pizza.

While thinking about it, the towering White Tower is already in sight.

The purple thorns are entwined with each other, weaving a net, and entrenched under the tower, preventing anyone who covets from approaching the white tower.

The prince's white horse was missing, probably because he was frightened and ran away.

The three of them stopped at the edge of the thornbush, and the Crystal Prince reached out his hand to stop Oga who was stepping forward, with a faint smile: "We will wait outside, in case the witch leaves behind."

Oga took a step back obediently: "I thought we were here to collect the prince's body? According to you, the prince is still alive?"

Wei Miao prefers that the prince is not dead.Those who jump off the cliff can survive these days, it is only 20 meters, and it is still a little difficult to fall to the death of the protagonist in the secret realm.

As for the barrier of thorns, this arrangement does not exist for the prince.

"In the secret realm, only the princess has the possible fate of killing the prince, and everyone else will be thwarted by fate. Even if the witch is at the deep space level, she may succumb to fate."

While speaking, there were faint painful groans from inside, as if a comatose person had just woken up.

The voice of the Crystal Prince was gentle and caring, and his feet did not move: "Prince, this way!"

"You are... that traveler!" The prince's hesitant and weak voice pierced through the thorny wall.

Suddenly, he uttered a panicked cry: "I, my eyes... can't see! Please save me!"

"Prince, don't be afraid, you will be able to get out by yourself." The Crystal Prince said calmly, "Think of Princess Rapunzel."

He pinpointed the prince's Achilles heel precisely.

"The princess is still in the hands of that vicious witch!" The prince's helpless and desperate tone turned firm, and one couldn't help but feel that love has such magical power, which can drag the blind prince out of the weak quagmire in an instant.

Oh, what a great love.

Wei Miao smiled slightly, like a silent mockery.

After a rustling sound, the sound of slow footsteps approached, and after a while, the prince successfully appeared in front of them.

The prince at this moment has completely lost his aristocratic demeanor, his clothes are ragged due to thorns and thorns, there are shallow flesh wounds on his limbs, coupled with the eye-catching blood stains on his white clothes, he feels miserable.

The red cloak degenerated into strips of red cloth, which were so torn that it was hard to see directly.

There are large and small scratches on the most precious face, the gentle amber pupils can no longer be seen, there are hideous puncture wounds on the eyelids, and there are two dark red bloodstains winding on the handsome disfigured face, There are scars around the brow bone.

He groped out with luck against the heavens, stumbled, and miraculously avoided all kinds of thorn bushes blocking the road under his feet, and at most he was scratched.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes will you be amazed by the son of luck.

"Prince." Crystal went up to meet him first, put his arm on his shoulders, and didn't care if the blood would rub on his body.

The prince covered his eyes with one hand, and said gratefully: "Traveler... I thought you were willing to help me rescue the princess because of a generous reward, but I didn't expect you to come to rescue me. What should I call you?"

"Call me Crystal." Said the Crystal Prince, "I also brought two helpers."

Wei Miao greeted at the right time: "Hi, I'm Mr. Gray Rabbit."

Olga's deep voice sounded: "I am Olga."

"Hello, I am the prince of this country, Heber." Heber nodded in the direction of the voice, with a friendly attitude.

If he knew that one of the two in front of him was a rabbit-headed man and the other a werewolf, his attitude would not be so good.

Wei Miao thoughtfully.

Heber's blindness allowed the two of them to appear beside Heber in an open and honest manner, saving some trouble. Was this also expected by the Crystal Prince?

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