Temptation to bend over

Chapter 103 World Record

Chapter 103 World Record
Due to the time difference, today's 100-meter sprint final is scheduled for six o'clock in the morning.

At six o'clock in the morning on this day, the live TV broadcasts of countless families were turned on on time. It was a rare occasion in history. At this time of the day, they watched the [-]-meter final match.

Song Yan was in good spirits today. When he walked into the arena, the staff were still preparing. Yao Ju told him to sit down and relax. The young athlete shook his head, expressing that he was not nervous.

In fact, he was really not nervous. It may be because he had restrained his strength two days ago. He was afraid that he would not be able to lift it up today, so he practiced again last night to ensure his physical condition.

"Hi!" A tall man with light blonde short hair suddenly came over and patted him on the shoulder.

His Chinese is awkward, but he said enthusiastically, "Aren't you nervous?"

In the summer morning light, the boy's short hair fluttered slightly.He turned his head, his brows and eyes were open, and there was a deliberate restraint that was different from yesterday.

Dawles laughed loudly, Song Yan said: "Of course there are some."

"Okok, but, I wish you success." Although this is the last Olympic Games in his life, he is looking forward to the rising stars and dark horses in the sports world.

Song Yan looked at this veteran who was said to be unsurpassed on the track, and admired his frankness, peace and sincerity.

"Thank you." This was the first time he said to a foreigner after he came to the international arena.

The big screen began to scroll and play. The sprint race was very fast. After this award ceremony, there are countless next ones.

Watching the young boy walk onto the field, he bent down and started to prepare for the start according to what was said in the broadcast, and the scene was silent.

Yao Ju was in the coach's viewing booth. Even he was shaking uncontrollably at this moment. There was a coach next to him to comfort him, but he found himself trembling uncontrollably.

This is a moment in history and this will be an unprecedented day!
The TV and live broadcast platforms have also turned upside down, and the hearts of countless people in China are concentrated here in this foreign country thousands of miles away.

"Help, I'm more nervous than him! I saw Song Yan's face, how could he be so calm!"

"I'm going, I really want to cry, what kind of black horse Shuangwen is this, Song Yan, you go forward!"

"Please, I'm really watching sprinting for the first time in my life, it's really the first time in my life!"

The preparation whistle is blown for the second time, and the athletes change their preparation postures and are about to start.

Some people have already covered their mouths and eyes, not daring to look again.

"Go!" The broadcast gave an order, and at this moment, all the athletes on the track were ejected like erupting rockets.

In front of the left of the team was a green figure and a fiery red figure respectively, and violent cheers erupted from the audience.

There were very few people from country Z who came to watch the sprint today, and no one expected that they would rush out a dark horse this year.

At this moment, Dawles was startled. He obviously didn't expect the boy's explosive power. At this moment, the moment he started running, he actually surpassed himself.

In just a few seconds, the shouts from the sidelines almost burst through the eardrums, less than ten seconds, four seconds, five seconds!
Song Yan was pulling away from Dawles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No matter the audience on the sidelines or in front of the screen, almost no one dared to believe this moment, and everyone almost felt that they were dreaming-Dowles, that was Dawles!

——9 seconds 13!

Song Yan broke through the key line, the first teenager in the history of country Z to break into the sprint world finals, setting a world record!

The Chinese people cheering on the sidelines of the game were stunned, and they couldn't believe that that person was really from country Z.

Yao Ju was crying on the sidelines, turned around and threw himself into the arms of a male coach next to him. He was completely unable to control himself. When the broadcast screen cut over, he was still wiping away tears.

The female reporter who followed up on the field was still the one from yesterday. At this moment, the words of the boy yesterday appeared in her mind.

——Everything, all in tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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