On the wedding night of rebirth, he was kissed crazy by a paranoid boss

Chapter 1186 Laughing Like I Just Killed My Whole Family

Chapter 1186 Laughing Like I Just Killed My Whole Family
The young man sneered, took another deep look at Shi Jiunian, and turned to leave.

Shi Jiunian stared at the boy's back, frowning slightly, he was really a strange person.

His temper is too wild and too evil.

After such a commotion, Shi Jiunian lost the intention of resting in the teahouse. She and Fu Jingchen left the teahouse, and Fu Huo and Jiang He followed behind them carrying large and small bags.

"What! It's just an outsider, pretend to show it to someone!"

Watching them leave the teahouse completely, the man cursed angrily.

"You don't want to live anymore! If the members of the Fa-rectification Association hear this, you will die!" Hearing this, the people next to him hurriedly pulled him to stop talking nonsense.

Shi Jiunian is an outsider, and everyone knows that she is an outsider, but with the protection of the Fa-rectification Association, no one dares to do anything to her. Little people like them, Shi Jiunian can crush them to death with a flick of a finger .

"Han Duzhou is able to come in any kind of rubbish!" The man was still not reconciled, and cursed angrily: "An outsider has become the head team, and now he is still speaking for the Si family. Just wait, Han Duzhou will be in chaos sooner or later!"


Shi Jiunian planned to visit Jiang Mianmian.

Jiang Mianmian set up a stall at the night market, and they went to take care of her business.

"It's not there! Well, don't move, I'll just do it myself."

Jiang Mianmian reluctantly took the perfume bottle from Dark Wolf's hand. He is a rough guy who doesn't know perfume at all, and doesn't know how to put it. He accidentally broke two bottles just now.

"Yes, sorry..."

Dark Wolf was worried that Jiang Mianmian would be angry, so he quickly apologized to her, he didn't mean it...

"Then, then I'll help you attract customers!"

Not wanting Jiang Mianmian to think he was useless, Dark Wolf hurriedly stood in front of the booth to attract customers.

However, he was such a big man, standing there viciously, he didn't seem to be soliciting customers at all, more like saying that whoever dares to come to buy things will be hacked to death.

Even if there were two people who wanted to buy it, when they saw him, they felt frightened and ran away.

So, an hour later, Jiang Mianmian didn't sell a single bottle of perfume.

Jiang Mianmian was helpless.

"I'm sorry……"

Dark Wolf also knew that he looked a little scary, big and thick, with a scar at the end of his eyebrows.

He was a little disappointed, he really didn't seem to be good enough for Jiang Mianmian, she was delicate and weak, standing beside her was like a beast standing next to a beautiful woman.

Dark Wolf went to the booth sadly and sat down, took out a thermos cup, unscrewed the cap and handed it to Jiang Mianmian: "Thirsty... drink."

The boss of the dignified mercenary association stumbled nervously when facing a little girl.

The members of the Mercenary Association hid in the dark, watching this scene, showing the expression of an elderly man looking at his mobile phone on the subway.

The boss of their family, can you be a little promising...

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Jiang Mianmian took the thermos and said softly, "You are not the one who solicits customers. You have to laugh. When you laugh, everyone will think you are easy to get along with and won't be afraid of you." .”

Whether everyone is afraid of him, he doesn't care.

The main issue was whether Jiang Mianmian would be afraid of him.

He looked at Jiang Mianmian, the girl had smiling eyes, she was gentle and well-behaved, with the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman, her eyebrows were curved, and she was very touching.

Dark Wolf couldn't help but swallowed, and according to what she said, the corners of his lips on both sides were pulled upwards, forcing out a smile.

It is true that he seldom smiled, and his smile was a little stiff and a little scary, and everyone in the Mercenary Association who could see it in the dark couldn't help shivering.

Jiang Mianmian thought it was a little cute, and her eyes curved again.

Seeing her smile, Dark Wolf was greatly encouraged, he really looks better when he smiles!
He walked to the booth confidently, raised a standard smile with eight teeth, and began to attract customers.

"Hey! Wife! Let's not buy it! Look at that man, his smile is so pervasive, I wonder if there is something wrong with his brain! We don't buy it! What if our brains become problematic if we buy it! "

Just as the woman was going to buy perfume, she was dragged away by her husband, who dragged her away.

Dark Wolf: "..."

Jiang Mianmian: "..."

When Shi Jiunian and Fu Jingchen came over, this was what they saw.

They are also a little confused.

Dark Wolf stood in front of the booth, smiling so pervasively, as if he had just killed his whole family, what was he trying to do? !

(End of this chapter)

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