Chapter 3 Father is Back

"Heavy? If I slap her, it would be light! The second child is still out there not knowing whether to live or die! But she is plotting against Nanzhi behind her back!" Grandma Lu gritted her teeth and said, "Second brother's family, please Doctor, show Nanzhi's face, we can't let the second child feel cold, and the rations will be deducted from the third room, starving them both! Let them learn a lesson."

Now, the second child probably won't be able to come back.

The second room is just such a child, even though it is a girl, but it is still a thought——

The doctor lived next door to Lu's house. Mother Lu was afraid that Lu Nanzhi's face would be scarred, so she immediately took the brown rice that Grandma Lu had promised to invite the doctor over.

The doctor heard that Lu Nanzhi had rolled down the ravine at the back of the mountain, so he inspected it carefully, and then he said in amazement: "After rolling down that ravine, his arms and legs are so good, just scratched a little? You This girl's life is too good! Last time a child in our village rolled down, he died on the spot! Another hunter rolled down, although he didn't die, but he also lost a leg."

As soon as these words came out, Lu's mother only felt a burst of fear.

If Nanzhi really has any troubles, she doesn't want to live anymore!

"As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed! You must be a lucky girl." The doctor gave Lu Nanzhi the medicine, and he was still amazed.

After hearing what the doctor said, Grandma Lu's eyes dimmed, and she said, "What kind of blessing can she have? If she is blessed—"

The second child came back.

There was sourness and despair in Grandma Lu's eyes, and she looked melancholy at the dark sky outside.

However, as soon as Mother Lu sent the doctor out, she happily ran into the house and said with joy, "Mother! The head of the family is back!"

When everyone heard that Lu's father had returned, their eyes lit up instantly, except for Lu Qinghe's eyes where fear and panic flashed faintly.

The second uncle is a ruthless person. The family used to rely on him to hunt for meat. He was not even afraid of tigers!

If he knew that he was going to kill Lu Nanzhi, he would definitely give him a good look!
Everyone rushed out of the door, and sure enough, they saw Father Lu returning in a hurry.

He also carried a bag of food on his back.

Father Lu opened the sack on his back, and it turned out to be rice!

It's white rice!
Not brown rice or sorghum rice, but white rice!
These days, let alone farmers like them, even non-member landlords may not be able to eat white rice every meal!

Uncle Lu was the first to react, and slammed the door shut.

He looked at Father Lu in great surprise, and said, "Second brother, where did you get such a big bag of white rice! Where did you get the money from?"

Lu's father said: "I didn't buy it, I was rewarded by others. On the way to search for food, I met a caravan of bandits. I helped. I found out the address of my aunt, and I can't stay here anymore, tomorrow we will pack up our belongings, go to the capital to escape the famine, flee to my aunt's house to settle down, and then try to make a living."

Most of the families with relatives elsewhere in the village have fled the famine, and there are refugees everywhere outside.

The place where they live has been dry for two years, and even the bark of wild vegetables has been gnawed clean.

There is no way out if you stay any longer.

They had thought about fleeing famine before, but the Lu family was born and raised, and apart from an aunt who married to the capital, they had no other relatives at all.

Now that Father Lu has heard about this aunt, there is a place to go to, so fleeing famine is of course urgent.

"Listen to the second child, I will pack up my things tomorrow and go to the capital to escape the famine." Grandma Lu, the head of the family, announced immediately.

Father Lu handed over the food to Grandma Lu, and only then did he see the scars on Lu Nanzhi's face.

"Why is Nanzhi's face hurt?"

Third Aunt Lu hurriedly gave a coy smile, and spoke first: "Second brother, it was Tie Dan who accidentally pushed Nan Zhi, and that hurt him. Don't worry about children playing around."

Mother Lu was so angry that she was about to speak, but Grandma Lu glanced at her at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "It is inevitable that there will be some stumbling blocks in the family. Now that we are fleeing famine, the whole family must be united and tightly twisted into one strand." The rope is the only way to survive. I still have three eggs here, from the second child’s family, you go and cook them, and feed them to the second child and Nan Zhi’s father and daughter, so as to nourish their bodies.”

(End of this chapter)

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