This queen is not too curly

Chapter 147 With the Most Surrendering Attitude

Chapter 147 With the Most Surrendering Attitude

Yan Yuan walked up to him and looked up at him.

She didn't know why she felt a little soft-hearted, so she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"His Majesty."

She called him softly.

Chen Ling's deep eyes were still dark gray. When he heard the sound, his eyelashes trembled slightly, but there was still no response.

Yan Yuan knew that the dog emperor was probably angry again.

Although she wasn't sure why he was in a bad mood, since the dog didn't go away, it was clearly waiting for her to smooth his hair, so she lowered her head and sighed: "Chen Lingchen, we haven't talked about it yet." Talk."

There have been too many changes in the past few days. After the winter hunt, she was put under house arrest because she couldn't get rid of the suspicion. She hadn't really had an open and honest talk with him, telling the real old reunion after a long absence.

Chen Ling's face was gloomy and he remained motionless.

Yan Yuan moved her steps and took half a step towards him.

Chen Ling took a deep breath, finally closed his eyes, stretched out his hands and gently hugged Yan Yuan.

Yan Yuan was slightly taken aback.

She and Chen Lingchen had never had such contact.

There is no ferocious bondage, just a shallow embrace.

She could feel Chen Lingchen's arms falling naturally on her waist, and his breath evenly falling on her ears, bringing a little warm itching.

This kind of embracing is quiet and gentle, like lying on the grassland in autumn, the wind blows the weeds across the body and heart, and the chaotic thoughts surging in her body are also calmed down.

Yan Yuan found that she liked this kind of contact.

She had always been honest, so she stretched out her arms to wrap around Chen Ling's waist.

Chen Lingchen's waist was thinner than she had imagined, and Yan Yuan finally hugged him firmly with a little effort, and then suddenly felt Chen Lingchen's chest tremble, and his breathing was slightly disturbed.

Yan Yuan raised her head suspiciously.

There was a strange embarrassment on Chen Ling's face.

But obviously, he was no longer angry.

The dog emperor's temper has become more and more volatile in recent days, but he also seems to be surprisingly easy to coax.

Now that he had calmed down, she smiled at him: "Shall we have a chat too?"

The storm will come eventually, now is the calm eye of the storm, the rare opportunity should be used to do more meaningful things.

Chen Ling frowned again, but finally gave a soft "hmm".

Yan Yuan then led Chen Ling into the hut in the other courtyard.

Originally, she just wanted to warm a pot of tea, sit down as Ning Bai, and have a good time with Chen Ling, chat about what happened in the past, and more importantly, discuss what to do with the gold jade pendant.

It's just that she didn't know why she entered the room, was brought to the bed by Chen Lingshen, and got on the bed naturally.

On the bed, Chen Ling untied her bun, lowered her eyebrows and kissed her eyelashes, then hugged her and closed her eyes.

Yan Yuan looked at Chen Lingshen's eyelids that had turned black and green, and realized belatedly that His Majesty the Emperor wanted to catch up on sleep again.

Yan Yuan: "..."

Yan Yuan sighed: "An Shenxiang is still needed."

Chen Ling replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Yan Yuan believed that he was a ghost, she said helplessly: "He will die."

Chen Ling fell silent, and his breathing gradually became calmer.

Before the matter was mentioned, Yan Yuan was afraid that he would really fall asleep, so she hurriedly picked up important things and said to him: "Princess Yuerong does have something with me, it is a golden silk and jade pendant, but I don't know what is hidden. It doesn't matter if the treasure map is there or not."

Chen Ling opened his eyes.

Yan Yuan whispered: "She gave it to me herself, let me keep it safe, but I don't know why she gave it to me..."

She had a vague feeling that this might have something to do with her similar appearance to Princess Yuerong, as well as her life experience, but such a big event... If there is no evidence, no matter how much it is guessed, it will be futile.

Yan Yuan felt her head hurt again.

She rubbed the space between her brows and changed the subject: "I saw a special kind of scar on the body of the deceased guard in the forest. That kind of scar came from the Kuiyu Camp, the task force of the late Emperor when he was in power."

Chen Ling's expression remained unchanged, obviously he already knew.

Yan Yuan thought for a while, then said in a low voice: "The one who killed us in Xueyuan... was also Kuiyuying."

If she could, she didn't want to bring up the day and night pursuit. Whether it was Bo Ying or she and Chen Lingchen, it was a protracted nightmare.

But now the Kuiyu Camp has appeared again.

This feeling of being chased by the nightmare aroused the deepest trembling in her heart, and the ardent hope that followed, she really wanted to seize this opportunity and let the people behind the scenes pay for it with blood .

Yan Yuan suppressed her breath.

Silence spread in the room.

After a long time, Chen Ling firmly held Yan Yuan's hand.

He broke off her clenched fingertips one by one, slowly stroked the scar on her palm, and asked her, "Does it hurt?"

Yan Yuan came back to her senses, and said with a smile, "It's been gone for a long time."

Chen Ling said in a low voice, "What about that time?"


Yan Yuan was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to realize that Chen Lingchen was asking if it hurt that year.

On the snowfield, she tied a homemade raft with a hemp rope and dragged him to walk in the snow.

It was really painful at that time.

The hemp rope was pulled into the flesh, and the blood dyed the rope deep red. The endless snow-covered forest seemed to have no end, and every moment was weighing repeatedly, the road ahead or life, which one would be longer? Some.

Pain and despair were intertwined at that time, and the icy nightmare haunted her for many years afterwards.

But now that time had passed, Chen Ling held her hand deeply, and her face was reflected in his pupils.

"It's okay that the hand hurts." Yan Yuan looked back at Chen Ling's eyes, and said slowly, "It's mainly because of the chest pain."

Chen Ling's breath was stagnant: "Is there a wound in your chest?"

Under his gaze, Yan Yuan slowly restrained her smile, and said indifferently: "No injury, just hurt from anger."

On the snowy field, she had heard him say "Little General Ning" so many times, and she would fight with him in different ways as she walked.

Chen Ling was taken aback.

Many memories came back at once.

The originally obscure and cold memory seemed to be less important at this moment.

He leaned over and hugged Yan Yuan, closed his eyes and traced her face again with his fingers, and finally buried himself on her shoulder and burst out laughing.

"It's been a long time, General Ning."


Chen Ling raised his head and kissed Yan Yuan's eyelashes again.

He lightly rubbed the back of Yan Yuan's ear with his fingertips, gently twisted a circle of hair with his fingertips, and then rolled his gentle lips onto her lips, the kiss that was originally meant to end gradually became lingering and deep.

Yan Yuan was a little itchy, and her body was a little limp, so she stretched out her arms to wrap around Chen Lingchen's neck, clinging to him and closing her eyes.

In the ups and downs, there is still something on my mind.

Panting, Yan Yuan retreated a little distance, and asked him in a low voice: "Did you...didn't rest at all these days?"

She didn't know how long he hadn't rested, but right now he was obviously at the end of his battle, his whole face was so pale that there was no blood, only the blue-gray under the eyelids was shocking to watch.

Chen Ling said in a low voice, "Yes."

He should be perfunctory, and his fingertips have already parted Yan Yuan's belt.

Yan Yuan pressed his wrist: " should have a good rest."

Chen Ling blinked deeply, raised his head and kissed Yan Yuan's chin: "En."

Having said that, his hand turned around and clasped Yan Yuan's hand, took her fingertips above her head, lowered his head to enclose Yan Yuan's lips and teeth, gasped and crushed and denied her suggestion with action.

Yan Yuan: "..."

Yan Yuan's face darkened in the confusion.

The dog emperor was afraid that there was some misunderstanding due to his own skills.

Yan Yuan held her breath slightly, using both hands and feet, and controlled his movements with only the simplest moves. In the next moment, she changed her shape when attacking and defending. She covered herself and pressed on Chen Lingchen, her bangs almost touching his eyelashes.

"Go to sleep."

Yan Yuan suggested gently.


"Chen Lingchen, you must rest."



"……it is good."

Chen Ling looked at Yan Yuan seriously, and suddenly his eyelashes curled up and he smiled.

Yan Yuan looked at his rare smile, wondering whether he agreed or not.

She soon discovered that many things could not be summed up by "yes" and "no".

She didn't know how to define whether he kept his promise, because Chen Lingchen didn't seem to resist, he lay obediently under her body, raised his head and kissed her lips lightly.

Yan Yuan froze for a moment, but did not resist.

After all it was just a kiss.

A light kiss like a butterfly flapping its wings.

Yan Yuan indulged in his kiss and gradually lost her mind, by the time she realized it, it was too late.

Chen Ling's heavy palm pressed against her neck, and the sudden lingering deep kiss seemed to pull her into the dark night.

Unknowingly, the hairpin was pulled out, the clothes were untied, the kiss continued down, the skin to skin brought a burst of trembling, his fingertips were like small flames, gradually spreading into a prairie fire on her body battlefield.

"Chu... Ling..."

"I'm here."

Chen Ling agreed to her in a low voice.

He maintained the posture of being oppressed by her, embracing her from bottom to top, doing the most presumptuous things in the most submissive posture.

Taking advantage of her confusion, he lured her into indulging, until her breath was broken and her body was completely limp and rolled against him, then he kissed her lips again, not giving her a chance to breathe.

Then, he heard her soft voice.

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, indistinct, as if about to cry.

Chen Lingchen finally showed mercy and stepped back a little: "...Huh?"

Yan Yuan bit her lip, she only had a little bit of clear consciousness left, and she used it all to recite "Seventeen Points of the Strict Army" silently in her heart.

Although... it's useless.

Chen Ling's deep kiss fell again.

Yan Yuan was forced to bear it, and finally she was discouraged and murmured: "...Chen Lingchen..."

Chen Lingshen stopped his movements, his eyes were slightly red: "Huh?"

Yan Yuan panted heavily.

Finally, trembling fingertips hugged his neck.

She buried her head firmly on Chen Ling's shoulder, and mumbled out difficult words:


(End of this chapter)

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