This queen is not too curly

Chapter 145 Empress Can Martial Arts?

Chapter 145 Empress Can Martial Arts?

After half an hour.

Princess Yuerong's body was transported back to the camp.

Her left shoulder was pierced by a sharp knife from back to front. There was only a small circle of dried blood on the clothes around the wound. There were shallow knife wounds all over her body, from her limbs to her body and even her face. Princess Yuerong's entire body was covered.

At that time, the sun was rising, and the orange light illuminated the scars on her face, which looked shocking.

However, upon careful observation, one would find that these scars were not serious, and even the arrow wound on the back shoulder was not fatal. Instead, they looked more like traces of being vented or tortured.

The leader of the gray cavalry knelt on the ground and reported to Chen Ling:
"The subordinate is Princess Yuerong who was found [-] miles away from the forest at dawn. She had been dead for about four hours at that time. She was not accompanied by anyone around. Her clothes were intact, but she already had many wounds on her body."

"The princess only brought two guards with her on this trip. The rest of the guards and Nv Shi are still in the camp. The subordinates have already questioned her once. Nv Shi said... the princess left the camp at night last night, and after that, the queen mother rode her horse to chase the princess."

Beads of sweat dripped from the gray cavalry leader's forehead, he raised his head to look at Yan Yuan, and said with difficulty: "And the weapon on your mother's body is... a bow and arrow."


There was silence in the camp.

Yan Yuan felt the eyes of her surroundings focus on her back, and the hot touch made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Chen Ling's face darkened instantly, and he took half a step forward, but was stopped by Yan Yuan.

Yan Yuan asked the gray cavalry leader: "Have you checked her wound?"

The leader of the gray cavalry said: "The princess has golden branches and jade leaves, and my subordinates dare not overstep."

Yan Yuan said: "You mean the wound on her shoulder is an arrow wound?"

The leader of the gray cavalry knelt down and saluted: "Your Majesty! The subordinates dare not, and the subordinates are just stating the truth!"

Yan Yuan said lightly: "It's okay, I'm just defending myself, the truth needs to be tested to know."

The leader of the gray cavalry was sweating profusely: "Your Majesty..."

Chen Ling said calmly, "Autopsy."

But it is not so easy to examine the body of the princess of the neighboring country. Princess Yuerong's maid and guards guarded the body of the master tightly, insisting that the envoy of Jin Kingdom come to examine it together.

This was originally a reasonable request, so Chen Lingchen agreed.The state of Jin is far away from Yan Guoshan, and it would take ten days to go back and forth even at a fast pace. Chen Lingchen simply didn't go back to the palace, but lived in the nearby palace on the outskirts of Beijing, and sent gray cavalry to guard the place where Princess Yuerong died. Keep as much traces of the scene as possible.

Everyone was busy, only Yan Yuan was settled in a separate small courtyard.

Because she is a suspect, she can only tease cats and dogs.

The warm winter sun shines on the earth, Yan Yuan lay in a daze in the other courtyard, only lazily thinking about one question:
Where did Ji Fei go?

Did he return to Jin to deliver the letter?

She is not worried that she will be framed until the evidence is conclusive. Not everyone in this imperial capital knows that she is capable of martial arts, and not everyone knows that Princess Yuerong wants to escape marriage late at night. Even if they know, no one will Guessing that she would go after the princess who escaped marriage.

So the murderer probably didn't make a special trip to frame her, and what happened last night was most likely just a coincidence.

But the pursuit and torture of Princess Yuerong is definitely not a coincidence.

There must be something on Princess Yuerong that the murderer wanted?

Could it be a treasure map?

With a thought in Yan Yuan's mind, she unexpectedly remembered what Princess Yuerong threw to her last night: it was an exquisitely carved jade pendant, and on the top of the jade pendant was inlaid with gold threads similar to totems and words. When looking at the light, the front and back patterns overlap, revealing a faintly familiar shape, which indeed looks like a map.

Yan Yuan was not sure if this thing was a treasure map.

But she knew it must be hot.

She didn't mention this to Chen Lingchen last night because she thought it was irrelevant, but now... Yan Yuan squinted her eyes, memorized the shape of the golden thread pattern on it, and then decisively threw the jade pendant into another courtyard in the lake.

Whoever carries this unlucky thing is a fool.


On the third day after the jade pendant sank into the lake, the other courtyard ushered in unexpected guests.

Aunt Liangyu bowed in front of Yan Yuan: "The Empress Dowager would like to ask the empress to come with her servants."

Yan Yuan stared blankly at the person in front of her: "The Queen Mother?"

So many things happened, she almost forgot that she still has a big boss.

Aunt Liangyu raised her head and looked at Yan Yuan steadily: "The Empress Dowager heard about the winter hunting, so she came here from the palace to visit your empress, and sent her servants to invite her to meet you."


I'm afraid it's an interrogation.

Yan Yuan followed Aunt Liangyu out of the small courtyard and walked to the lobby of the palace.

A lot of people had already gathered in the lobby, Chen Ling sat in the main seat, the queen mother was on the side, and a few people sat facing the humerus on each side.Thanks to the help of Chen Ling and Shen Yu's study room, Yan Yuan easily recognized them as several important officials from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, as well as the current prime minister Yu Xingzhi...and Chu Jingyu who was gloating.

They actually dispatched the three divisions to interrogate?
This battle is indeed a bit big.

Yan Yuan's heart trembled slightly, and she saluted the Queen Mother and Chen Ling calmly.

The Empress Dowager said: "Queen, don't panic. Today's battle is not because the Ai family is suspicious of the Queen. It's just that the death of the princess is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Naturally, we, the Yan Kingdom, have to show the sincerity of a thorough investigation, so as to comfort Jin Jun's anger. .”

The implication is to go through the motions.

Yan Yuan nodded.

His eyes fell on Chen Lingshen's face.

Chen Lingshen's face was stern, and the corners of his eyes were full of blue-gray. He presumably hadn't slept well in the past few days.

Yu Xingzhi stood up from his seat and bowed to Yan Yuan: "I take the liberty, can you please tell me about the night the princess was killed?"

Yan Yuan nodded, and told the story of that night, from hearing Princess Yuerong's female history screaming outside the camp, hearing the female history's news about the princess being kidnapped, to her chasing into the forest at night and successfully stopping Princess Yuerong , Hearing what the princess said about escaping marriage, he was finally intercepted by Princess Yuerong's guards.

She spoke slightly, hiding some things appropriately.

For example, the princess escaped from marriage because of Ji Fei.

For example, the jade pendant given by the princess when she was parting.

After Yu Xingzhi listened, he asked Yan Yuan in a warm voice: "The princess's female history said that the princess was heading west, why did the empress ride her horse east into the forest?"

Yan Yuan said: "Because she seems to be lying, it is impossible for the princess to be kidnapped."

Yu Xingzhi asked, "Why wasn't he kidnapped?"

Yan Yuan replied: "There are no clothes in the princess tent, no kidnapper would bring a change of clothes for the meat ticket."

Yu Xingzhi asked: "Then why are you chasing towards the mountains and forests to the east? Even if it is not to the west, there are still three possibilities."

Yan Yuan said: "The west is the grassland, the south is the lake, and the north is the wilderness. If you want to escape, the forest in the east is the only chance, so I gambled."

After Yu Xingzhi finished his questioning, the important officials from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple questioned each other again.

Yan Yuan answered one by one, her voice was soft but calm.

The interrogation process was much smoother than they had imagined. They were prepared to meet a crying queen, but instead of panicking, she answered all of Yu Xingzhi's questions with reason.

The Ministry of Punishment exchanged glances with the important officials of Dali Temple, and tacitly let out a sigh of relief.

Today's interrogation was originally just a rehearsal. Judging by her expression, even if she met the envoy of the Jin Kingdom, she might not be unable to prove her innocence.

As long as the person is not killed by the queen, there is still room for change.

This is really great.

The Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple nodded, and then said to Chen Lingshen and the Queen Mother that the inquiry had been completed, and the Queen Mother finally showed a relaxed look, and she turned to Yu Xing to know: "Is there anything else you want to ask, Xiang Yu?"

The hall was silent for a moment.

Yu Xingzhi's cool voice sounded: "Yes."

Everyone was stunned.

Today's interrogation is well known to everyone. No one thought that Yu Xingzhi would make unnecessary pestering. Everyone didn't know what he wanted to do. They could only watch him stand up from his seat and walk to Yan Yuan. in front of.

Yu Xing knew: "As Niang Niang said, Niang Niang once fought against the two guards of Princess Yuerong, but Niang Niang is good at martial arts?"

He paused for a moment and then continued: "Or is it because you only know some archery and equestrian skills, that's why you were stopped by the two guards?"

Yan Yuan's heart trembled, and she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Yu Xing knew that he was implying a confession to trick her into lying.

He asked her if she knew martial arts, and he found an excuse for her that seemed to be beneficial to her, just to make her lie along the words he gave and say that she could not martial arts but only archery.As for a person who would lie in the hall of the Trial Tribunal, his testimony should not be fully trusted even if it was reasonable.

Yan Yuan was alert.

Why is Yu Xingzhi so unfriendly today?

Yu Xingzhi stared at Yan Yuan gently.

Yan Yuan met his gaze and said slowly: "Yes, I know martial arts."

Yu Xingzhi probably didn't expect Yan Yuan to admit it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but soon he laughed again: "This minister only knows that the empress is weak, but I don't know that the empress is capable of martial arts, but this minister is ignorant."

Yan Yuan said: "The daughter of the general in the palace will naturally know martial arts, but she is not in good health and doesn't like to move."

Yu Xingzhi smiled and said: "Your Majesty is keeping a low profile."

Another pit.

Yan Yuan laughed dryly: "It's not about keeping a low profile, it's just that I can't catch someone and just explain that I know martial arts, right?"

She never said that she does not know martial arts, this is a fact, Ding Beihou's daughter is a weak waste, this is also a fact, the misunderstanding caused by the superposition of the two is not her fault.

"Since the empress knows martial arts, how can she prove that she was defeated by the two guards, not..."

Yu Xingzhi's eyes shone slightly, "Did you intercept and kill the two guards?"

When he asked this question, the room fell silent.

During the stalemate, Chen Ling's cold voice sounded: "Yu Xiang means that the queen is lying?"

Yu Xingzhi held the arm and saluted: "Your Majesty, forgive me, I'm just asking impartially, without selfishness."

There was dead silence in the hall.

The interrogation, which was originally just a cutscene, suddenly became anxious.

No one knows why this interrogation, which was agreed upon, went in this direction, and no one knows why Yu Xingzhi suddenly attacked the queen. It is true that the queen belongs to the queen mother, and it is true that the relatives and Qingliu have never been at odds. The government should agree with the royal family, what exactly does he want to do?
Everyone is confused.

But I have to admit that what Yu Xingzhi proposed is indeed a loophole.

The two guards of the princess are still missing. Yan Yuan is the only one who has seen them and fought against them. If it is true as she said, she will soon lose to the two guards. Why can't the two guards catch up? Princess?
How to prove that it is invincible, not an early interception?

But the person has disappeared, and no one knows whether he is dead or alive, so how should the queen defend herself?
There was sympathy in the eyes of everyone in the hall.

Chen Lingchen had already stood up from his seat.

Yan Yuan shook her head slightly towards him, signaling him to be calm, then turned to Yu Xingzhi, and asked him softly, "What if I can prove it?"

(End of this chapter)

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