Lin Jiayi lowered his head and wrung the water from his clothes, frowning tightly: "Well... I'm fine, and the microphone is fine, but my clothes and pants are a lot wet, and I'll be scolded when I get home."

Song Siqi chuckled softly: "Are you going to be scolded too? I thought you hadn't been scolded since you were young, but I have been scolded a lot since I was young."

And Jiajia's grandma looks very gentle, so she shouldn't scold her for such a trivial matter, right?

"Of course I have been scolded!" Lin Jiayi looked serious, "When I was young, I secretly obtained my father's medicine materials for experimentation. Although the experiment was successful in the end, I was still scolded by my father."

"Also, I accidentally hacked the firewall of the research institute with a computer and hacked into the system, and my brother was taught a lesson."

Lin Jiayi's small face suddenly collapsed.

She didn't mean to.

She just wanted to test how powerful the new firewall set up by the research institute was, but she didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, and she broke through it in just 5 minutes.

But later, she also helped the research institute repair the firewall, and added several lines of defense.

As a result, the grandparents of the research institute guessed that she did it, and directly sued her brother, who took her to teach her a lesson in front of everyone, and made her cry.

The grandparents of the research institute stood by her side with distress, and helped her scold her brother.

Thinking about it this way, she seems to have received a lot of scolding.

Isn't she really a good kid?
Hearing this, Song Siqi at the side fell silent.

I really don't know if this should praise Jiajia for being smart, or to say that she has been mischievous since she was a child.

She is said to be smart, but these things really cannot be done casually.

But to say that she is mischievous, these things are really not something ordinary children can do mischievously.

[Hearing the reason why Baby Jiajia was scolded, I couldn't think of any words to express it for a while. 】

[Sure enough, the reason for being scolded by a genius prodigy is not something that ordinary mortals can understand, nor can we ordinary mortals be able to do. 】

【Ha ha ha ha!If I can do these things, my family members probably won’t scold me, and they will praise me crazily, and they will buy me whatever I want. 】

【Same as above! 】

"It's okay, let's go to Manman to borrow a set of clothes for a while and change it. But then again, why haven't they come yet? We are all ready to go back."

Song Siqi took out her phone and glanced at the messages in the group.

Ning Manman posted the news in the group.

Ning Manman: Jiajia, Aqi, I went fishing by the river with A Xun, after a while you guys finish catching fish, come along too?It's still early anyway.

And the following are the messages sent by Jiang Shixin and the others.

Jiang Shixin: Fishing?I also like fishing!Is it possible to fish in your village?

Ning Manman: Of course!Just now we went directly to the creek to catch fish!As a result, A Xun didn't stand still and threw himself directly into the creek. Not only did he not catch a single fish, but he also broke the equipment.Hahaha!

Nan Xun: The bottom of the creek is too slippery. I was about to catch that fish, but when my feet slipped, the fish ran away.

Jiang Ye: It feels like you are adapting well in the countryside. That's great. I also kind of want to go and play with you guys.

Nan Xun: Come, come, brother, I will provide food and accommodation for you.

Jiang Shixin: Really?

Nan Xun: Of course!It's okay to lay the floor, right?
Jiang Shixin: Fuck you!
Song Siqi lowered her head and replied casually, then raised her head and said to Lin Jiayi: "Manman and the others went fishing and asked us to go too, probably because they don't want to get the equipment wet again."

After all, this equipment should be quite expensive, and a set should cost tens of thousands. Nanxun’s family’s tens of thousands of dollars is a trivial matter, but Ning Manman’s family should not be able to afford it.

Lin Jiayi nodded: "Okay, but I have to change clothes first."

The two carried small buckets, put on their clothes, and walked back the way they came.

Father Ning saw that even Lin Jiayi came back wet, and his expression was a little surprised: "What happened today? Why did Jiajia even fall into the river?"

"The bottom of the river is too slippery! One accidentally slipped and fell. Fortunately, I supported it with my hands, so I didn't fall into the water completely."

Lin Jiayi lifted her small bucket and said happily, "Uncle Ning, I caught a big fish and came back today!"

That small expression and small tone seemed to be showing off.

Father Ning took a look at the small bucket of the two of them, and sure enough there was a big fish motionless in the bucket.

"Wow, Jiajia, did you catch this?"

Lin Jiayi nodded vigorously: "Hmm!"

After catching fish so many times, it is also the first time for her to catch such a big fish. It is not the first time that she has caught such a big fish, so she is very proud!
"Awesome!" Papa Ning walked to the kitchen with the fish, "Tonight we can eat grilled fish. Oh, by the way, Jiajia, go and change your clothes, be careful not to catch a cold, Manman and the others have already gone fishing by the river , Your fishing rod is also well kept for you, in the long room, go and get it yourself."


Because Lin Jiayi often stayed at Ning Manman's house before, there would be some of her toiletries and clothes in Ning Manman's house, and she even put her fishing rod here.

Lin Jiayi quickly changed into clean clothes, and walked out with a fishing rod, a net, and a bucket.

The bucket this time was obviously larger than the one they caught fish just now.

After all, catching fish is catching small fish, while fishing is about catching big fish.

"Aqi, since Manman and I are the only ones who go fishing on weekdays, there are only two fishing rods, and one of them has been taken away by Manman. I'll borrow a fishing rod for you when I go to Uncle Zhao's next door."

Lin Jiayi carried the fishing rod into the house next door, and came out with a fishing rod and a box of fish food in his hand.

She handed over one of the fishing rods: "Uncle Zhao's new line looks good, and it should be able to catch big fish."

Song Siqi blinked, and took the fishing rod from her hand: "But... I don't know how to fish, even the best fishing line is useless."

"It doesn't matter! You have to prepare the equipment before doing anything! How do you start learning without equipment?"

[This sentence makes sense. No matter what I wanted to do before, I would buy the equipment first, and then decide whether to do it or not. 】

【Ha ha ha ha!Me too!I set a flag before, saying that I should practice yoga every day, but after I bought the yoga mat and clothes, I never practiced it once. 】

[Sure enough, everyone in the world is the same. We just enjoy the joy of shopping before starting to do something, and we don’t really want to do that thing. 】

【Who said that?I still make it now and then when I remember! 】

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