Seeing this posture, Wen Hua couldn't help but take a few steps back. From Wen Zhiran's point of view, Wen Hua was already scared.

However, Wen Zhiran still doesn't know Wen Hua well enough.

If you are familiar with Wen Hua, it's like the people in base S who often fight side by side with Wen Hua know that the meaning of Wen Hua's action is that they are ready.

Already ready, the next step is to start fighting.

There was nothing around Wen Hua, so Zhou Ren faced four people with his bare hands.

As for Wen Zhiran and Xiao Taimei, they either had a broom or a mop in their hands, and one of them had a pair of tongs in his hand.

And Wen Zhiran was so cloudy, holding an iron bucket in his hand, which contained dirty water for washing mops.

It was dark and exuded a foul smell. Wen Zhiran held it in her hand, and was close enough to smell the smell, so she couldn't help frowning.

However, holding the iron bucket in his hand was quite stable, so he waited until there was a suitable time to pour the bucket of dirty water on Wen Hua.

There was gunpowder smoke in the bathroom, and the girl who was bullied by Wen Zhiran grabbed Wen Hua's coat, and then slowly shrank into the corner.

Tears covered her face, she buried her head in her knees, and just kept saying "I'm sorry".

The little girl holding the broom, after all, had something lighter in her hand, and took the lead, and hit Wen Hua with the broom without mercy.

Wen Hua glanced over and quickly grabbed the broom, but Wen Hua just touched the dirty water on it, and couldn't help frowning.

Another little girl with a mop saw the opportunity, and swung a mop over. At the same time, there was also the fire tongs girl.

Wen Hua stepped on the mop under her feet, but she didn't have time to react to the tongs being swung over.

Finally, he pulled the broom with one hand, took advantage of the inertia, rushed forward, grabbed the hand of the fire tongs girl, and then pulled it over.

Wen Zhiran didn't know when she arrived behind Wen Wei, and the iron bucket in her hand was already eager to try, taking advantage of this opportunity, she poured the dirty water over without hesitation.

It's just that if Wen Zhiran's scheme is really to succeed, let alone a door, even if it's a window, Wen Hua won't leave a crack for her.

A dodge, and finally the dirty water was splashed on the bodies of the three little sisters, and Wen Zhiran was not spared. Wen Hua turned behind her and pushed her.

However, Wen Hua swore that she really didn't have much strength.

Just like that, Wen Zhiran fell on the dirty water she personally poured on the ground in a posture of lying on the ground and eating shit like a dog.

This can be regarded as... make the best use of everything.

None of the four bullies could please Wen Hua.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect to push you down."

Wen Hua covered her mouth in surprise, then she seemed to come to her senses, and then she walked away from Wen Zhiran in an instant like a conditioned reflex.

"Are you touching porcelain? I didn't use much strength at all, why did you fall down by yourself?"

Wen Zhiran managed to gain some strength, but after hearing what Wen Hua said, she lost all strength for an instant, and then fell back to the ground again.

She was really trembling with anger, her teeth colliding up and down.

Before getting up from the ground, Wen Zhiran was the first to turn her head and gave Wen Hua a stern look.

It's cloudy, cold, ruthless, and hateful...

Various emotions are intertwined, and Wen Hua can only express this.

I didn't feel anything at all, it was all for nothing in her eyes.

"Wen... Hua! Just wait, I won't let you go."

Wen Zhiran was so disgusted by the stench of her body, she got up and walked to the door, and went back to the dormitory to take a shower and change her clothes.

"Wait, did I tell you to go?"

Wen Wei kicked the iron bucket to the door, and after a while of friction, there was a "bang", perfectly blocking Wen Zhiran's way.

Based on the crumbling door, it was shaking even more now.

Although the iron barrel is useless to block it there, it is extremely deterrent.

Wen Zhiran's body trembled, and then stood there without moving.

Finally turned around, lowered his head and didn't want to look at Wen Hua.

"What else do you want to do?"


Wen Hua pointed to the girl squatting in the corner.

This is undoubtedly an embarrassing thing for Wen Zhiran, even in the face of Wen Hua, it is absolutely impossible for Wen Zhiran to bow her head.


The girls on the ground seemed to realize that they were talking about themselves, and timidly raised their heads.

"No, no need."

The voice is small, thin, weak, as thin as a mosquito, inaudible.


Wen Zhiran was still a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw this situation, she unceremoniously mocked Wen Hua.

"Wen Hua, look, people don't accept your kindness. Why are you meddling so much?"

"Who do you think you are? Others say more, you are a fairy who descended from the earth, and I thought you were really a fairy?"

"Don't dream, she is not worth anyone to help her at all."

Originally, she was already in a bad mood, but seeing Wen Wei lose face, she instantly felt that this was nothing to her. At least, here, she made it back again.

"Be passionate, Wen Hua, let me tell you something, don't meddle in my own business in the future."

After throwing down this sentence, Wen Zhiran walked away, straightening her back a little.

In the end, only Wen Hua and the girl squatting on the ground were left in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry..."

The girl timidly buried her head in her knees.

Then he kept repeating the three words "sorry".

Wen Hua looked at the girl and finally sighed.

"You didn't feel sorry for me. Even if I met someone else today, not you, I would still help."

"I don't need your sorry, the person you are really sorry for is yourself."

Wen Hua's mood didn't fluctuate at all. When encountering such a thing, she would help if she could.

But people don't save themselves, even if she saves this time, there will be a next time, next time.

"Parents who suffer from body, hair and skin, even if you don't feel sorry for yourself, you still have to consider your parents."

Wen Hua didn't try to persuade her any more, and she wasted a lot of time now. She also wanted to take advantage of some time to go to the bathroom on another floor, and then take a rest to prepare for the afternoon class.

"That..." the girl suddenly said, "You...your clothes..."

The sound in the back is getting smaller and smaller, if Wen Hua's hearing is not bad, she really can't hear clearly.

"No, I see that your clothes are torn, so you can wear them."

Everything has been given away, and there is absolutely no reason to want it back.

It's just a school uniform, and there's no need to wear a coat at this temperature, she just brought it out of the classroom.


After finishing speaking, the girl shrank into a ball again, quietly, as if there was no sound of breathing.

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