After the final exam, we entered the winter vacation.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the day of the New Year is getting closer.

After the exam, the weather was getting colder and colder. Ruan Ruan basically stayed at home to watch dramas. Sometimes Wen Ye would take her out to eat delicious food.

On the eve of New Year's Eve, snowflakes suddenly floated outside the window at around eight o'clock in the evening.

Ruan Ruan had been living in the south before wearing the book, and had rarely seen snow, and this was the first time she had seen such a heavy snow.

She jumped up from the sofa almost instantly, ran to the window excitedly, opened the window, poked her head out, and reached out to catch the snowflakes.

A small snowflake fell lightly on her palm, but it melted in her palm in a moment, turning into a small drop of water.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks extra romantic under the warm yellow light.

Ruan Ruan ran back to the bedroom, put on a warm yellow down jacket, put on snow boots, and went out with her cell phone and keys.

She stood in the aisle after going out, looking at the closed door opposite with some worry.

Wen Ye didn't contact her all day today.

Ruan Ruan bit her lower lip, hesitated for three seconds, trotted to the door of Wen Ye's house, and rang the doorbell three times at almost equal intervals.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

The weather was minus degrees Celsius, the air conditioner was not turned on in the house, the windows were wide open, and the cold wind carried flakes of snow into the room, and there was no temperature in the house.

The moonlight shone into the dark living room, Wen Ye was wearing a very thin sweater and lying on his back on the sofa.

His eyes were closed and his face was calm.

His lips were white, and he was breathing lightly.

The sudden ringing of the doorbell made Wen Ye slightly frowned.

Consciousness gradually returned, and the numb and cold body gradually warmed up.

He got up slowly from the sofa while propping up his hands.

It was Ruan Ruan who was ringing the doorbell.

Wen Ye was barefoot, stepping on the white and cold tiles, his footsteps were a little unsteady, he walked to the door step by step, and opened the door.

Outside the door, there was no one there.

Only the howling wind.

Ruan Ruan waited for a while, but left before Wen Ye opened the door.

She thought that Wen Ye might not be at home on a business trip.

The snow is falling heavily, slowly covering the world with a layer of snow-white background, the treetops are covered with snow, revealing a touch of green, and the street lamps are covered with snow to become a thin and tall snowman. Like a world in a fairy tale.

The warm yellow lights on both sides of the road bring a dream to Baixue.

Ruan Ruan ran out and stood happily in the snow, looking up at the snowflakes falling.

Snowflakes fell on her upturned face and on her eyelashes.

The snowflakes melted slowly, forming a round droplet on her eyelashes.

Ruan Ruan opened her hands, closed her eyes, and felt the falling snowflakes.

It would be great if Wen Ye was there too.

Ruan Ruan opened her eyes, thinking with some regret.

She put her hands together in front of her mouth, exhaled a few breaths of hot air into her hands that were already frozen red, and then took out the mobile phone in her pocket.

She took out her mobile phone, took a video of Xue Hua, lowered her head and sent a message to Wen Ye with her stiff hands.

Ruan Ruan: Video

Ruan Ruan: Classmate Wen, it's snowing!

Ruan Ruan: Are you on a business trip?I just went to your house to look for you, only to find that you are not at home, but it is a pity that you did not see it with your own eyes, the whole world is white, it is beautiful, just like a fairy tale world!
The phone on the coffee table lit up, the same as the doorbell just now, the same three times.

Wen Ye, who was leaning on the door with his head up, moved his body, closed the door, and walked back.

Ruan Ruan's profile picture is her own. This photo was taken by Yi Yi during the school sports meeting and sent to Ruan Ruan. Ruan Ruan thought it looked good so she used it as her profile picture.

In the photo, the girl smiled brightly, with sweat dripping from her forehead.

Wen Ye liked this photo very much, and later used this photo as his profile picture, but when Ruan Ruan saw it later, he strongly urged him to change it, and ordered him not to use her photo as his profile picture.

Later, Wen Ye did change his avatar, and he didn't use Ruan Ruan's photo as his avatar.

He directly cut a small piece of the background from Ruan Ruan's photo as the head portrait, and Ruan Ruan's hair can still be seen on the edge.

Ruan Ruan was very dissatisfied with this, but he was indeed not seen above, and Ruan Ruan had nothing to do with Wen Ye.

Wen Ye clicked on the chat box, and just seeing her text, he could feel her excitement and happiness at the moment.

The location in the video was downstairs, Wen Ye's lips curled up, and he walked to the window.

He couldn't see the people downstairs clearly, he could only see people downstairs.

Ruan Ruan wore a warm yellow down jacket, which was very conspicuous in the snow-white, like stars shining in the sky.

She stood under the street lamp, looking up at the beautiful snow in the dark night.

Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, Wen Ye guessed that she must be smiling happily now.

He poked his head out, pointed the phone's camera at her, and took a photo.

In the photo, a warm yellow dumpling appeared in the white world.

With warmth, people need to hug to absorb the warmth.

Like the cold world of black and white, the sudden appearance of the sun.

Wen Ye smiled and changed his profile picture to this newly taken photo, and then slowly replied to Ruan Ruan with his hands stiff from the cold.

Wen Ye: I saw it

The cold wind howled, and the cold wind swept his broken hair with snowflakes and poured into his thin sweater.

He rested his head on his hand, watching Ruan Ruan's every move downstairs.

The warm yellow little dumpling downstairs seemed to have seen his text message, and walked a few steps aside.

Ruan Ruan retreated under the streetlight, lowered her head and took out the cell phone from her pocket.

She saw Wen Ye's newly changed profile picture at a glance.

Surrounded by the darkness of a winter night, in the middle of the photo is a warm yellow silhouette blurred by the light of a street lamp.

is her.

Ruan Ruan blinked her snowy eyelashes, lowered her head and tugged at her warm yellow down jacket, then raised her head immediately.

Only this time what she wants to see is not the snow, but the blurred person standing by the window in the dim room.

The man seemed to see her looking up at him, and waved lazily at her.

The night gradually deepened, and the temperature became colder and colder. When Ruan Ruan exhaled, a string of white mist came out.

She bit her lip and wanted to type back to him.

But her fingers were completely frozen, and they were very heavy and stiff when pressing the keys.

Ruan Ruan was a little annoyed when she saw the sentence that she hadn't typed for a long time on the phone.

She has always only typed when chatting with people, no voice, no matter who it is, there has never been a single exception.

Unlike Wen Ye, who sends a good night voice every night before going to bed.

His pleasant voice was deliberately lowered, and it was even more ambiguous when it was transmitted through the mobile phone.

Every time after listening to his voice, Ruan Ruan, who was lying on the bed ready to sleep, blushed and felt drowsy.

Yezi: Use the leftovers of the wife's avatar to get the couple's avatar

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