Maybe it was Xu Shuhua's point, Gu Yunji soaked in cold water when he was hot and hot all over, and the cold air invaded for a while, and he developed a high fever in the middle of the night, and his whole body was burned in a daze.

Su Qi and Cheng Yan were so anxious that they called for a doctor and wiped him to cool down. The whole night was chaotic, which made everyone feel uneasy.It wasn't until dawn that Gu Yunji drank a bowl of medicine, and then fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again, it was already high in the sun.Gu Yunji was sweating all over his forehead, his body was sticky, but he couldn't help but feel much lighter, no longer as heavy as last night.Just about to get up and get out of bed, Su Qi came in with a basin of water:

"Ancestor! Take a rest and be careful not to catch a cold again!"

Su Qi dragged Gu Yunji back to the bed involuntarily, tucked the corners of the quilt for him, stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and his expression calmed down: "The fever is finally gone, your whole body was burning hot last night, I was very scared. "

Naturally, Gu Yunji knew that Su Qi didn't sleep soundly all night for his own sake. Hearing this, a feeling of warmth welled up in his heart: "Thank you for your hard work, I'm much better now."

"Hey, I'm fine." Su Qi waved his hand nonchalantly, "Last night you were sick, not only Cheng Yan and I were too busy, even Miss Xu was very worried, and she stayed with Xu Shanchang for a long time, today In the morning, I saw that she didn't look very well, I think she was tired last night. Fortunately, you are fine now. "

Gu Yunji's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "What time is it?"

Su Qi replied: "It's almost noon. After lunch, we will go back to the academy. I came here to wake you up and let you clean up in advance. I didn't expect you to wake up first."

At this time, the curtain of the tent was pulled open, and Cheng Yan came in with food.

Seeing that Gu Yunji was awake, he relaxed and asked, "Are you awake?"

Gu Yunji glanced at him, then quickly looked away, and said calmly, "Yes."

What happened last night left a knot in Gu Yunji's heart, he could neither forgive the other party generously nor break with Cheng Yan because of it.Both of them are a little embarrassed at the moment, not knowing how to face each other.

Su Qi was unaware of the awkward atmosphere between the two, and put the meals in front of Gu Yunji one by one, urging: "Eat quickly, you haven't eaten anything since last night, and you may be hungry again." collapsed."

The food was light and delicious. Gu Yunji scooped up the porridge and tasted it. It was soft and glutinous in the mouth, with a faint rice fragrance, which was suitable for a weak person like him recovering from illness.

While eating, he said to Su Qi: "You go and tell... the teacher, just tell me that I woke up and I'm much better, so he doesn't have to worry."

Su Qi saw through his thoughts at a glance, and teased: "I know, I know, not only must I tell Mr. Xu, but more importantly, I must tell Ms. Xu so that she won't worry about it all the time, right? Don't worry, I know all about it!"

Gu Yunji smirked slightly, gave him a powerful thump, and cursed with a smile: "You're the only one who is smart? Don't dawdle, go!"

"All right, all right, I'll go right away!" After speaking, Su Qi got up and left the tent.

As soon as Su Qi left, the tent fell silent.Cheng Yan never talked much, he just packed his things silently without saying a word.Gu Yunji, on the other hand, might not have much energy and didn't speak much, letting the embarrassment spread in the air.

After a long while, Gu Yunji said faintly: "Cheng Yan, what happened last night is over, and I won't argue with you anymore. From now on, we can get along as we want, as if nothing happened."

"But it doesn't mean I don't mind." He lowered his head and swallowed a mouthful of soft white porridge, never looking at Cheng Yan. "I'm different from you. I don't care what you have in mind. But I hope that in the future, Don't use this method on me again, and don't use it on everyone I care about."

Cheng Yan froze in arranging his clothes, closing his eyes to hide the disappointment in his eyes, and smiled warmly at Gu Yunji: "Okay."

His smile floated on the surface, and there was a clear coldness in his seemingly gentle eyes.

Seemingly sensing Cheng Yan's inconsistency, Gu Yunji sighed and raised his head to look at him: "Cheng Yan, I understand your aspirations and aspirations, and I also know that you have traveled very hard all the way, exhausted all schemes and means, to be able to To achieve a little achievement today. But I still hope that you will act with restraint and not lose your heart."

Those who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals will be swallowed up by desire and ambition.Those who act without a bottom line will surely suffer the consequences.If Cheng Yan continues to develop like this, it is very likely that he will go astray, and he will be lost forever.

"I'm not warning you, but I'm worried about you. I'm afraid that you will carry too much burden and end up losing yourself and going astray."

Cheng Yan laughed lightly, with a self-deprecating tone: "I am very clear about what I am doing. I have a different standpoint and background from yours, and you will never be able to empathize with me."

"Yunji, you come from a wealthy family, behave like a gentleman, and have an upright and noble character, so you look down on me, who comes from a lowly family background. Don't worry, I won't treat you like that again in the future, and I won't let the filth in my heart be treated like that. Contaminated you."

"Cheng Yan!" Gu Yunji raised his voice a little bit, and there was anger in his voice, "I'm trying to persuade you, don't listen to me! I never looked down on you, nor did I mean to belittle you. I just don't want to watch With my sincere friend, step by step into the abyss."

"I hope you don't lose your bottom line at any time. Do you still remember, what are you studying for? What is the imperial examination for?"

"For, don't be despised by others. Those who bully me will make them respectful; those who humiliate me will make them humble; those who despise me will make them regret." The smile on Cheng Yan's face faded, and his tone also changed. Liang Yi, "I told you this from the first day I entered Luxi Academy, and I have never forgotten it."

Gu Yunji took a deep breath, suppressed the boredom in his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Then do you still remember that Xu Shanzhang also said at that time, don't go against your heart?"

Cheng Yan's throat rolled, the ink in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and he uttered two words with some difficulty: "Remember."

Hearing this, Gu Yunji's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and his tone softened: "Cheng Yan, you are full of splendid talents, and it is only a matter of time before you become famous. I hope you will not belittle yourself, and don't throw away your own talents at will. Be proud, okay?"

These words made Cheng Yan's heart ache.Gu Yunji has his persistence and integrity, but Cheng Yan, who has read poetry and books and been immersed in Confucianism for many years, how can he not have his own pride and self-esteem?

Of course, he also wants to cast aside all those who are not on the stage and earn a good future by relying on his own ability, but he has no roots, no matter how much ability and strength he has, he can still be easily compared by the children of the aristocratic family. Just one step forward is already extremely difficult.

It is difficult to have both, how to balance?

Thinking of this, Cheng Yan felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart, not knowing what to do.

After a long while, he tightened the hand on his side, raised his head and smiled at Gu Yunji: "Okay, I promise you."

Gu Yunji looked at him fixedly, as if trying to see through his thoughts.But the young man's eyes are dark in color, and he hides his thousands of emotions tightly, so that others can't see them at all.

Unable to see anything, Gu Yunji could only look away, and sighed softly: I hope he can really keep his promise and not lose his heart.

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