Chapter 135

When Ye Wu returned to the palace, she learned that Ye Qiong had been carried back. She was probably seriously ill at the moment, so Ye Wu didn't bother to pay attention to it. She took the prescription given by the ghost doctor and went straight to the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, Princess Rong An is asking to see you."

"What is she here for, let her go back..."

"Princess Rong An found the ghost doctor and obtained a prescription to treat the epidemic."

"What, hurry up, let Ah Wu come in."

Emperor Qing Yuan was also stunned, he hadn't put away his anger the moment before, but he showed a joyful expression the next moment, and at the same time, Ye Wu had already been summoned and walked in.

"My son has seen his father..."

"Ah Wu, you don't need to be polite, you really got the ghost doctor's prescription, show me quickly," the speed with which Emperor Qing Yuan changed his face was really staggering.

Ye Wu pretended not to see it, and took out the prescription from her cuff to show him.

"Is this really written by the ghost doctor himself?"

"It should be, he gave it to me with his own hands, although he didn't read his writing, father, if you don't believe me, I'm going back to ask you?" Ye Wu said intentionally.

Emperor Qing Yuan snorted coldly in his heart, "If you are going, what should you do if you annoy the ghost doctor who has a bad temper? Since the ghost doctor asked you to deliver the prescription, it seems to be true, well, Ah Wu, you go down and rest first, the rest Leave the rest to me."

"What happened to the queen?"

Ye Wu asked pretending to be concerned, but she was completely disappointed in her heart. Emperor Qingyuan, indeed, was still Emperor Qingyuan. If she left, the credit for this prescription would fall on Ye Qiong again.

It was used to forgive his precious daughter.

"Your imperial sister was seriously ill and almost died, but fortunately, she finally obtained this prescription, and she should be fine," Emperor Qingyuan said worriedly.

Ye Wu hesitated to speak, "Father, there are actually..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I also have a headache these few days, you go down first," Emperor Qing Yuan waved his hand.

Ye Wu originally wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

You didn't let me say this, so don't blame me...don't say it.

"Since my father has a headache and feels uncomfortable, I don't dare to disturb you. It doesn't matter if I tell my father later about my affairs."

"Well, Ah Wu is still sensible."

It was a rare picture of a loving father and daughter, Ye Wu humbly bowed her head and left.


On Ye Qiong's side, the life-saving medicine has been boiled out quickly. Ye Qiong woke up from the smell of the medicine. When she opened her eyes, she was poured into a bowl and coughed violently.

"What is this? It's so painful."

"The princess doesn't dare to talk nonsense. This is the prescription given by the ghost doctor. It's life-saving."

"Ghost doctor?"

Ye Qiong reacted in a daze, "The ghost doctor finally made a move? What kind of doctor's parents' heart, delayed until now, cough cough cough..."

"Princess, I heard..." The maid seemed hesitant to speak.

"What did you hear?"

"I heard that it seems that Princess Rong An found the ghost doctor and obtained the prescription," the maid said very carefully, because Ye Qiong's face was already very scary.


The next moment, the medicine bowl was overturned by Ye Qiong in an instant, "I won't drink, I won't drink what she wants, get out, get out, get out..."

"Arjun, what are you doing?"

When Emperor Qing Yuan came in, he saw such a scene, Ye Qiong was crying hoarsely, and his whole body was as weak as a poor kitten.

Seeing Emperor Qingyuan wept even more sadly, "Didn't Father ignore me?"

"No matter what you do, you all go down."

(End of this chapter)

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