Chapter 90
When Emperor Jianming spoke, Elder Lin Ge never said a word from the beginning to the end. Lord Lin and Lord Wu did not dare to make trouble anymore. In the ten years since Emperor Jianming ascended the throne, he was best at making peace, and he also assisted the Zhenbeihou Mansion. Just get used to it.

Emperor Jianming thought, Xie Xun was domineering and caused more troubles in Jingduwei. The greater the conflict between the aristocratic family and the Zhenbei Houfu, the more he would be happy to see it succeed. It would be best if Xie Xun was isolated and helpless in the court.The more he favors Xie Xun, the more unscrupulous Xie Xun can be, and the more the family hates Xie Xun.

In the early morning, there were swords and swords, and when they came out, the snow fell even more. Marquis An Yuan and Xie Xun walked out of the Golden Luan Hall together, laughing and joking, "How does it feel to go to court on the first day?"

"It's more tiring than killing the enemy in Ningzhou." Xie Xun said sincerely.

Marquis An Yuan laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Nephew, don't worry about the military household, take your time. This is where you're going, you haven't finished the appetizer, you'll suffer."

Marquis An Yuan laughed and left. Xie Xun stood on the steps and waited for Elder Lin Ge. When Lin Sheng came out, he saw him. Although there was an argument in court, Lin Sheng laughed and said, "Little Marquis, you have time tonight." Let's have a drink together."

"Okay!" Xie Xun stood up and accepted the invitation. Elder Lin and several elders also left the hall, and they had to go to Wenyuan Pavilion to discuss matters.

Seeing Xie Xun standing in the snow with a long body like jade, several Ge elders had sharp eyesight and took a step first. Xie Xun came to support Elder Lin Ge, "Grandfather, the road is slippery in the snow, and my grandson will help you."

Elder Lin Ge was about to speak, but Master Gong chased him out, almost fell, and shouted almost heartbreakingly, "Mr. Ge, please stay, young master please stay."

Master Gong ran out of breath, straightened his official hat, and said with a bitter face, "Master Ge, young master, please forgive me, the Ministry of Households really can't allocate funds. Spring plowing is about to happen, which is related to Ningzhou's one-year Military rations, this is a big deal, and money cannot be moved. There is snowstorm in winter, the inner court needs to be repaired, and the army needs to be paid. How can there be money? Even if it is halved, the Ministry of Households can only prepare money for spring plowing."

When Mr. Gong came to spring and autumn farming, it was a must to cry for poverty. The poor old man was over half a century old, crying for poverty in the palace, scolding his mother at home, and the Minister of the Household Department of the Yanyang Dynasty was definitely a hot potato.Manage the money, manage the money, you have to have the money to manage it, the treasury is empty, and he has to change his ways to collect money from the family every year.

"What should I do!" Xie Xun also cried poorly together, "I even sold my ancestral property, filled the account in the north of the city, and Jingdu Wei still has to pay. Are you going to sell the ancestral property again? Father will definitely interrupt me when he comes back leg."

"Young Lord, I really can't fill in your private account." Master Gong's eyes were reddened, "Ge Lao, tell me, you know the state of the treasury best."

Old Lin Ge faltered, with a gray beard and deep tiredness in his eyes, "The salary of the imperial army camp was halved, and the vacated money equalized the account of the Jingdu Wei, and the salary will be paid on time in the future. Thank you for this private account, the Ministry of Accounts Pay the IOU."

Xie Xun, "..."

Grandfather, how do you use my tricks?

Master Gong instantly beamed with joy. At least 50 taels should not be paid by the household department. The imperial army has cut the salary once, and if it is halved again, it may cause trouble. After all, it is the imperial city guard.

Elder Lin Ge said, "This was decided by the cabinet. Let Lin Sheng appease the situation. The treasury is empty and the military and civilians are integrated. Let's talk about it after winter."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Mr. Gong hesitated to speak, but he mustered up his courage again, "Mr. Ge, it's really impossible, let's raise donations again, there will be no eggs under the nest, and the money in the treasury is just a stone." Only when it circulates can money make money.”

Xie Xun finally heard something pleasing to the ear from Gong Shangshu. Elder Lin Ge looked at the vast wind and snow without saying a word. Master Gong clicked on it and left quickly. Xie Xun helped Lao Ge Lin to Wenyuan Pavilion, "Grandfather, It is not a long-term solution to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.”

"You know, although the city wall has air leaks from all sides, it can still tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. If it is flattened, thousands of people will be crushed to death." Linge said earnestly, "This city wall that has been erected for hundreds of years is not You are so fragile as you imagined, don't be too prominent in Jingduwei, and wait for the Ningzhou battle report in peace."

After spending so much money for so many years, the Northern Man must surrender.If the fight continues, the people will be in dire straits. Xie Yuan also knows that ending the war with war is not a good strategy, and he is more anxious to win this battle than anyone else. The northern barbarian soldiers are strong and strong, and they have geographical advantages. They are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Xie Yuan is equally famous, and when two tigers fight, one will die.

Elder Lin Ge prayed every day, God bless Yanyang, and win this battle.

After Fengyu recovered from her illness, she took Zhang Da, Qiuxiang, and Chunlu to the north of the city. After the Jingdu Wei took over, the north of the city was in order, Mrs. Liu and her children were also well, and the neighbors took good care of them.The Ministry of Industry sent a special person to re-plan the densely populated area in the north of the city and strengthen the houses. The weather was beautiful, and the snow was getting smaller as the Lantern Festival approached. Feng Yu inspected the weaving and dyeing workshop and the tea factory.

Although the weather has improved, it is still snowing lightly, Fengyu hides her hands in the cloak, holding the hand warmer, Qiuxiang and Chunlu follow her.

Zhang Da said, "Girl, listen to what my mother said, the young master is sending people to register military households recently."

Feng Yu is the daughter of a general, very sensitive, "He wants to improve the military household system, it's a fool's dream, Zhenbei Hou has worked so hard for so many years but has not succeeded."

The military household system of the Yanyang Dynasty was hereditary as soldiers, the father died and the son replaced, and the brothers died. Ningzhou belonged to the expeditionary army, and the family members of military households could receive military pay.This system has great disadvantages and is harsh. Due to frequent wars, huge sacrifices have been made.Military households have to have males to serve in the military, and the family blood is ruined.Moreover, the military pay was meager, and many soldiers became deserters.

The status of military households is even lower than that of civilian households. Many civilian households are unwilling to intermarry with military households for the sake of future generations, which makes the status of military households even lower.Beihou of the old town had long wanted to reform the disadvantages of military households. When paying military salaries, he took care of military families and allocated land.But this decision touched the interests of the aristocratic family. They hold most of Yanyang's land and do not want their interests to be divided.Moreover, the land equalization system will increase the burden on the imperial court. Yanyang has been fighting for decades, exhausting the people and wasting money, and the treasury is empty, so it cannot afford it at all.For many reasons, the military household system has not been able to be improved.

Xie Zhang once thought of recruiting troops to supplement the source of troops, but this must be supported by strong financial resources. If there is no power of the whole country, it will be difficult to support the Su family's financial resources alone, and the recruitment system will be nothing.

There are particularly many military households in the north of the city, and many military households have no males, and the imperial court no longer grants subsidies. Their lives are very difficult, and these difficulties cannot be changed by one person.

The looting of materials in the north of the city is just the tiniest aspect of the family's bullying. The mayfly shakes the tree, and nothing can be changed.

Now that someone from the court is in charge, Feng Yu is already very satisfied with the status quo.

(End of this chapter)

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