Ji Ruxuan's red lips revealed a smile: "There is support and there is opposition, but on Luo Jing's side, there are still many supporters."

Jiang Fuguang smiled. Ji Ruxuan used a large number of ministers from the old dynasty. These ministers were inseparable from her interests. Even for their own interests, they would support her as queen.

No matter how much opposition there is in Anjing, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so they can't put aside the heavy state affairs and go to Luojing to make trouble.

If you really dare to do this, you will not be able to keep your official title if you are charged with dereliction of duty.

When things become a foregone conclusion, what else can Anjing do?

This is the reason why Ji Ruxuan insists on holding the ceremony of becoming the queen in Luojing.

After the overall situation of future reunification was decided, Ji Ruxuan led his ministers back to Anjing and held a ceremony to confer queenship in Anjing. The queen was not alone in the court. Ministers in Anjing wanted to rebel against her, so they had to ask ministers from the Luojing faction. Agree or disagree.

Ji Ruxuan was afraid that she would have this idea, so he thought of a way to persuade her: "The north and the south have been divided for more than three hundred years. Unification is only the unification of land and population, the integration of society and humanities, and the integration of emotions." And the unity of mentality is still divided. The eldest princess has won the hearts of the people and has a reputation as a virtuous and wise person. She is the aspiration of the people and is the link of integration between the north and the south. "

Jiang Fuguang smiled. She had already thought about these principles and did not need his persuasion.

The change of dynasty is only the beginning of a dynasty. The most difficult thing is to complete the change of imperial power and the integration of social and humanistic ideas. If the integration is not good, it will lead to riots. South Vietnam is an example.

Of course, the North and the South are not considered to be a fusion of foreign ethnic groups, and they will not cause the whole people to rebel against each other because of differences in customs, customs, and cultural features, like in South Vietnam.

However, the old dynasty had a wider territory and a larger population than South Vietnam. If local princes got involved, many bloody tragedies would occur in various places due to conflicts and differences in integration.

This is not what Jiang Fuguang wants to see.

She does not object to marrying Ji Ruxuan, not only for personal love, but also to promote the true integration of the north and the south, which have been divided for more than three hundred years, and to ease the conflicts between the north and the south. This is also another sense of "harmony". ".

Ji Ruxuan continued: "There are many military generals in Anjing who support the appointment of the eldest princess as their queen, such as the generals and the hussar generals. They feel that the Qi family is full of loyalty and loyalty, and they can praise and respect them. If the eldest princess is the queen, they can win over the Qi family and make them The Qi family returned to Dajiang and settled the country, so that the princes of the old dynasty did not dare to cause chaos, and the hearts of the people in the south returned, saving ten years of hard work and hard work to govern."

They were all military commanders, and the generals had great respect for the Qi family, and tried their best to persuade him to make the eldest princess his queen, so that the Qi family could be used by His Majesty and lay the foundation for a unified structure.

The only thing I didn't say clearly was that the Jiang Dynasty was really not very powerful. To fight a war, the emperor would have to personally conquer it. The reunification of the north and the south was just the beginning. If you want to defend this large area of ​​​​foundation, you will need strong force. Don't be confused. Believing those civil servants who talked about benevolence, justice and morality, they pushed the powerful Yue family out.

How wonderful the Qi family is. We all come to steal the house, but they can still put aside their personal feelings and put the overall situation first.

He who wins the eldest princess wins the world.

Jiang Fuguang chuckled: "What have you been thinking about all day long? I know you are just following destiny and it is the general trend."

Ji Ruxuan's eyes were shining. He used to be extremely annoying. Jiang Fuguang only had the justice of his family and country in his heart, and would risk his life for it.

But now, he actually likes that Jiang Fuguang has a big picture and a broad vision. He never internalizes himself and can always take a broad view of the world and make the best judgment.

If someone has no vision and no structure, he will definitely regard him as the murderer of the country and wish to kill him with a thousand knives. However, he will not admit that he destroyed the Southern Dynasty.

It was clearly Jiang Lingrong who died in the Southern Dynasty.

If he hadn't sent troops to conquer, after the defeat of the Northern Expedition, the first thing to fight against would be the princes from all over the country to fight against the foreign Qi army. Without taking care of the princes, the final outcome of the Southern Dynasty would still be torn apart, and the situation would be more serious than if he unified the north and the south.

Jiang Fuguang saw clearly, and then supported him to unify the north and the south.

Jiang Fuguang looked at the tiredness on his face and felt a little distressed: "Go to bed quickly."

"Can you come with me?" Ji Ruxuan lay on Jiang Fuguang's knees, looking at her and smiling.

He especially liked to sit on the ground casually, leaning next to her and lying on her knees. Whenever this happened, Jiang Fuguang always used to put his hand on his head. He could feel that when that hand gently stroked her, it made her feel happy. His body and mind trembled with love and pity.

Jiang Fuguang stopped smiling and looked at him expressionlessly, then thought of Ji Ruxuan's first day in the imperial city, when he went to the eldest princess's house in the middle of the night and crawled into her bed. He was so enthusiastic and sticky that he stayed with her all night, which affected her body and mind. They were all rejected.

Ji Ruxuan acted coquettishly: "I just want to hold you to sleep, nothing else." He widened his eyes with a pitiful expression on his face, "I haven't slept well for several days, and I'm so sleepy that I can't open my eyes. I have no intention but no strength..."

He kept chattering for a long time. Jiang Fuguang was bothered by him. Seeing that his face was really tired, he hesitated for a while and had no choice but to nod in agreement.


Ji Ruxuan really didn't lie to her. He hugged her and fell asleep as soon as he lay down. It looked like he was indeed very tired. However, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he started making troubles and tormented Jiang Fuguang until he almost lost his temper. .


After the old dynasty affairs were settled, it was already a month later and the enthronement ceremony was approaching.

The weak local princes had already sent a letter to the eldest princess after Emperor Guanghe took control of the imperial city. According to the detective princess's words, after getting the eldest princess's guarantee, they simply took their few soldiers and horses. Carrying a large amount of gold and silver treasures, he went to Beijing in person to congratulate His Majesty on his enthronement.

Even if you can't become a prince, you can still get a job as an idle prince, which is better than losing your life.

The stronger ones were worried that Emperor Guanghe would cross the river and demolish the bridge, but they did not dare to fight against the new dynasty. They either used the excuse that they were seriously ill and could not withstand the long journey, or they used the excuse that they were old and their bodies could not bear the torment, so they sent their legitimate sons who were respected in the family. , brought a large amount of gold and silver treasures, came to congratulate the new emperor, test the new emperor, and see the momentum.

A prince like the Marquis of Donghai who holds a lot of troops and is naturally unwilling to surrender, but if the eldest princess has surrendered to the Jiang Dynasty, it means that the Qi family has also surrendered to the Jiang Dynasty. As a local prince, he has no confidence to go against the imperial court. .

The Marquis of Donghai also sent Dongfang Yu, the prince of the Marquis of Donghai, with a ship full of treasures to the capital to congratulate him.

Emperor Guanghe summoned the local princes in the Taiji Hall. For the princes who voluntarily surrendered, he not only gave them titles and houses, but also allowed their children to join the army and make contributions. At the same time, the court wanted to select some special talents to study medicine and science. , machinery and other fields, as they voluntarily surrender, an additional special recruitment quota will be given every year.

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