——Recalling those days, you and I swore to each other and made a hundred-year agreement. I hope that my wife will cherish you and never hurt yourself, let alone strain your body with paperwork or worry. I miss my wife every day like crazy. If you are crazy, if I can't do what I want, I will bring down the whole world.

This life is really ridiculous and ridiculous. It is really just a low life. All my relatives died because of me. There are countless innocent people involved. I am doomed to be alone and widowed. But you will not give up. With your loving love, I will comfort me for half of my miserable life. With your firm heart, , accompanying you for two years, my heart is like a hole, and it cannot be filled except by you.

Since I came to the throne, everything I have done has been based on your wishes. Now the Jiang Dynasty has been established, the people are at peace, and the general situation has arrived. I want to personally conquer the Southern Dynasty. I hope you will feel at ease. Jiang Jun's orders are strict. Wherever he goes, he will starve to death. Don't take people captive, don't demolish their houses if they freeze to death, and the people don't have to worry about being fished or eaten.

The ink is here, my wife cherishes it.

Jun Xuandong wrote on the [-]th night of the winter month.

After a year of separation, this was the first time Jiang Fuguang received a message from Ji Ruxuan.

There was a thick stack of letter paper, with more than twenty pages written. As mentioned earlier, after he returned to the court, he launched a coup and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

After he ascended the throne, how did he suppress the aristocratic family, implement the New Deal, repair the straight road, and conduct military campaigns personally...

Ji Ruxuan is worthy of the prophecy of the destiny of the human emperor, the common ruler of the world, tireless in governing, working hard and sleeping day and night, and taking charge of the government day and night.

In the past, Jiang Fuguang only wanted to protect the Qi family. To this end, she would do whatever it took to take advantage of her father's love for her and set up the "Ziji Zhu Bureau", which broke the balanced court situation. In order to balance the relationship between the Taiwei Mansion and Cheng En, Jiang Fuguang Due to the fight between the two families of the government, she was granted the title of Princess Protector, but even her grandfather did not agree with her approach.

Later, Jiang Fuguang went to Hangzhou and saw with her own eyes that more than [-] people were mourning in the Xin'an County internment camp. They were all dead, hungry, cold and waiting to die. She dreamed about it at midnight and saw the tragic scene of the people crying in pieces, which gnawed at her heart all the time.

Only then did she understand that eating people's livelihood should be a way to survive.

Later, she went to the southwest, and Piroye launched a war. The entire city of Dali, with hundreds of thousands of people, was a prey to the sword.

On the way back to Beijing, she repeatedly asked herself, how can we govern our country?

The king is the most important thing, the country is the second most important thing, and the people are the most important thing!

To uphold the way of the king and clarify the duties of ministers, in order to achieve peace in the world and peace and order for all ages.

When she was seriously ill, she lived in seclusion in her mansion and wrote "Taiping Lun Zhi".

Being at the pinnacle of power in the Southern Dynasty, Jiang Fuguang knew better than anyone how unconventional and unconventional it was to overthrow the old system and implement the New Deal in an era where aristocratic families monopolized knowledge, power, and wealth.

According to her prediction, if Ji Ruxuan wants to successfully implement the New Deal, he must first suppress clan politics, use "enke" to recruit officials from the people, train the emperor's disciples, and balance the rights of the aristocratic families, which will take at least three to five years.

Unexpectedly, Ji Ruxuan only spent one year.

Slender fingers gently stroked the exquisite letter. Somehow, Jiang Fuguang suddenly thought of Yu Hengzi's words before leaving.

Destiny is not set in stone.

The prophecy is not irreversible.

She read the letter over and over several times. Ji Ruxuan analyzed all his thoughts to her, put all his love into the ink pen, and was as paranoid as jumping madly on the paper.

Jiang Fuguang felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, and he broke into a cold sweat without realizing it.

She called Yingluo, prepared camphor incense, put it in the furnace to smoke, and smoothed out the folds on the letter paper one by one. The smoke smoked through the exquisite peony letter paper, and the paper became pliable, and she wrote on the paper. The pen and ink also became thicker and thicker, glowing with a faint brilliance of ink. Camphor incense is moisture-proof, corrosion-proof and insect-proof. Ink pens scented with camphor incense will last for a long time and will last for thousands of years.

Jiang Fuguang worked hard for two hours before fumigating the letter and putting it in the treasure box: "Give me the Guiling ointment I made earlier and some pills to nourish the body."

Yingluo hesitated for a moment: "Aren't you going to write a letter and send it together?"

When Jiang Fuguang heard this, she couldn't help but lower her head. Seeing her slender and trembling fingers, a fishy sweetness surged into her throat. She moaned and spat out a pool of bright red.

Yingluo's eyes were red and her whole body was shaking.

"No!" Jiang Fuguang looked calm and pressed the corner of his mouth with his handkerchief, "Do as I say."

"Elder Princess," Yingluo fell to her knees on the ground and choked, "I know that you have a death wish and want to live and die with the Southern Dynasty. When the palace changed that day, you decided to knock out Lord Junxuan and let Wei Twelve By sending him out of the capital, you have already decided to separate yourself from Mr. Jun Xuan and never see each other again in this life."

She didn't know this before.

Later, the eldest princess lived in seclusion in the palace, but she did not rest as expected. She was seriously ill and secretly manipulated the government. The Taoist priest told her to worry less, avoid working too hard, and rest more, so that her body could recover. She had taken good care of it, but she turned a deaf ear to it. She had been taking good care of her body for more than a year, but there had been no significant improvement.

The eldest princess's body was already in decline, and she relied on secret medicines such as requiem incense, turtle ointment, and salvia pills to maintain her spirits. Even her personal servant almost deceived her.

"Get up." Jiang Fuguang said.

Yingluo refused to get up: "You obviously have a way to contact Mr. Junxuan, but you have never contacted him. In the past year, Mr. Junxuan has secretly sent many people to test the princess's mansion, trying to get in touch with you, but you have never contacted him. Sitting on the sidelines and never responding, made Lord Junxuan think that your situation was worrying, and he became even more afraid to act rashly."

"Every time you ask a caravan to deliver something, except for some good strategies for governing the country and some secret medicine for health, you refuse to write even a few words to Lord Junxuan."

Yingluo raised her head: "Princess, you spend most of your time in the incense room every day. There is enough Guiling Ointment in the incense room to last Master Junxuan for three to five years, as well as requiem incense, salvia pills, and anti-han. Incense, Hongshan Incense... there are hundreds of kinds in total, all secret incense passed down from generation to generation, do you want to make all the incense that Mr. Jun Xuan will use in his lifetime?"

"Shut up!" Jiang Fuguang frowned and shouted.

"Princess," Yingluo fell to the ground, "I want to ask you what's on your mind. One day, Lord Junxuan will lead his troops to the capital, and you will die for the country. Of course, you are loyal and righteous, but you will also be disrespectful to the king. Master Xuan is too cruel..."

Jiang Fuguang said nothing. All that came to his mind were the words on the letterhead.

——I hope my wife will take good care of you and never hurt yourself.

Ji Ruxuan probably knew her, and maybe he got some clues from the few times she sent things. So with the Southern Expedition approaching, he couldn't rest assured, so he wrote to her, analyzing all his feelings to her, and putting all his love on the paper. , recalling the past and confessing fate.

Ji Ruxuan is so cunning. She has always known how to show weakness and suffer misfortune, which makes her soft-hearted.

Everyone around her knew that she was determined to die, but no one dared to say a word. They all knew that the eldest princess's mind was hard to change, and it was useless to dissuade her.

They also knew that the eldest princess was only soft-hearted and conniving towards "Master Jun Xuan". After she received Ji Ruxuan's letter, Yingluo boldly persuaded her.

To be honest, when dynasties changed in ancient times, all the concubines, princesses, princes and grandchildren who had some backbone basically sacrificed their lives for the country. Fubao has this kind of mentality, which is completely normal. Without this kind of mentality, it is not in line with human beings. Assume ~

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