Siege warfare is about psychology, and the side with poor psychological quality will not be able to hold on for a few days.

On the surface, the defenders had an absolute advantage, but as a trapped beast still fighting, its psychological defenses were actually easily broken.

The strength of the city's defenders varies greatly. They have had little experience in fighting, and their psychological quality is definitely not as good as that of Yun China's elite soldiers.

Realizing something, Jiang Fuguang's expression became serious: "I think in the next two days, Piroye will look for opportunities and attack the city in one fell swoop."

Ji Ruxuan nodded: "It won't exceed five days."

Piroye kept putting pressure on the defenders, trying to break through the defenders' psychological defenses and waiting for the opportunity to attack the city. Could it be that he had other backup plans?

Jiang Fuguang hurriedly retreated from the tower and sent someone to call Luo Yan over: "Has there been any movement in the city these days?"

Just as Luo Yan was about to answer, he saw his entourage rushing over: "Sir, it's bad, there have been a lot of rumors in the city these days."

Jiang Fuguang's heart sank.

Luo Yan asked anxiously: "What's going on?"

The personal attendant hurriedly said: "Rumors say that Yue Jizhao has defected to Yun China. The troops in Dali City alone cannot defend Dali City at all. The leader of the South Vietnam Kingdom personally led an army of 20 to invade Lingnan. The Qi family army We have insufficient troops and will not send troops to support Dali City at all. The eldest princess deceived the people and encouraged us to defend the city in order to use us to hold off Piroye, so that Piroye would not take advantage of the Qi Family Army to fight with Lingnan to sneak attack on the Qi Family Army and expose the Qi Family Army to enemies from both sides. , The eldest princess wants us to die, so she doesn’t really want to help us..."


Piroye placed a lot of tricks in the city. He pretended to attack and put pressure, waiting for rumors to spread in the city. The people listened to the rumors, and in extreme despair, were instigated by others to do some crazy things, causing panic and riots in Dali City. .

This was the opportunity he was waiting for to attack the city.

Jiang Fuguang closed his eyes: "Have the rumors spread to the army?"

The attendant looked ashamed: "There have been some rumors."

Luo Yan was furious: "The eldest princess has told you before that if there is anyone in the city who incites people's hearts, he will be arrested in the name of fine work and placed under strict supervision. In serious cases, he will be killed on the spot. How could you let the rumors spread to this extent? "

The follower knelt down on the ground with a plop: "This subordinate has neglected his duty. Please punish me."

Jiang Fuguang's face was solemn: "Piroye is attacking the city every day. The people in the city are like frightened birds. They are in panic all day long. When they hear the siege horn, they panic. Xizuo keeps spreading rumors in the city to incite the people. The people will believe their words, and in desperation, the city will definitely break into chaos, affecting the morale of the defenders."

Luo Yan felt a chill run down his spine when he heard this: "Elder Princess, I am giving an order right now to arrest those who spread rumors in the city and kill them on the spot in the name of meticulous work."

"It's too late," Jiang Fuguang said with a calm expression, "The rumors have spread, and it is even more difficult to quell them. You go and arrest the nobles in the city, some highly respected villagers, and the generals responsible for guarding the city. Please come."

Half an hour later, someone came over to report that everyone was here.

Jiang Fuguang and Luo Yan entered the meeting hall one after another. The lights in the hall were flickering and bright. The group looked anxious and ugly. They had obviously heard the rumors in the city. When the eldest princess came, everyone immediately swarmed forward.

"Princess, when will General Zhengnan arrive? From Lingnan to Dali City, it's only seven or eight days' journey at most. Why haven't the Qi army arrived yet?"

"I heard that General Zhengnan only led [-] troops. Is this true?"

"Piroye has 15 troops. How can we defend it?" "Piroye has been attacking the city for four days, and the defenders have suffered over [-] casualties. If this continues, we will not be able to defend it."


Everyone asked in a hurry.

Jiang Fuguang looked very calm: "Recently, rumors have been spreading in the city. I think everyone has heard about it." She glanced at everyone, "Do you believe it?"

As soon as these words came out, the place suddenly became silent.

A look of embarrassment appeared on everyone's faces. These rumors were clearly intended to incite people's hearts and create chaos. However, it was a fact that Yue Jizhao had defected to Yun Zhongguo. It was also a fact that the Qi family army had not yet arrived. They couldn't help but not believe it at all.

Jiang Fuguang looked at the generals of the city defenders: "Do you also think that I deliberately provoked the city defenders to let you die?"

The generals guarding the city looked embarrassed and almost did not dare to look at her.

Piroye's army attacked the city day by day. They were trapped on the top of the city, exhausted and fighting. Looking up, they saw that the elite Yun Chinese soldiers were still densely packed, as if they had not diminished. On the other hand, on their side, after every attack on the city, there were always casualties. Many people and the equipment used to defend the city have been worn out by more than half, and it is becoming more and more difficult to defend the city. After a few days, the soldiers are physically and mentally exhausted.

Lieutenant Wu sneered: "In that case, what are you still guarding? Just open the city gate and let Piroye drive straight in and massacre the city. Ha, if Piroye breaks through the city, you will only die. The eldest princess will not will die."

Everyone's hearts trembled, thinking that wherever Piroye's army went, they would first kill local wealthy families like them and rob their treasures.

Luo Yan also said: "As long as the eldest princess stays in Dali City, the Qi family army will definitely come. Now if we don't believe in the eldest princess, who can we trust?"

Everyone looked at each other and broke out in cold sweat. If they didn't believe in the eldest princess and allowed rumors to spread in the city, and the people would become angry, they would definitely vent their anger on the eldest princess. If they did something crazy, they wouldn't be able to bear it. Aroused the anger of the Southern Dynasty.

If the eldest princess hadn't gone deep into the tiger's den and brought to Dali City the news of Yue Xi's defection and Piroye's attack on the city, she had narrowly escaped death and was almost trapped in Binchuan. Perhaps Dali City would have fallen due to Piroyeri Yingwaihe's treacherous plan. .

Jiang Fuguang raised his eyes: "Right now, Dali City is in crisis. Only by working together and uniting as one can we defend the city."

Everyone should be.

Jiang Fuguang glanced at Lieutenant Wu. Lieutenant Wu looked around at everyone with a sharp look. His eyes were full of murderous intent, making everyone break out in cold sweat.

"Bring people up."

After giving an order, two elite soldiers from the Southern Dynasty dragged a middle-aged man with a deer head and rat eyes into the hall.

Lieutenant Wu didn't say much: "This person is Yun Zhongguo's spy. In the past few days, he has been spreading rumors in the city and inciting people's hearts. According to the eldest princess's order, he will be killed on the spot."

The long knife in his hand was slashed down, blood spurted out, and the man's head fell to the ground with a thud and rolled three times.

One man killed a chicken to scare the monkeys, and everyone was so shocked that their faces turned pale and their whole bodies trembled.

Facing everyone's fearful gazes, Jiang Fuguang chuckled and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone. I invite you here today to discuss how to deal with Piroye's next offensive."

The recent plot makes my head spin. . . . .

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