Chapter 330 Go Die
For some unknown reason, all kinds of past incidents came to her mind uncontrollably. Empress Lin tossed and turned, and finally fell asleep. Suddenly, she dreamed of He Shi, who had been dead for many years. Madness rushed towards her.

"Lin Wanyu, I want you to pay for my child's life..."

"You poisonous woman, go to hell..."

"Go to hell..."


Empress Lin woke up from a nightmare and woke up in horror. She found that the sky was already light, she was sitting on the bed with disheveled hair, lingering fear, a hoo hoo sound from her throat, and a cold sweat broke out all over her body.

"Jingyu." Her voice was hoarse, and she called out of the hall.

After a while, Jing Yu didn't answer, she frowned, feeling strange, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside.

The footsteps were unusually heavy, step by step, stepping on the ground with a sound, as if to crush the ground under his feet.

Empress Lin was startled, she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, shaking her ears, every step seemed to step on her heart, and it was more than a heavy crush.

She clutched her chest, quickly got up from the bed, and hurriedly walked outside the hall.

The tent hanging from the floor suddenly wavered and was lifted up. Empress Lin saw the palace people outside kneeling together, and the figure of Emperor Nanxing appeared in front of her.

Empress Lin stopped suddenly, and looked at Emperor Nanxing's piercing gaze, cold and gloomy, like a sharp arrow, as if it wanted to pierce her through.

Her heart sank rapidly, but she collected herself. She forced a smile and said, "Why did Your Majesty come here suddenly? I didn't order anyone to tell me."

Emperor Nanxing was expressionless: "The queen murdered the noble concubine and the emperor's heir. Immediately, she will move out of the central palace and go to Shuiyue nunnery to serve the Buddha."

After speaking, he turned around and strode away.

The affection between husband and wife has become so weak that he never even asked her, even if he gave her an excuse.

Lin's body was limp on the ground, and she couldn't believe her ears: "Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this? I don't know what mistake I made. Why does Your Majesty treat my concubine like this? Your Majesty, please show the evidence, if there is no evidence, the concubine is being framed, and the concubine must tell others about it."

Concubine Mu Gui had a miscarriage back then, and she never participated in it, so His Majesty couldn't find any evidence.

The Eldest Prince also died of illness due to the negligence of the palace servants who served him, and this has nothing to do with her.

It is impossible for His Majesty to find evidence.


When death was approaching, Emperor Nanxing twitched his lips, turned his head to stare at Lin, and squinted his eyes: "For a husband and wife, I originally planned to give you the last dignity. Since you don't appreciate it, you don't want to." Blame me for being ruthless, you know that at this very moment, I have the heart to kill you."

Lin's eyes widened, reflecting His Majesty's expression full of murderous intent.

Sure enough, he knew.

"Come here," Emperor Nanxing's gaze was like a knife, as if he wanted to kill her, "bring up Bai Wei, her confession, and other criminal evidence."

The evidence in his hands is complete, but a key link is missing, resulting in insufficient evidence.

Bai Wei's confession made up the most critical link.

Bai Wei?

Mrs. Lin was stunned for a long time, racking her brains before realizing that this was the servant next to Mrs. He. She sent someone to feed him arsenic, but Eunuch Zhang arrived in time and saved her life. She was shocked at the time. In a cold sweat.

Zhang Dequan is such a vigilant person, she never found a second chance to strike, and she was relieved when she learned that Bai Wei had gone crazy.

She originally wanted to kill Bai Wei, but accidentally learned that Zhang Dequan secretly ordered someone to stare at Bai Wei. She immediately understood that Zhang Dequan was deliberately using Bai Wei as a bait. Once she did something, Zhang Dequan would definitely be able to find her body.

She had no choice but to give up her plan to kill Bai Wei.

Fortunately, Bai Wei is crazy. She has never heard of it since she was so old. People who suffer from madness can still recover. While Jiang Jinghuang was looking for medical treatment, she also sent several doctors with excellent medical skills to treat Bai Wei. , all came to the conclusion that Bai Wei has no cure.

After that, she gradually relaxed.

Bai Wei was brought up, staring at Empress Lin with hatred in her eyes: "Empress Empress, I probably didn't expect this servant to wake up one day!"

Bai Wei's madness is cured!Lin's body was cold, and he forced a smile: "Your Majesty just sends a servant to testify against the concubine, and you can prove that the concubine is guilty? Your Majesty is too arbitrary. How can a concubine, the mother of a country, rely on a slave to deceive the Lord and slander her?" , His Majesty is really unfair to his concubines."

Those who were involved in the incident back then, those with serious ties were executed, and those with lesser ties were exiled.

Times have changed, even if there is Bai Wei's confession, there is no way to verify many evidences.

Don't panic, don't panic.

His Majesty must be bluffing and deliberately defrauding her.

She cannot admit her guilt.

Emperor Nanxing turned his head to look at Zhang Dequan: "Send all the criminal evidence to Mrs. Lin for review."

Zhang Dequan sent the treasure box to Mrs. Lin.

Lin didn't want to look at it, but facing Emperor Nanxing's cold gaze, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, opened the treasure box with trembling fingers, and saw a stack of physical evidence inside.

All the strength in his body was exhausted at this moment, and his fingers seemed to be scalded, and he retracted suddenly. Because he was too frightened, Lin Hou fell backwards and kicked his feet back again and again.

She knew that these evidences were all the confessions of all relevant people back then.

The imperial concubine had a miscarriage back then. In her opinion, because of insufficient evidence, she could not be implicated. Fifteen years have passed and it has become a thing of the past.

But His Majesty has never forgotten a day, these physical evidences, together with Bai Wei's confession, then the personal and physical evidences are complete.

After falling down again and again, Lin suddenly realized that her behavior was a manifestation of a guilty conscience. She climbed up suddenly, overturned the box in front of her, and the evidence inside floated up and fell to the ground.

"These are all crimes imposed on my concubine by His Majesty. I deny it, and I have never done it." She went crazy, grabbed a handful of evidence in front of her, and tore it up forcefully.

As she tore it, she shouted: "Your Majesty wanted to find an opportunity to abolish my concubine's position because of the defeat of my mother's family. Why should I charge my concubine with the crime of murdering a noble concubine and mutilating the emperor's heir? This concubine does not admit it. I did nothing wrong." , His Majesty is ungrateful and wants to abandon his poor wife."

Even now, Emperor Nanxing sneered and said, "Just tear it up. I have kept three copies of all the evidence. If you think Bai Wei's confession is not enough, I will ask Li Yuanshi to testify in person later. Is it okay?"

Empress Lin's body softened, and she looked at the high emperor in front of her in horror.

He knows everything.

"Your Majesty!" Empress Lin yelled, "It was my father back then, who united with the old ministers of the court to support you to become the emperor. When you ascended the throne, the Southern Dynasty had experienced ten years of natural disasters and civil strife. The country was unstable and precarious. Brother, help you to quell the civil strife."

(End of this chapter)

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