In Jiang Fuguang's heart, elder brother is the best in the world, she interpreted Jiang Ningjia's embarrassment as embarrassment: "Don't feel embarrassed, my elder brother is very nice, we are all relatives, in terms of relationship, you still have to call him cousin."

Please stop talking, Jiang Ningjia was almost to the point of embarrassment, and kept laughing awkwardly.

Jiang Fuguang continued to say: "My elder brother loves me very much. Since childhood, as long as I ask him to do something, he will try his best to complete it. So don't worry. If you encounter any difficulties in the army, just ask my elder brother. My elder brother will definitely help you."

"Don't talk about me," brother accusing the younger sister, it was too scary. Jiang Ningjia couldn't bear it at all, wiped off his sweat, nodded his head a few times indiscriminately, and quickly changed the subject, "You have contributed to calming the floods, preventing the plague, and calming the country and the people. Many ministers in the court praised you one after another. The princess protector is worthy of the name."

Although she stayed in the army, the content of Hangzhou County's report will be made public by the court.

In the beginning, some people blamed the speaker princess for rejecting the river repair fund.

Later, more and more people spoke for the eldest princess, and many poor scholars stood up to rectify the name of the eldest princess.

Said that the eldest princess advocated the construction of water conservancy to benefit the people;

Reduce the population tax and breed population;

When a woman was pregnant and gave birth, she went to the Yamen to receive the subsidy food, which was advocated by the eldest princess;


The people suddenly discovered that the many benefits that the imperial court allowed them to enjoy were all advocated by the eldest princess.

More and more people speak for the eldest princess.

Rumors are self-defeating.

Jiang Ningjia looked at her with a smile in her eyes. What she didn't say was that the military training was really cruel and the conditions were very difficult. Even if she had a strong heart, she was still a pampered princess. How could she suffer such hardships.

She persisted for less than a month, but she couldn't persist. At that time, she was very confused and didn't know whether she should continue to persist.

Later, Fuguang's deeds in Hangzhou County were widely praised.

At that time, she really admired Fuguang in her heart. She could persevere in such a difficult situation. What right did she have to complain about the harsh conditions and cruel training in the army?Because of this, she became more and more determined, she had to grit her teeth and support, and defend her family and country like Fu Guang in the future.

At this time, Qi Yanhuai and Ji Ruxuan had been fighting for half an hour, and there was still no winner. Qi Yanhuai threw away the knife in his hand and clenched his fists: "Compare whose fist is harder."

"I will accompany you to the end." Ji Ruxuan said in a low voice, and also threw away the knife in his hand.

Excitement flashed in Qi Yanhuai's eyes, his figure flickered, and he punched Ji Ruxuan.

Ji Ruxuan's flesh and blood tensed up, he raised his arms to block, and at the same time, he kicked hard with his feet and kicked out with one leg.

Qi Yanhuai had been on guard for a long time, and unexpectedly kicked out at the same time as him.


Muscles and bones are about to crack.

Ji Ruxuan's eyes were already blood red, and the two of them fist to fist, legs to legs, pure flesh and blood, and the collision of flesh and blood made a bang bang sound.

Qi Yanhuai kept panting, fine beads of sweat kept rolling off his forehead, he licked his chapped lips, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's been a long time since I met an opponent who can match him, but I feel a little bit of sympathy.

A strange light burst out from his eyes.

Qi Yanhuai's body tensed up bit by bit, like a fully drawn bow.

At the moment when he was fully charged, his body was like an electric shock, and he shot directly towards the opponent.

Punch out.

Even the air seemed to be torn apart by this punch, making a sharp sound.

Ji Ruxuan's eyes brightened, and he slowly stretched out his palm.

However, when Qi Yanhuai came to punch him, he turned around and clenched his fist quickly.

In an instant, the two fists collided.

The two took a step back at the same time.

Qi Yanhuai suppressed the surge of Qi and blood in his chest, he knew very well that if he continued to fight, he would only lose both sides.

Ah Yan will definitely be worried.

Qi Yanhuai simply withdrew his punches: "Let's fight here today, let's find a place where no one is around and continue fighting."

Ji Ruxuan nodded: "Okay!"

After a fight, both of them were in a bit of a panic, Qi Yanhuai picked a random room, and simply cleaned up.

Yingluo brought a basin of attractive grapes into the house, and ice was placed under the grapes: "The eldest princess ordered the servants to send some iced grapes, so that Master Biao can relieve his heat."

Qi Yanhuai casually picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth. The muscles in his arms tensed up, and his gaze was cold: "I want to ask you a few things, and you should answer them honestly, without hiding anything."

Yingluo's breathing was slightly stagnant: "This servant will never dare to lie to Young Master Biao."

Qi Yanhuai's peachy eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were more stinging than the stinging sunlight outside: "What is the relationship between the eldest princess and Junxuan?"

Yingluo was dripping with cold sweat.

"What?" Qi Yanhuai picked up a grape and threw it casually for fun, "This question is hard to answer?"

Yingluo bowed her head and said nothing, she remembered whose slave she was.

"Then let me change the question." Qi Yanhuai didn't make things difficult for her. After all, she is Ah Yan's servant, and asking something out of concern, if it's too much, it's interference. "How does Junxuan take care of the eldest princess?"

Yingluo didn't want to answer anything related to "Lord Junxuan", but these questions, in the eyes of others, were just brother's concern for his sister.

She lowered her head again: "Ever since the eldest princess was assassinated on the way to Xin'an County, Lord Junxuan has been protecting the eldest princess by her side inseparably."

It couldn't be more normal for the dark guard to protect the master with him.

"The eldest princess is seriously ill, and the servants are not allowed to take care of her close by. The servants can only wait outside the tent. Lord Junxuan is also taking care of the daily life of the eldest princess."


Two quarters of an hour later, Yingluo's legs were weak, and she walked out of the room with a pale face. She carefully recalled what she said in the room before, and found that she didn't say anything that should not be said, and there was nothing wrong with it.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Yanhuai held the saber at his waist, pressed his thumb against the scabbard, and made a squeaky sound. The moment he lifted his leg, he frowned slightly. This kid's bones are really tough.

Qi Yanhuai found Jiang Fuguang and asked about the situation in Xin'an County.

Jiang Fuguang avoided the seriousness and talked lightly about what happened after going to Hangzhou.

Qi Yanhuai felt complicated when he heard it.

"Brother," Jiang Fuguang said in a dark voice, "The destruction of the dam in Suian County was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster."

Qi Yanhuai's pupils shrank sharply, and the dikes were destroyed and the fields were flooded. This unprecedented evil was simply appalling, and even he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

If Ah Yan hadn't gone to Hangzhou, Marquis Cheng'an's plot would have succeeded.

At that time, Ah Yan will become a sinner through the ages and be reviled by the ages.

"How dare he!" Qi Yanhuai's eyes burst out with killing intent.

Jiang Fuguang held his elder brother's clenched hand and said, "Brother, don't be angry. Marquis Cheng'an thinks he has done a perfect job, but because the Lin clan is domineering, he oppresses other clans and persecutes the descendants of the clan, sowing the seeds of disaster and providing clues for the destruction of the embankment."

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