The letter was not too long, expressing his sadness at his father's conviction, his disappointment at his father's indebtedness to the king, and his distress at his own situation.

Ye Mingwan handed the letter to Xiaotao: "Imagine sending the letter to Dali Temple and handing it over to my father. Although my father is in prison, the charges have yet to be verified. After all, I am still Princess An. It is just an ordinary letter. It will be difficult."


The Imperial City Secretary searched the Ye Mansion, and confiscated a large amount of gold and silver treasures from the Ye Mansion.

Lieutenant Wu thought of what the eldest princess said: "The cunning rabbit has three caves, and I have collected the amount of Ye Shangshu's embezzlement for the army. If you use your eyesight and torture, you will definitely find out where the money is hidden."

Lieutenant Wu frowned: "Ye Shangshu colluded with Marquis Cheng An, and a large part of the greedy money went into Marquis Cheng's pocket. He may not reveal Marquis Cheng'an."

"It's okay, I only want money," Jiang Fuguang said with a faint expression, "This time, it is not easy to break Cheng Anhou's arm, so there is no need to cause trouble. Ye Shangshu's family has a huge business. If he doesn't spit out Cheng Anhou, he will use himself. A part of the family business hidden in the dark fills in the shortage of military pay."

It is generally difficult to track down the properties that officials hide in the dark.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment checked the names of the criminals overnight and reviewed them together with the Dali Temple. Ye Shangshu was charged with misappropriating military salaries privately and embezzling ink military salaries.

In just a few days, the number of officials involved has reached a dozen.

There was a lot of panic in Beijing.

Xiaotao ran into the room panting, and saw the young lady sitting in front of the mirror drawing her eyebrows again, she said excitedly: "Princess, you blatantly laughed at your concubines before, but this morning, Chang Shi in the mansion sent them back to her mother's house , I heard that their family was corrupt and violated the law, and they were interrogated and seized by Dali Temple, His Highness was so distraught that he sent them away directly."

Ye Mingwan didn't mean it, but just hummed lightly, and continued to draw her eyebrows. The white copper mirror illuminated her, reflecting her dignified and decent makeup, as well as the faint ruthlessness between her eyebrows and eyes.

That letter was indeed just an ordinary letter, and it was nothing more than expressing a meaning. She had no knowledge of the crimes committed by the Ye family, so she further disregarded the connection with the Ye family, and then expressed her deep understanding and righteousness.

None of this is the most important thing.

If she blamed her father for making mistakes and made her laugh at by the concubines of the palace, how could her father not understand if she knew her daughter better than her father?

What kind of integrity can a family that wants to gain benefits by sending concubine daughters to His Highness have any good morals? Father is in the same faction as them, who doesn't know who?

My father is a prisoner, and during the interrogation at Dali Temple, it was easy to confess a few.

Even if she loses power, it is more than enough to clean up a few cheap hooves.

Ye Mingwan's eyebrows were drawn to the end, and the end of her eyebrows could not help but curl up. Her long and delicate eyebrows were a little more seductive: "I asked you to prepare everything, are you ready?"

Xiao Tao bowed her head: "It's ready."

"Use it tonight, don't let anyone notice it," Ye Mingmei continued to put on makeup, which looked enchanting, which was very different from her previous gentle and decent makeup. I left something privately for me..."

There are still three or two nails in the broken boat. As long as she uses it properly and reflects her own value, Jiang Jingzhang will not give up on her easily, and her situation will not be too difficult.

Xiaotao agrees.

"Your Highness likes my face." Ye Mingwan caressed her cheek, feeling that the person in the mirror was strange yet familiar. "Before he is completely tired of this face, I will find a way to stabilize my position in the palace."

Ye Shangshu's case is still being investigated, and the court is not peaceful.

Jiang Fuguang had a fierce dispute with the Lin Party for the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Jiang Fuguang suggested reactivating Li Shangshu of the former Ministry of War.

Fifteen years ago, this Li Shangshu lost several cities in Lingnan due to the aggressive invasion of Nanyue. He was convicted by several officials of the Ministry of War for his negligence and sentenced his family to exile. Ye Shangshu then took over the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. .

Afterwards, Qi Nanfeng regained the city, made a statement for Li Shangshu, and bluntly said that it was not Li Shangshu's negligence, it was the military's secret work, and Li Shangshu had to return to the imperial court. Shangshu suppressed it, and since then the official career has declined.

But Lin Dang insisted: "The post of Minister of the Ministry of War should be selected from the Ministry of War, and the right servant of the Ministry of War, Mr. Sun, has worked hard for many years and has not participated in the corruption and perverting of the former Minister Ye, so he should be promoted."

Jiang Fuguang believed that Ye Shangshu was corrupt and perverted the law. As a deputy of the Ministry of War, he had not noticed it for many years. As a result, Ye Shangshu made a huge mistake, and he was also negligent. His Majesty did not pursue the fault. promoted.

In a word, it hits the point.

Surprisingly, neutral factions have also stood up to support.

Emperor Nanxing lowered his eyes, and immediately issued an order: "Promote Li Siqing from Taipusi to Minister of the Ministry of War, there is no need to discuss this matter again."

Lin Dang immediately understood that when Qi Nanfeng made a plea for Li Shangshu, everyone thought that Li Shangshu was Qi Dang, so they prevented him from returning to the Ministry of War.

Unexpectedly, Li Shangshu was actually a neutral faction.

The eldest princess is really a good trick!

The neutral faction does not participate in party struggles, and as long as things are handled according to the court's laws at any time, there will be no problems in Lingnan.


In the blink of an eye, it's late May.

The weather was so hot that Jiang Fuguang moved his study to Huxin Pavilion. In the past, only brother took care of him, but now even Ji Ruxuan took care of her. On such a hot day, she was not allowed to use ice, even iced drinks. She was not allowed to eat it, saying that girls should not be greedy for cold, and they can only eat ice with ice in the dog days.

"Ye Shangshu has fallen, and Marquis Cheng'an has shown signs of decline." Ji Ruxuan slapped her fan for a while, "Why don't you take advantage of the victory to pursue?"

"The Marquis of Cheng'an has been operating in the court for many years, and his roots are deeply rooted." Jiang Fuguang was a little sleepy, with tears in his eyes, "Ye Shangshu fell, and Li Shangshu, a neutral faction, returned to the Ministry of War, which ruined his management in the Ministry of War for many years. He must be thinking about it." Ways to fight back against me."

What she didn't say was that Ji Ruxuan's use of Gu Jiayan's falling into the lake was a bit too reckless.

Driving a dog into a poor alley will only make the dog jump over the wall.

Ji Ruxuan frowned.

"The neutral faction will not allow me to pursue the Marquis of Cheng'an fiercely," Jiang Fuguang felt helpless. "The neutral faction wants to prevent my regency from dictating power and endangering their interests, and prevent the Taiwei's mansion from making great achievements and threatening the imperial power. Marquis An restrains the concubine party, and there is still a remnant of the old faction hidden in the dark in the court, and the emperor does not want the government to lose balance, so these old remnants can take advantage of it."

"If you can't break it, you can't stand it," Ji Ruxuan disagreed, "The current prosperity of the Southern Dynasty is like a castle in the air. If it can't be cleared, it will lead to carrion and pustules, and it will collapse sooner or later. A chance to hide behind him and make waves."

Where's your monthly pass~ ouch~

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