If the land exchange is completed and construction can start now, it is estimated that the wife and two children can move into the new home before the snow falls.

When this plan took shape in his mind, Lu Liangzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the way he wants to live most at the moment.

There is a courtyard in front and a vegetable garden in the back.

The courtyard can be made into a small garden, and some vegetables can be grown in the backyard in the summer.

Then a grape trellis can be set up on the left side of the yard.

The Corps has ready-made grapes, and they will be transplanted in the fall so that they can be eaten next year.

Two rattan chairs are placed under the grape trellis, and a rattan table is placed.

You can sit on it and chat with Tangtang when you have nothing to do.

This plan is feasible. Lu Liangzhou quickly completed the basic plan of the house in his mind and waited for the land replacement to start.

Lu Liangzhou thought that it would be better not to tell Tangtang for the time being.

He is not good at creating romance, nor can he say sweet words. This is the only surprise he can give Tangtang, right?
On the way, Gu Mingtang didn't know that Lu Liangzhou was thinking about changing to a new house.

I hurriedly and slowly arrived at the Agricultural College in the provincial capital.

When he sat down for the meeting, Gu Mingtang looked at the expressions of the staff at the Agricultural College opposite and felt that this matter was not easy to discuss today.

It seems that they don't agree with it.

Sure enough, someone spoke.

"I don't know what the higher-ups think about it. This is like child's play. The Agricultural College is such an important place. Even if it establishes a branch branch, it cannot be in Qulin. It is located in a remote place, the transportation is not very developed, and the surrounding facilities are not good. , the humanistic environment is average. Even if it enrolls students, there will be students applying there, but when they go there, they will say that our school is lying to them. What will happen if the parents come to make trouble?"

"Yes, it's okay if it's in a provincial capital. After all, it's the center of a city and the center of a province. But if you go to a remote small county town and students go there to study, they will feel conflicted. Nowadays, no one wants to study. I want to go somewhere big."

"We don't only recruit people from this province, but also from other provinces. When the students see that the environment is so bad, it will affect our next enrollment."

"Besides, this is a matter that affects the whole body. The teaching staff in the teaching buildings and dormitories costs money everywhere."

Gu Mingtang didn't come here by himself.

Two people from the county were transferred to the development zone to work as her assistants.

Another person was born in the province.

It was Xiao Zhao sitting next to her.

The secretary is still Xiao Tao, who was brought out from Nuanyang Knitting Factory.

In fact, it was just right for Xiao Tao to keep it for Zhou Aijun, but after much deliberation, he decided to forget it. With Xiao Tao's consent, he brought the development zone to her and is now taking notes.

Xiao Zhao is a gay man in his 30s.

Knowing the news in advance, I knew that the other party was not very happy, but also didn't quite understand it.

"I suggest you go to Beihuang for on-the-spot investigation, because many of the conditions you just mentioned are not true, such as the environment and living conditions around transportation."

"This is a win-win situation, and the college can think about it carefully."

Gu Mingtang also laid out his preferential conditions one by one. He handed out a stack of documents in front of everyone, hoping that they would express their opinions after reading them.

This was a little different from what Gu Mingtang originally expected.

But she didn't take it to heart.

This was originally a plan. If this road fails, there is another way.

Maybe their concerns are justified.

The meeting lasted for two consecutive days.

The College of Agriculture disagreed from top to bottom, preferring that the funds be used to expand their school.

Build more teaching buildings and dormitories to increase the number of teachers.

This idea cannot be said to be wrong, especially now that many people think it is a big joke to waste time and money to build a branch in a little-known small county.

Even if the explanation is clear, the conditions are put in place, and they know that Qulin has now become a market, it will not change their minds.Besides, if a branch is really established, some people from the main school must go there.

Who will go then?
If the teachers don’t want to go, let alone the students.

Why are the universities in Beijing so valuable?
Even if some are not as good as them, they are still superior, isn't it just because they occupy a good place?
This has always been the case for people to go to higher places, and water to flow to lower places. There is no way to build a branch of this school, and instead of going to a good city, they go to a remote mountain village.

So this is really stuck. The development zone is still under construction, and taking them for an actual inspection is of no use in persuading them.

Gu Mingtang stopped pestering him and returned with his people without going to the province to report on his work.

This is a voluntary matter, and Zhou County will be asked to report it to the province when the time comes.

While on the road, Gu Mingtang's mind went round and round.

In her impression, several universities were established in the early 80s.

And the follow-up is very famous. At the beginning of its establishment, it received a lot of support.

Relying on the Corps, we can completely rebuild a university, and there will be nothing like the Agricultural College.

After Gu Mingtang returned, he first approached Qin Feng and asked him if he wanted to take a special exam with these people who came back. That is, he would give them the exam alone, and he would give you the final qualification according to where you can pass the exam.

This is issued uniformly by the state and is valid for a lifetime.

This is Gu Mingtang's idea. If Qin Feng agrees, she will start to do it.

Qin Feng learned that this way of taking the exam did not require him to abandon his mother and study abroad.

So I readily agreed.

His level of knowledge is equivalent to that of a doctoral student.

Qin Feng can even lead a project team alone.

Including Lian Yecheng, who was sent to the northern general base by Lu Liangzhou.

Gu Mingtang also called him.

Then Qin Feng started to contact other people.

Mr. Qin has now officially assumed the position.

But he doesn't care about education.

However, he was able to connect Gu Mingtang and the matter was resolved within a week.

These nineteen teenagers got together again in this way.

Gu Mingtang did not participate. Qin Xuefei and Qin Feng went to the capital together.

Gu Mingtang told Qin Feng to take the exam safely and she would take good care of him at home.

At this time, the above funds have also been allocated.

There are also local finances.

Toms investment is already in place.

The development zone has been demarcated, including factories related to Nuanyang and Beihuang, and even mineral water plants. Xiangyang Commune will be relocated as a whole, and there are several villages, but Lingxi Brigade is not included.

The Lingxi brigade is preparing to build a tourist resort.

The mountains, water, and scenery here are great.

And there is no need for the development zone to extend southward.

And the city is also expanding outward.

It will eventually become one.

After May Day, Qin Feng came back, and Qin Xuefei came back with him.

What Gu Mingtang didn't expect was that Mr. Qin also came and brought an inspection group...

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