Lian Ye Cheng glanced this way.

It seemed that he could see Luo Zhiqing's heart at once.

He said directly: "Captain Xu and the others were kind enough to rescue you, but I haven't heard a word of thanks or gratitude from you until now. It's all for no reason. Why are you slandering Captain Gu in such a weird way?"

The cabin suddenly became quiet.

No one expected that the usually silent boy would speak so sharply at this time.

Luo Zhiqing opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Lian Ye Cheng frowned and said: "As far as I know, if you want to go to City A, you don't have to take the road next to the railway track, because the road conditions are not good. No, it hasn’t been repaired in many years, but there is a newly built Huangsha Road from your location to the capital. Not only is the distance short, the road condition is good, and it is not in an area where there is heavy snowstorm."

Lu Hui blinked. He had just wanted to say, did this weird Aunt Luo have bad intentions?

In other words, she is actually a fool, a fool who prefers to go to the tiger mountain even though she knows that there are tigers in the mountains.

But when I heard the little brother say this, it didn’t seem to be the case.

Gu Mingtang clenched his hands.

For some unknown reason, she and Lu Liangzhou should have thought of this, but only now did they realize that they had never thought about it.

He didn't even look at Ye Cheng's face, he just talked about his own thoughts.

"What's your reason for choosing the most dangerous route instead of the safe route?"

"It's not that I despise women, it's that you are indeed a woman. Compared with men of the same age, you don't have any advantage in physical strength. You don't carry any weapons with you and only drive a car. You really are not afraid of encountering someone on the road. Is it dangerous?"

"Or maybe you came here just for this special train?"

There was dead silence in the cabin.

Lu Xueyan blinked and said nothing.

Then Lu Hui took his sister and sat down on the edge of the kang.

There is admiration in his eyes, my little brother is so great!

Luo Zhiqing looked at Lian Yecheng angrily, "What are you talking about? What are the safe routes and dangerous routes? This is my own business. I can go whichever way I want. I started from home." It was still sunny, who knew it would snow so much in this damn place."

"Who do you think you are? No one else asked me why I left here. Why do you question me? Did I break any law by leaving here?"

Gu Mingtang stopped her from talking, "Xiao Cheng's question is very reasonable. Why are you getting so angry over there? Please behave yourself. Xiao Cheng is my nephew."

Gu Mingtang originally wanted to say that Xiao Cheng was her younger brother, because he was about the same age as Xiao Hai, but when he remembered that his son called him little brother, he decided to forget it.

Gu Mingtang added, "This road is still some distance from the tunnel collapse. Now that the weather has improved, shouldn't you leave?"

Although he really wanted to trap Luo Zhiqing by his side, there were children and many ordinary people around her, so Gu Mingtang couldn't take the risk.

But this person's target is their family of four, and he probably won't be able to drive them away.

Sure enough, Luo Zhiqing said coldly, "It was Captain Xu who led the people to rescue me. He should be responsible to the end."

This is relied on.

Then Luo Zhiqing started rubbing her head again, as if there was something in her head that made her uncomfortable, and her hair was messed up.

It was originally sunny outside, but it became gloomy again at this time, and the northwest wind seemed to be getting stronger.

She glanced outside the cabin, then fell down on the camping blanket.

She didn't want to sleep, but she still closed her eyes.

I don't know why I didn't snore this time.

Gu Mingtang finally noticed something unusual.

Then he also saw his son's guilty look.

What did this little guy do?

Obviously they had no contact.

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on Ah Hui and Xue Yan's wrists.

She heard from Lu Liangzhou that during the time when she was not in the country, he often took his two children to his laboratory. Ah Hui was a genius and an all-rounder.

This was a bit shocking, but Lu Liangzhou didn't tell anyone.

The all-rounder is not suitable for all-round development.

Always choose one he likes.

Then I discovered that this child is more interested in precision instruments.On the basis of the original, the protector on the wrist has been improved.

Gu Mingtang has been busy since he came back and went to City A midway.

I didn't even have time to look at the improved protector.

So did Xiao Ah Hui do something to Luo Zhiqing?

It was very warm in the cabin, but Lian Yecheng ran out to collect firewood, and then told Gu Mingtang that there were light snowflakes falling outside.

This brings new difficulties to the rescue.

But after more than two hours, the snow stopped.

The wind has also dropped.

The temperature increased little by little.

The weather finally seems to be normal.

Then came the rescue team.

The two trains were finally put back on the tracks before dark.

There were thousands of people in the rescue team.

So only Lu Liangzhou came back with his secretary.

As the number of people increased, Luo Zhiqing did not dare to move at all.

And it was finally opened to traffic three days later.

Even Gu Mingtang had to admire the strength of these ordinary people.

After Gu Mingtang arrived in City A, his first call was to call his work unit and tell Zhou Aijun to produce a batch of wool vests.

Nearly 3000 people participated in the rescue.

She wants everyone to be given one.

Over there, Zhou Aijun's heart that had been hanging in his throat finally dropped.

I know something happened here, and I know they are safe, but after all, I still can't rest assured.

Then trains on the entire train line stopped running, adding to the panic.

Things got better after the train opened. Now that I know they are safe, I feel completely relieved.

The train stopped in City A for a day.

One day later, Lu Liangzhou took Lian Yecheng to the northern headquarters on a special train.

Gu Mingtang prepared a lot of changes of clothes for Lian Yecheng and told him to call her if anything happened.

When several people arrived home, Lu Meiying hugged Gu Mingtang, and the two children were crying loudly.

She also said that if something happened on the road because of her, she would not be able to compensate them even with her own life.

It felt better after being comforted by Lu Hui and Lu Xueyan.

Lu Meiying was getting married and was already emotionally unstable. She became angry when she saw Su Shiquan standing next to her.

Su Shiquan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Who could have imagined that such an accident would happen?

He couldn't breathe when he knew it.

Fortunately everyone is okay.

All supplies arrived safely.

Many people came to the Lu family one after another.

When everyone was almost gone, Fang Mengyuan suddenly pulled Gu Mingtang aside and asked her with wide eyes, "Is Mr. Qin's granddaughter Qin Xuefei going to your unit?"

"You even know this and are well-informed. Don't you even go to school?"

"Of course I'm going to school. I'll graduate next year, and I'll go to your workplace too."

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