Chapter 556 Conspiracy
During this period, Mr. Qin called Gu Mingtang and told him that he would go to his house for dinner tomorrow at noon and call everyone in the group, and he would send a car to pick them up.

The old man was obviously very happy: "I've prepared lunch and I'm waiting for you to come. By the way, Tangtang, I'll go with you in the afternoon."

Gu Mingtang thanked Mr. Qin and then put down the phone.

After they finished eating in the restaurant, they went directly to their room.

Never mind the lack of jet lag, I’m tired after traveling all morning.

Everyone is resting in the room.

In the afternoon, Gu Mingtang and Mr. Qin went to the embassy. Here, they reported the incoming visitor's information and itinerary to the leaders, and then called Zhou County to report that they were safe.

In this way, Zhou County can notify others.

In City A, I called Chang Yun, but Mr. Lu couldn't get in touch.

Lu Liangzhou may have been waiting for the call.

When the phone rang, he picked it up within a few breaths.

I also reported that I was safe, but I couldn’t say too much about the long distance.

Even if there are thousands of words.

Lu Liangzhou told Gu Mingtang to pay attention to safety and reassured her that he would take care of the child.

Then the two men put down the phone.

The notification of this notification is complete.

There was nothing going on here, so Mr. Qin took Gu Mingtang and left the embassy.

On the way, Mr. Qin told her that he had just learned that members of the Flame Base had stayed in this hotel.

Mr. Qin frowned: "I don't know why they are targeting you, so even if they change hotels, they will follow you. I just reported it to the leader alone, and they will secretly send someone to coordinate and protect you."

"These people are coming in a menacing manner. It seems they want to do something to us blatantly." Gu Mingtang analyzed.

The old man nodded secretly.

Two hours later, the embassy provided information, saying that they were probably heading for Zhao Fengting.

It was really beyond everyone's expectation, even Gu Mingtang didn't expect it.

She thought these people were coming for her.

After all, he has a grudge against the Wang family.

Now she is a thorn in the side of the Wang family.

If you dream about getting rid of yourself.

Even if he doesn't get rid of him, he can still threaten Lu Liangzhou.

Not to mention she has a genius son.

No matter how you think, it should be you who these people are running for.

But Mr. Qin asked Gu Mingtang to be careful.

The old man was a little worried.

After all, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Gu Mingtang had Zhao Fengting's information in his hand.

After reading it again, I knew why I was running towards her.

Zhao Fengting's eldest brother is from the Academy of Sciences and has developed something that makes the people at the Flame Base very jealous.

It is said that it can be combined with the things studied in their flame base laboratory, and it is extremely powerful.

The details are still unclear.

Shen Huai seemed to have noticed something, and specially moved to another room next to Zhao Fengting.Zhao Fengting wanted to live with Teacher He, but Teacher He could not agree to her exchange.

So Zhao Fengting still lives with Gu Xiaoxue.

The rooms are either in horizontal rows or on opposite sides, with a corridor in the middle and thick carpets.

There are no windows around, and this hotel is designed in a zigzag shape. If you don't have a good sense of direction, you can easily get lost when you get up.

Without Gu Mingtang's instructions, members of the group who have no sense of direction will not walk on their own.

Many people took a short rest in the afternoon. After dinner, they lay in front of the window sill and admired the city at night.

After all, everyone is from City A.

Looking down from a high position, it feels like a nouveau riche here.

Gu Mingtang knew that Shen Huai had been transferred to the room next to Zhao Fengting, so he felt that there might be a problem tonight.

These people would not let their visit go smoothly.

So Gu Mingtang did not change into pajamas, but wore simple and neat clothes, and listened carefully to the seven people living opposite.

Whether it was intentional or a coincidence, these people's rooms were right opposite them, and there was one room at the end of the corridor and another room at the top of the stairs.

If it weren't for the back-shaped design, it would have seemed to surround them.

These seven men were armed.

It is not illegal to possess weapons in this country.

Youdao said that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. No matter how powerful Shen Huai is, there is no guarantee that he will not succeed with his bare hands.

These people don't care about your accusations.

So what if I accuse you?
He did what he had to do, and because he did it, he did it, so he looked confident, even talking in the room without covering up.

Before they decided to take action, they brazenly discussed what to do in the room.

"John, when you deal with Shen Huai, if you can't beat him, just grab him. Don't kill him. Just make him unable to fight back."

"Duerslu, you drank all the wine, pretended to be a drunken scene, and then broke down the door. When the woman opened the door, you knocked her out and took her to the other side of the corridor. Jack Bull was responsible for taking care of her. "

"Others can yell in the corridor, pretend to be drunk, and beat anyone who comes out. Don't worry, they are all weak. As long as the one named Shen Huai is dealt with, the rest will not be a problem."

"Hahaha, yes, captain, you are absolutely right. I didn't want to argue with him at that time, otherwise I could have kicked him down in minutes."

"Okay, stop bragging and save your strength to deal with Shen Huai. That man does have two brushes."

"Captain, do you want to take that most beautiful woman with you? I think the leader of our base will definitely like her."

"What does the leader like? I think you do, but I heard that that person has a good relationship with Mr. Qin. If something goes wrong with her, Mr. Qin will definitely not let us go."

"So what if you don't let us go?"

"Although it's not great, don't cause trouble to the leader. We were already noticeable enough some time ago, although we are not afraid."

"We just want the whole world to notice us and let them listen to us. We are the masters of this world."

"Okay, okay, I will go on to arrange other things. Everyone remember what you are doing. Luker, you are strong. If the other party's door cannot be knocked open, you can just kick the door open, or blast it away with a weapon. .”

Someone said: "The most beautiful woman is indeed very beautiful, and the more she looks at her, the more beautiful she becomes. It would be a pity not to take this opportunity to take her away with her."

"Yes, captain, you are too timid. How can you be our captain with such courage? I think it is better to replace him with someone else."

"Who will be the one? Will you be the one?"

"If I were the captain, I would definitely take that most beautiful woman away with me. Haven't you noticed that for them, what they do is what they do, and there is nothing they can do about it."

One man said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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