Chapter 234 The Wheel of Fate Doesn't Turn Like This
Gu Mingtang pointed at the woolen yarn, "Just use this instead."

Zhou Xian's eyes lit up, "Try?"

Then try it.

Here, Zhou County started to operate. Gu Mingtang went back to the factory and took the gradient wool to the design room.

Before he could speak, Xiaoxue and the other girls exclaimed.

Even Qi Qi's eyes widened in shock.

Look, it really attracts girls' attention.

Under the leadership of Mr. Zhong, the first-generation designers of this complex Nuanyang Knitting Factory have formed a unique style of Nuanyang.

Even if this factory returns to Nuanyang, the colored wool will not be sold to the outside world for the time being, and finished products will still be produced.

Gu Mingtang asked them to design knitwear such as sweaters, hats, scarves and gloves, and let the colors form natural and beautiful patterns according to the size.

This fall, colorful wool is the mainstay.


In the staff dormitory of the melon seed factory, Hong Shuqin threw a letter into a lunch box and burned it.

She also tried her best.

She and Uncle Tie also paid a lot for the investigation team to be dispatched.

According to the collected information, Gu Mingtang really has a lot of problems and doubts about him.

The leader of the investigation team this time is famous for being stern and selfless, and there are also Aunt Keiko in it.

But in the end, not only did she not find out any problems, but the provincial government praised her alone.

Praise her for self-improvement and self-reliance, and praise her for her hard work.

He also praised her hard work and efforts to improve the status of women comrades.

How come this is so?
Therefore, Aunt Huizi didn't even call her, but just wrote a letter to her, asking her to do her job well first, and do something appropriate when the time is right.

Hong Shuqin frowned, what do you mean by doing something appropriate at the right time?
What does this sentence mean?
Why start with Gu Mingtang first?
Could it be that Gu Mingtang is really a lucky person?

But that's not true either.

If Gu Mingtang is really a lucky person, wouldn't everything against her fail?
People like this, in layman's terms, are lucky.

Every calamity turns into good luck, and death becomes auspicious.

This time, such a big investigation team came to her to investigate that she was fine, didn't it prove it?

Now the second aunt is gone.

Cousin Yuanqi was left behind, and because of his uncle, he was able to go to college, but he graduated a year later than others.

Aunt Keiko said, it shouldn't be like this.

The wheel of fortune doesn't turn that way.

It was because God had blessed the Lu family with good luck, so they survived one by one.

They should have been dead and dead.

But now everyone is doing well.

The second aunt who didn't deserve to die died.

Uncle and grandma were sentenced to life.

Cousin Yuanqi, who was supposed to go straight to the sky, is depressed and frustrated.

The fate of the Wang family should not be like this.

Hong Shuqin frowned and moved her fingers. What is the right time?


Zhou County called Gu Mingtang and told her that someone from the main factory would come in a few days to discuss whether to withdraw the branch factory.

It turned out that the director of the ancient factory fell ill and had to retreat to the second line.

It's no wonder that during this period of time, the hearts of Director Ding of the branch factory were fluctuating. It turned out that there was a personnel transfer at the main factory.

Well, some people now feel that the branch factory that was finalized before is unnecessary.

After all, the wool produced here cannot solve the production pressure of wool spinning mills.

And the people here are worried that there is no place for them in the main factory.

I am even more worried that they will be completely left in a small county in Beihuang.

If so, sit down and have a good talk.

Presumably, Director Ding will try his best to facilitate this matter.

This negotiation is not complicated.

The land belongs to Qulin County.Machinery and equipment are provided by the Corps.The workers are all locals.

60.00% of the management team came from the Mobei General Factory.

This also includes several technicians in the R&D room.

Not too much fuss.

It is because Director Ding and the chief technician have communicated with the main factory.

They now have ombré yarn on hand.

So, in exchange, the technology of gradient color wool was given to Mobei's main factory.

But there is a condition that it is not allowed to be put into production now, and production must wait for Nuanyang's products to be unveiled at the Canton Fair.

This condition is also acceptable, the main factory has frequent personnel transfers, and it is temporarily unable to take care of new products.

After all, the established companies have acquired orders, and there are as many orders as snowflakes.

As a result, the brand of the Mobei branch factory became Nuanyang Knitting Factory.

That's right, it is Nuanyang Woolen Mill.

Originally, Gu Mingtang was going to take down this factory.

Originally, I was going to talk to the director of the factory after the expansion of the factory.

Now it's time to go to Mobei instead.

Of course, there are also people who hold different opinions on this branch.

Some people oppose it simply for the sake of opposing it, and they can't give any specific reasons.

But in reality, this is the best way to give Nuanyang.

But there is one more problem.

After Nuanyang is given, how will the organization and rank be calculated?
The workers are fine, but what about the management?
The deputy factory director is an old comrade named Dai who worked in a textile factory and is Daxiong's master.

He took the initiative to go to Zhou County, and that's what he was talking about.

Nuanyang Knitting Factory cannot do without this wool spinning factory, and cannot be controlled by others because of raw materials.

It doesn't matter whether it is organized or not, and it is no problem to make a workshop for Nuanyang.

Gu Mingtang thought it would be a joke.

Didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly.

What Gu Mingtang means here is that the level remains the same.

But the wages and benefits are the same as those in the sweater factory.

Naturally, it also includes the workers in the factory.

Now it's just a brand change.

There are also a few more people in the meeting.

However, the knitting factory simply warmly welcomes the newcomers.

Although the sweater factory was established for a short period of time, everyone envied the benefits and benefits, and the workers were happy when they returned to Nuanyang.


When the processing here is about the same, the Canton Fair will also start preparations.

A total of eight days to go back and forth.

Then what about the two children?
Because Lu Liangzhou is also going to City A for a meeting.

Although the time is one before and one after, but there are five overlapping days in between.

The last time I went to Mobei to take them with me, should I take them with me this time?
This time is different from going to Mobei. The provincial capital leads the team, and each region has its own delegation.

What are you going to do?

Definitely not for fun.

This is a large-scale product exchange meeting, very famous.

Products from all over the world will be exhibited here.

There will also be a large number of products for sale here.

Just like Qulin County is the focus of attention in the province this time.

Because they can show a lot of things at the Canton Fair, such as fragrant melon seed knitwear and corn leaf weaving handicrafts, which are products with local characteristics and the first two have a certain reputation.

This can all be brought to the Canton Fair.

The printing factory in the county used to be a small factory with dozens of people, but now it has expanded its enrollment to more than 100 people...

(End of this chapter)

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