Those unbearable memories tormented her and made her want to escape again.

Finally ran to a noisy bar for a drink.

It's extremely noisy there, and you can numb yourself with alcohol.

She barely put those things out of her mind.

She didn't understand that she had never done anything wrong, but those people had never let her go.

Time and time again, he used the most unbearable methods to slander her.

Is it because of her past?

She didn't quite understand, and took another sip of wine into her mouth.

The alcohol content was not low, and after taking a sip, my head was already dizzy.

Between dizziness.

She vaguely saw Li Mingye appearing in front of her.

The erratic figure was probably the illusion of her drunkenness.

She cursed bad luck in her heart.

Even when he was drunk, Li Mingye's shadow appeared in front of him.

She closed her eyes, trying to wake herself up.

At least exclude Li Mingye from her illusion.

When he opened his eyes again, Li Mingye Feifan didn't leave, and was getting closer and closer to her.

Even reaching out to grab her, she thought it was an illusion, so she didn't care.

But he didn't want that real strength to appear on his arm.

She was startled, and then carefully looked at the figure in front of her.

This time his eyes were no longer erratic, and Li Mingye was really standing in front of her, not a hallucination.

Qin Moxue's face was flushed from drunkenness, and she looked at him in confusion.

"Why are you here?"

Her footsteps were a little wobbly, and she was obviously unstable.

Li Mingye stretched out his hands to protect her.

"Let me see, the deserter who sneaked out, how is her life going?"

When Qin Moxue heard this, her face became even more unsightly.

He came here not to comfort her, but to mock her brightly.

But only Li Mingye knew that when he saw the news, he was as sad as Qin Moxue.

He also felt embarrassed for her.

But those things were all brought to her by him.

Who deserves to die, he has much more sinful loins.

He didn't know how to get along with Qin Moxue, he just wanted to find her and comfort her.

He searched for a long time before he got the news that she was in the bar.

Originally, he had thought of a lot of comforting words, but seeing her so drunk that she hated iron for steel, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Moxue shouldn't be like this, she should fight back fiercely, instead of getting drunk here alone.

So when he spoke with anger, the words had changed.

turned into a blatant mockery.

Thinking that he was also here to make fun of her, Qin Moxue didn't have the heart to make trouble with him.

Shaking off his hand, he staggered to the other side.

Take the wine and continue to drink in big gulps.

Li Mingye followed closely behind, reaching out to stop her after she finished drinking a glass of wine.

"Aren't you very good at ordinary times? Why are you defeated so easily! Where did the young lady who was so confident back then go? You are a waste now, a deserter who only knows how to drink and paralyze himself!"

He scolded her angrily.

Fortunately, the bar was noisy, even if his voice was loud, the people around couldn't hear him clearly.

Only Qin Moxue fell into her ears without saying a word.

She was a little drunk, but generally sober.

After hearing these words, there was only a breakdown.

She couldn't bear it at all, these words completely shattered her calmness.

She broke down and yelled at him.

"If it wasn't for you, would I have become like this? Would I have fallen to this point!!"

"All my misery, and all the excuses they use to laugh at me, are all brought to me by you! Now you have the nerve to call me a deserter? If it weren't for you, would I have lived in such pain?!"

"I went to jail, I went to the clubhouse, and I hovered on the verge of death again and again. Which thing has nothing to do with you? Everyone can come and laugh at me. But you! Li Mingye! You are the least qualified to talk about me!"

She broke down and accused him loudly.

There was a lot of resentment in the words, and the tears also fell.

She hates it, those pains brought her not only the torture at that time, but also the endless darkness behind it.

Li Mingye looked at her face covered with tears, felt a pain in his heart, and wanted to reach out to wipe her tears.

But her words made him unable to move.

She was right, the pain was all caused by him.

He was blinded by hatred, he just wanted to torture her blindly.

But I also forgot to ask my own heart, not daring to face up to my own heart.

Until now, that strong emotion can no longer be hidden.

He had to admit that he had deep feelings for her.

But he couldn't ask for forgiveness.

He tried to make her forget the past, the dark and painful past.

But there are always people who come out time and time again, hurting her time and time again, and also hurting the few feelings between them.

Till it finally wears off.

He has done too many wrong things, he dare not face the wrong ones, and can only escape.

Maybe it was because he was too guilty, when he spoke again, his voice was unconsciously raised.

"You hate me, blame me! I don't care! But those who hurt you are still at large. And you are incompetent here, sad and angry! Let those people see, maybe secretly laughing at you behind your back."

He has always had a good face, and it is impossible for him to admit his mistakes in front of her.

I also felt chills at Qin Moxue's evasive attitude.

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