Chapter 268 The biological father
The four of them stopped in the garden of the hospital, Zhao's mother said: "I never told Xiao Huai about this, until now, he always thought that his father died when he was very young..."

"His biological father is living well in the imperial capital."

Under the scorching gazes of several people, Mother Zhao gritted her teeth, her expression showing a slumped look.

"His biological father is from the Mo family in the imperial capital, Mo Weiyu!"

Lu Ninghe and Tang Zan were shocked.

People from the Mo family?

"This...the family history of the Mo family is stored there, Auntie, why did you leave the Mo family? You..."

"Everything is evil."

It was painful to think about the past, and she was unwilling to talk about these things. As a junior, he naturally didn't have the nerve to ask more.

"Since it is the Mohist school, it is 90.00% certain that it is a Mohist."

"Little aunt, you are too sure."

"Fool, Aunt Zhao knows best whether it is true or not." Lu Xiaoguai's eyes fell on Zhao's mother, she was slightly startled, and then nodded.

Unexpectedly, such a small child actually...

She is no ordinary child.

"Little girl, please save my child, save Xiao Huai, I will sell my property and thank you." Mother Zhao now firmly believes in her.

It can be seen that it was done by the Mohists, which is enough to prove it.

"I'll talk about the thank you later. Zhao Huai's not easy to understand. If he wants to completely break the connection, he must get in touch with the people behind him."

"I don't understand." Tang Zan was puzzled.

"Go to the imperial capital!"

It's just three words, and the expressions of the three people are different.

Tang Zan: This, this, this... Isn't this an initiative to send you to your door to seek death?

Stupid Lu Ninghe: Little aunt...I'm afraid you're not in the bar out of ulterior motives. How long has it been since Bo Hezhou left? You can't wait to go to the imperial capital to meet him?

When there is time, a sign must be erected, and dogs and those with the surname Bo are not allowed to enter.

The cabbage at home must not be missed by outsiders. The elder brother and the others have reminded them many times.

He also heard it all in his ears.

The most difficult thing is Zhao's mother!

"Can you..."

"Unless you want him to die." Lu Xiaoguai said lightly, life and death were in her hands.

The hesitant Mother Zhao finally said, "Okay, I agree."

Therefore, Lu Xiaoguai told Lu Ninghe to prepare to fly to the imperial capital, and Zhao Huai's situation could not be delayed.

After the two returned home and explained the situation, although they disagreed, it was a matter of human life and they would not stop it.

When Lu Xiaoguai was about to go to the imperial capital, he had to follow people by his side.

Among the six nephews, the second eldest, Lu Ningxing, won the victory!
"Little have to come back early, I will miss must not abandon me." Lu Ninghe hugged her crying.

Soon, he was slapped on the back of the head.

"Stinky boy, look forward to it."

"Domestic violence, be careful and I will sue you."

"Believe it or not, I will cut you."

The others ignored the quarrel between father and son, Lu Xiaoguai bid farewell to his family, and took Lu Ningxing to the imperial capital together.

After arriving in the imperial capital, they went directly to the other garden of the Lu family in the imperial capital.

Along with them were Zhao's mother and son, as well as Tang Zan!

All five of them stayed in the other garden.

"Miss Lu... Take a quick look at Xiao Huai... Xiao Huai's body..."

Lu Xiaoguai, who was left behind, hurried upstairs.

After Zhao's mother lifted the quilt, Zhao Huai's legs were exposed, with two black lines on them, which gradually tended to run up.

Zhao's mother was worried and pressed her lips tightly.

"The life-devouring pattern, with the manipulation of the people behind it, gradually reaches the position of the heart. At that time, it will be the time when he dies."

(End of this chapter)

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