Chapter 91
Hearing this, the expression on Xiu Niang's face froze immediately, she wiped her tears with the sleeve of her clothes, Yao Suyu kowtowed in gratitude:

"Thank you Madam, Madam is so kind and virtuous that it is difficult for slaves to repay. Even if Madam asks slaves to die in the future, slaves will never say anything."

Yao Suyu quickly waved at her, but he didn't like to say such words.

She is not the kind of vicious master who wants to skin the slaves in the mansion.

"It's fine, what do you mean you can't die? It sounds too scary. I don't want to go to the battlefield to fight, but I live on this three-acre land every day.

In the future, you can just devote yourself to sewing clothes and doing show work, and you don't need to do anything else. "

Yao Suyu couldn't see this kind of crying scene too much, after all, this embroidered lady is really pitiful.

Even in modern times, single mothers living with their children, with the old and the young, will be more difficult than others, let alone in ancient times.

If Chu Lian hadn't asked Xiu Niang to work in the mansion in order to take care of his brother Yi Shuang.

Just relying on Xiu Niang's honesty, softness, submissiveness, and not daring to say a word when being bullied, the life at home might be like that.

Put the good words first, Yao Suyu is talking about punishment at this time, it is much easier for Xiu Niang to accept.

"In the next three months, the monthly payment will be halved. Do you have any objections?" Yao Suyu asked seriously.

It is too late for Xiuniang to thank Yao Suyu at this time, how could she have any objection to this punishment?
You must know that if this kind of thing is left in other mansions, it will definitely not be good for her. Now it is only a small amount of money deducted. Compared with other punishments, this punishment is already very light.

So, Xiu Niang immediately kowtowed to Yao Suyu again: "This servant accepts the punishment, Mrs. Xie is magnanimous!"

Seeing that Xiu Niang was not punished too severely for hiding the cloth, other servants in the mansion also became active.

Others also stood up and claimed the things on the table.

Among them is a golden step, which looks very gorgeous and is estimated to be worth a lot of silver.

The reason why Chu Lian's subordinates took this thing out was that they thought it was something that the servants of the mansion couldn't afford, so there must be something tricky about the origin of this golden step.

Maybe she stole my wife's jewelry, took it out to exchange for silver, and bought it again.

But a little maidservant with a round face stood up and said shyly:
"Ma'am, that Jin Bu Yao belongs to a slave."

"Where did such a valuable item come from?" Yao Suyu didn't insist that it was this little maid who stole the item.

Because Yao Suyu insists on investigating before speaking, if he draws conclusions casually and wrongs others, it is not a question of whether his self-esteem is damaged.

You know, in the ancient master's house, a casual sentence can kill a slave unjustly.

It's literally dead.

This is a living life, so Yao Suyu is extremely cautious.

Although the round-faced little girl was very scared at this time, a blush appeared on her face, and she said embarrassedly:
"It was given by the servant's sweetheart."

These servant girls, not only life and death are in the master's hands, even the marriage is decided by the master.

Usually they are young, they are sold into the mansion as maids when they are ten years old, and serve the master for ten years, and when they are around twenty, the master thinks of the love of serving in the past, and will point out a good husband to the maids under him.

But usually they are selected from the stewards of the mansion. When two people get married and have children, the child still works for the mansion. This is the so-called domestic servant.

The whole family is held in the hands of the master. Such a slave is the most reliable, and will not betray the master at a critical moment.

The reason why this round-faced little girl is afraid is precisely because her current behavior is a collusion with a foreigner in private.

If the master doesn't pursue it, maybe she will have a good marriage, but if he pursues it, he might even sell her out.

Yao Suyu looked at the face of the round-faced little girl, and estimated that she was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Yao Suyu really couldn't say anything serious.

She glanced at Chu Lian and signaled to Chu Lian that you should handle this matter.

Just now Yao Suyu helped him handle the embroidered mother's matter properly, but now it's Chu Lian's turn to handle it, one for each person, it's fair, no one should complain about being tired.

Chu Lian had no choice but to be a bad face again: "What is the name of your sweetheart?"

The round-faced little maid bit her lips tightly and remained silent.

She can't say it!

It's fine for her to be punished, and she can no longer confess her wishful husband.

In fact, Chu Lian and Yao Suyu originally wanted to have an adult beauty, since the two of them have love and concubines, they might as well get married.

But this little girl with a round face didn't know which muscle was twisted, she was very stubborn, no matter what Chu Lian asked, she just didn't open her mouth.

In front of so many servants, he didn't give Chu Lian any face at all, so how could Chu Lian help her?
Yao Suyu sighed again, since the round-faced little girl refused to speak, she could only force that man to stand up.

If that man is also pretending to be deaf and dumb, it means that this person is not someone who can be entrusted for life at all.

So Yao Suyu pretended to say: "Since you have two hearts, the governor's mansion can't keep you. Let the manager come in later and sell you again."

The round-faced little maid was so frightened that her legs limp, and Yao Suyuguang panicked because of the little maid's pain when she heard the sound of knocking on the ground.

Even Yao Suyu, an outsider, felt a little distressed, let alone the person who fell in love with the round-faced little maid.

Sure enough, before the round-faced little maid asked for mercy, a guard stood up abruptly.

"My lord, madam, I did something wrong. I couldn't help myself. I hope that my lord and madam don't blame Xiaojin."

Chu Lian lazily raised his eyelids, and gave the guard a sideways look.

Chu Lian has an impression of the people under him.

The guard had been walking with him before, but then he was injured once, and his leg was injured. Even if it was cured, it left some sequelae.

That is, the two legs are slightly higher and the other lower, and they are a little lame when walking.

It is not very convenient to walk, Chu Lian is for his safety, so naturally it is impossible to send him out to do some killing and killing work.

So he left the man in the mansion, who was in charge of raising the horses.

He is in charge of people under his command, so this size can be regarded as a small manager, and he is usually responsible for keeping an eye on the manger.

If the master of the mansion wanted to go out, he would also be in charge of driving the carriage. After all, he knew how to fight, and was more considerate than a simple carriage driver.

When Yao Suyu went out several times before, this guard was also driving.

After forcing people out, Yao Suyu didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, the round-faced little girl looked at the guard anxiously, and said with distress and blame:

"Brother Yan, why are you standing up? It's all my fault, it's all my fault for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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