"Then how do you make the common people live better? How about a better life? You can't make something out of nothing, right?" Chu Lian was very puzzled.

"There is a word called increasing income and reducing expenditure, you must have heard of it?" Yao Suyu asked seriously.

"If I want to snatch the resources that they have already plundered from the hands of the aristocratic family and local tyrants.

For example, the land that was annexed by them maliciously is definitely unrealistic, at least in the short term. "

Getting others to spit out the fat that reaches their mouths is simply as difficult as climbing the sky.

So Yao Suyu wanted to find some new ways to make money for those common people.

Relying on those few acres of land every year, what can I do to make a living?
Chu Lian now understood the meaning of Yao Suyu's words: "Then did you find any business opportunities?"

"Let me ask you a question first, why do you think these villagers are short of money?"

Chu Lian didn't know why, but he still answered seriously: "Because they have too little land to cultivate, and they have no other source of livelihood."

"Then why didn't they choose to go out to work?" Yao Suyu continued to ask.

"Most villages live by the mountains, and each village is self-contained. If you want to go out, you have to go over the mountains.

The roads are impassable, and travel is naturally a hassle. "

It takes three or four hours to go out for a trip, and another three or four hours to come back. There is nothing to do that day, and it is all spent on the road.

So, who else wants to go out?

Even if you put a basket of vegetables at home and sell them in the town, you have to leave before dawn and arrive at noon.

At that time, not to mention that the vegetables in the baskets are no longer fresh, no one buys vegetables at that point alone.

These are very real problems.

If anyone is lucky enough to be recruited by a shop in the town to be a clerk, he will only return home once every six months, and it is impossible to return home every morning and evening.

"And there is also a very important point. Those in power need to fix these peasants in a certain place and prevent them from wandering around, so that there will be no chaos and it will be easier to manage."

Yao Suyu snorted coldly, to put it bluntly, it was the lazy government sitting on the dragon chair!
The emperor didn't care whether the people under his rule lived a good life or a bad life, how many meals a day they could eat, and whether they could eat rice and broth for each meal.

Anyway, as long as these people don't make trouble, don't die in front of him, and don't let him hear crying and tired, the emperor will treat it as nothing.

Anyway, the emperor himself filled the banquet every day, spending all kinds of extravagantly.

"I don't love the people like my son at all!"

Yao Suyu originally had a lot of more serious things to complain about, but Chu Lian gave Yao Suyu a warning look and told her not to talk nonsense.

Yao Suyu swallowed back the other words, and said this one in a targeted manner.

Chu Lian is really afraid of Yao Suyu's mouth now, he is afraid that Yao Suyu will talk in front of him, he is used to being unscrupulous, so don't accidentally say something wrong in front of outsiders.

Others would not tolerate it in every possible way like him, pretending not to know, and directly poking this talk in front of the emperor, would be head-scratching!
Therefore, Chu Lian must correct Yao Suyu's nonsense from now on, and change the subject at the same time:
"What can you do?"

Yao Suyu said something, which aroused Chu Lian's curiosity: "Have you ever seen a road as smooth as a plane?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Lian was puzzled.

Ninety-ninety percent of the current roads are yellow mud roads. When the weather is fine, the horseshoes step on it and the dust flies up. When it is raining, a foot in the mud can trap people and make them unable to walk for a long time.

That is to say, the road under the root of the imperial city is better, it is specially paved with bluestone slabs, but it is only a little better than the yellow mud road.

After all, the bluestone slabs cannot be put together so tightly, there will be gaps in the middle, and some small stones will wobble when stepped on.

When it rained, water accumulated everywhere, and the road was not easy to walk anyway.

Yao Suyu was also fed up with this kind of road, so he wanted to earn his first pot of gold from road construction.

"I know there is a thing called cement that can be used to pave roads, build bridges, build embankments and build houses, and it can do anything related to construction.

As long as cement is used, not only the surface is as smooth as water, but also very firm and easy to clean.

The most important thing is that the road built the night before can be walked the next day, and you don't need to go to quarry and dig mountains..."

Yao Suyu's description of cement as having the sky and the earth immediately aroused Chu Lian's interest.

Chu Lian asked anxiously, "Where is that thing?"

"It hasn't been made yet."

Yao Suyu's sincere words made Chu Lian speechless like a deflated ball.

"You're not kidding me, are you?"

Yao Suyu shook her head quickly, "I'm serious! It's just that I don't have any on hand now.

But I know how to make this thing, as long as you gather all the materials, I will make it for you immediately. "

Chu Lian was dubious: "Tell me what you need? I will send someone to prepare immediately."

Yao Suyu took the pen and paper, filled the page with brushstrokes, and handed it to Chu Lian.

"Just prepare according to the above."

Chu Lian carefully looked at the required materials written on the paper, completely confused.

If Yao Suyu didn't give him this piece of paper, he would definitely think that someone else was amusing her.

But in view of everything that Yao Suyu did before, although it sounded whimsical, they all succeeded in the end, so Chu Lian also chose to believe her this time.

"I'll send someone to look for it right away, and I'll come to you after I find it. I'm waiting for you to open my eyes."

Yao Suyu nodded heavily.

Although she is not an economist, there is a famous saying in the book of getting rich, that is, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

Anyway, when Yao Suyu created cement, he would never go wrong.

Since God asked her to catch up with the trend and experience time-traveling once, then Yao Suyu must get some tricks out of it, or would it be a waste of time?
Chu Lian non-stop asked people to look for the things on the paper. During this period of time, Yao Suyu devoted himself to taking care of the five children who had been vaccinated.

In order to be worthy of the two taels of silver that Yao Suyu gave her every month, Da Zhuang Niang almost turned herself into a spinning top.

He was unwilling to rest for a moment from morning to night, which would definitely make Yao Suyu feel that the two taels of money were worth it.

One afternoon, Zheng Tuhu's wife, whom she had not seen for a long time, suddenly came to Renjitang to find Yao Suyu.

She looked mysterious, a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed: "Little Doctor Yao, do you have time now? I have something I want to talk to you alone."

Yao Suyu immediately put down the medical book in his hand, took him to his room, closed the door, and then asked:

"What's the matter? What happened? But what happened to Xiaobao's body?"

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