Chapter 45 80s Substitute Bride (45)

Aunt Hong also said in a loud voice: "They are all family members in the compound. No matter how bad the conditions are, it is impossible for you to lose something like this. Why is it so ugly?"

"Things have been prepared a long time ago. Is it not that I have a bad memory and always forget?"

"What's the matter, we can't come here with a good deal? We have to make such a big fight. I know that your family is soft-tempered and can't open your mouth. You are looking for help from comrades from the accounting company. If you don't know, you think we have What kind of enmity!"

Tan Yongnian didn't answer the call and continued to call people.

Seeing that the two usually rogue and difficult aunts both admit cowardice, there is only a clamor on their lips, and there is not much that should be spit out.

The big guys also took out the things at home one after another to pay off what they owed to the old couple of the Tan family in previous years.

In fact, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. They are clear about what they owe to whom, but they test the other party's bottom line little by little.

When they borrowed something, they borrowed it worth thirty-five cents, but when they returned it, they took it out in one go. Their hearts ached, and everyone gave it with tears in their eyes.

Hu Anyang sat in a wheelchair and thanked each one with a smile, "Thank you ma'am, ouch, have you ever borrowed so many things?"

"If I hadn't looked through my mother-in-law's accounting book before, I wouldn't be able to reconcile it with you. The total value is about the same..."

"As the saying goes, it's not difficult to borrow and repay. Everyone knows how to do arithmetic, and no one wants to be taken advantage of. It's true that something that costs 80 cents is worthless, but every family costs [-] cents. One hundred and eighty yuan..."

"With so much money, who can wave his sleeves generously and say no?"

"And we also believe that everyone didn't do it on purpose, but we forgot about the special circumstances... It is true that everyone does not lack these, and our family doesn't need them... But no one wants their character to be defined by this eighty cents. Bar?"

"I know that your anger is directed at yourself. Why are my in-laws such good people who ask for everything you want, but you don't take them to heart... Borrowing things one after another, but it always works miraculously." Forget about it...without heart and lungs, there is no such realm..."

"But it's okay, with this experience, I believe everyone can get to know our Tan family again!"

Everyone's faces turned green, this Tan family is not a man, why are they secretly recording things like needles, threads, and brains?
It turns out that their family is generous on the surface, but in fact they are too stingy, and they don't hesitate to tear the face of the neighbors. Will they settle accounts after the fall?
If they knew this earlier, they would not take advantage of it.

When everyone was about to pay back, Tan Yongnian smiled and said to the men in the yard:

"You are comrades who have been transferred from the army to the local bureau, but there are still many excellent and all-round veterans who have no suitable job arrangements... It is most suitable for them to drive taxis and serve the people..."

"Your quality, consciousness, and sense of responsibility are very high. The society needs you, but you are just working in the fields. It is true that so many talents have been buried..."

What?These guys don't want debt from the company, but plainclothes comrades in the bureau?It's no wonder that their aura is different from other people's, making people's legs weak when they see it, and they are even scarier than the people in the debt collection company that the big guy thinks!
"Second brother of the Tan family, they, they came to your house to talk about things? You didn't invite these comrades into the house and talk about things while drinking water, why did you start talking in the courtyard?"

Tan Yongnian said indifferently: "It's the comrades in the bureau who feel that the house is too cramped, it's better to be open and bright in the yard, but it's just a matter of a few words... We have a good relationship, and we really don't need to be polite to give tea... "

"Who knew that you aunts and aunts are so kind, sticking your heads to listen to our private affairs...Since you are at home, I must mention something."

"Perhaps you have a guilty conscience? Seeing the comrades in the bureau, you really thought it was a debt collection company?"

"Everyone is an adult and knows what's right and what's wrong, otherwise it wouldn't be this kind of reaction..."

Everyone looked embarrassed. If these people belonged to the debt collection company, then they could justly accuse the Tan family of being unkind, but now the people from the debt collection company have become comrades with big caps.

Now, they can't wait to cover their fig leaf, if they let others know, they really think they have committed something, why are they so guilty of paying back what they owed for several years?

Tan Yongnian ignored them, but called the people in the house to move things, and sent his wife in along the way.

He just sent the people in the yard out, and said in a low voice with a smile: "This is still the beginning...the market has a huge demand for taxis, but I am also planning to buy some motorcycles with sidecars to absorb the huge number of customers." The demand for carrying people and goods..."

"Commercial housing is starting to appear now, and comrades who have retired from the army can also form a construction team. When the time comes, I will ask someone to lead them..."

Those comrades were more happy and grateful than they found a job, "Comrade Tan, thank you so much!"

"You don't know that many veterans are in good condition, but blood changes quickly in the army. Educational background and new technology make many rural soldiers only serve for three to five years before leaving with regret."

"And there are not so many jobs in the place where their household registration is located..."

Tan Yongnian nodded, "I understand, that's why I turned to you to see if I can get in touch with those outstanding veterans."

"Of course, this is tantamount to mutual benefit and reciprocity. I only want to have a career, and outstanding comrades of veterans rely on their skills to make a living."

"In the future, veteran comrades will have the technology, and they will not be hungry anywhere..."

Driving is not easy, but Tan Yongnian is fully capable of holding training courses and training a group of drivers himself.The same goes for construction workers.

But he gave up the opportunity to veterans!

Those few people smiled, they remembered this friendship in their hearts.

Back then, the younger generations of the Tan family looked down on Tan's father and Tan's mother being taken advantage of by others. One of them was borrowed a needle from the next door, and the other was asked for a brain by the back tomorrow.The Tan family can only go out but not in, which makes the children very resentful.

Tan's mother said at that time that they have no ability to break up with these thick-skinned aunts and aunts, and whoever has the ability to come will belong to them.

But the children of the Tan family just looked at me and I looked at you, and the matter ended without a problem.

Unexpectedly, the couple of the second room cooperated with each other to play a scene, and all the things borrowed by the Tan family were returned, not to mention all, and this phenomenon was completely cured!

Seeing all kinds of good things pouring into the second house like flowing water, some eyes turned red with jealousy.

It's just that, Hu Anyang has sharp teeth, no one can come forward to ask for cheap, and Tan Yongnian has also been protected by the eldest house and the fifth child, so he is no longer alone and helpless, and everyone comes forward to pick his skin.

(End of this chapter)

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