Doomsday Hoarding Gourmet

Chapter 410 Weird Village

Chapter 410 Weird Village

While Chen Yuanyuan and Shen Yichen were driving at the Hecheng base, they talked with the deputy base chief about the situation of white lung disease.

At noon yesterday, after the acid mist dissipated, the first batch of white lung patients appeared, and the officials quickly disposed of the corpses by burning them.

Due to Shen Yichen's rebirth in this life, it has long been revealed that white lung disease was set by Anheng Group to Huaxia, so the impact was not as great as in the previous life when preparations were made.

Most of Anheng Group's oral antibiotics are imported to cities with prosperous trade, such as Xiangcheng and Aocheng. Although there is an anti-biomutant drug F7 developed by Gu Zhiming, there are still a small number of fish that slip through the net.

Chen Yuanyuan thought of the scene in her previous life, her palms trembled uncontrollably, and her complexion turned pale.

At that time, the corpses of patients with leukemia were strewn all over the field, with plant-like roots growing all over their bodies, and mushroom plants growing from the corpses were all over the ground.

People who inhaled the mushroom spores would have hallucinations and become unconscious during the attack of white lung disease, chasing and biting the living people around them like bloodthirsty.

Once white lung disease enters the spreading stage, although it is not incurable, it spreads extremely fast, and the only way to kill it is before the special medicine reaches the Hecheng base.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Shen Yichen comforted.

"Then let's get the medicine first?" Chen Yuanyuan asked.

Just now the deputy base chief mentioned that a car with 1000 doses of F7 special effects drug lost contact on the road. Seeing that the location has not moved, something must have happened.

"Well, it should be 3 kilometers away from the Hecheng base, in a small village." Shen Yichen didn't know the situation of the village, so he asked Chen Yuanyuan to prepare some supplies and equipment first.

Now that it is a little slower, one more patient will enter the onset stage and can no longer be treated. Thinking of this, Shen Yuchen even stepped on the gas pedal.

"Okay, I'll prepare some weapons and spiritual spring water first." Chen Yuanyuan looked at Shen Yuchen driving so fast against the cliff, he was almost motion sick, so he walked into the carriage out of sight.

Chen Yuanyuan didn't know whether the Lingquan water could be curative for patients with leukemia, but some viral infections could be cured in the past, so it is still possible to try it for newly infected patients.

But for some leukemia patients with bloodthirsty impulses, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't open their mouths to let them drink, so he could only ask for luck.

After the gas mask, stab-resistant suit and guns were all ready, Chen Yuanyuan also considered the problem of encountering a patient with leukemia.

Although patients with white lung disease are bloodthirsty, they are not zombies like in movies, and their physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary people, but they are not afraid of pain, and ordinary killing methods are fine.

If you come across the corpse of a patient with leukemia, the best way to deal with it is to burn it with fire, so Chen Yuanyuan took a set of flamethrowers and filled some gasoline in a bottle.

There was not much fog on the way down the mountain, and Shen Yichen deliberately accelerated, so it only took half the time to go up the mountain and arrived.

"It's dangerous outside, let's change clothes first." Afraid that Shen Yichen might be impatient, Chen Yuanyuan told him not to enter the village yet.

"Okay." After saying that, Shen Yichen took off his shirt, revealing his eight pieces of chocolate.

"Shameless." Chen Yuanyuan looked away with a slightly red face.

"I want face or you? Haha." After finishing speaking, Shen Yichen wanted to put on the stab-proof suit.

"Aren't you wearing temperature-adjusting clothes?" Chen Yuanyuan asked.

"I didn't bring it out at home, so I'm reluctant to wear it." Shen Yichen laughed.

"I bought them all and can't return them. Why don't you wear them? 10,000+ for a set. If you wear more, you can get back your money!" Chen Yuanyuan gave Shen Yichen another set of black-tech temperature-adjusting suits.

Chen Yuanyuan's consumption concept has never been, and she is reluctant to use it because of the high price. Even if the fragrant grandma bag is tens of thousands, she still takes it to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

It's like 1 yuan, and it costs 1 yuan to use it once. If you use it [-] times, you only need one piece each time, which is not a big deal.

It's a pity that the finances were tight at that time, and now there are only two or three sets of warming clothes left in the space.

Although Shen Yichen's family is not short of money, the Shen family and the Chen family also have the mentality of "poor sons and rich daughters".

After both of them had changed their clothes, Shen Yichen sat back in the driver's cab and drove the RV into the village.

The village is not big, there is only one main road and about [-] self-built houses, and it is not densely populated.

"There is something wrong with these villagers, should they be early stage patients?" Chen Yuanyuan noticed that most of the villagers' eyes were blurred, wandering around the village, they seemed to be patients with white lung disease approaching the onset stage.

"No, early stage patients will be afraid of light before the onset of the disease. These are probably people who have eaten flesh and blood." Shen Yichen looked at the corpses on the ground that had grown spores, and it seemed that they had entered the transmission period.

Shen Yichen had also learned about the characteristics of patients with white lung disease when he was in the laboratory.

Patients with white lung disease will slowly regain their senses after giving birth to flesh and blood, watching their relatives who were bitten to death by themselves die in regret, and the corpses become a hotbed for the spread of a new batch of white lung disease.

"This village should be doomed, should we deal with it?" Chen Yuanyuan asked.

"Well, it depends on the situation. If you don't attack us, just report it." Shen Yichen saw that there was already a patient biting a person who didn't know his life or death in the hiding place.

The situation of white lung disease in the base will be relatively controllable. After all, the treatment method of white lung disease has already been conveyed in the confidential documents, and once discovered, it will be dealt with according to the instructions.

But in other places, we can only wait for military rescue, but the treatment methods are different. If the incidence rate is high, the only way is to kill.

Therefore, in the last life, there were still sporadic cases of leukemia after five years of treatment, because some leaders were worried about being exterminated, so they kept concealing it and did not report it.

"The car is over there!" Chen Yuanyuan told Shen Yichen when he noticed a smoking car beside him.

"Let's get out of the car, be careful." Seeing this, Shen Yichen got out of the car with a gun.

It happened to be noon at this time, and although they had temperature-adjusting suits on their bodies, the two of them in suits were still sweating profusely.

Several dazed people turned and looked at the two of them.

"Stand back, we won't hurt you." Shen Yuchen said.

"Rou, he's from another village, haha, my husband has been rescued!" One of the women rushed over after seeing the faces of Shen Yuchen and Chen Yuanyuan clearly.

"Not good!" Shen Yuchen took a look, and there were also some leukemia patients running over from all directions, several of them were still at the onset stage of the disease chained up.

Seeing the woman rushing up, Shen Yichen directly shot her dead.

Chen Yuanyuan was not far behind either. After the two shot several people one after another, the other patients with leukemia did not dare to step forward.

"Get out!" Shen Yichen yelled, and the others hid in the corner and did not dare to go forward, but they were also reluctant to leave.

Chen Yuanyuan sighed, and poured gasoline on the corpses in front of him to prepare for burning.

(End of this chapter)

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