Flower Moon

Chapter 260 Nine Heavens Black Wood

Lotus definitely disagrees. But she couldn't resist the snail, so she slept in her big tank every night.

Shanluo prepared delicious food outside every day, but she refused to eat it herself and fed it all to Lotus. Lotus has been in Yandang Mountain for so many years, where has she ever eaten food in this world? Not to mention the delicacies from the mountains and seas, even the ordinary pastries made her hungry.

But after all, Shanluo was still at the bottom, and there wasn't much food to get. Lotus stole her crafts from various shops and restaurants, and after almost seeing them once, she could copy all kinds of delicious food. As a result, her craftsmanship also improved. The better.

But Shanluo refused to eat what she cooked.

"The ingredients are limited, I just want to taste one, and I'll give you the rest."

No matter how delicious the food was, Shanluo only took one bite and then gave it all to Lotus. At first, Lianhua thought that the food she cooked was not delicious, but later, after she tasted it, she realized that it was not that the food was not delicious, but that Shanluo simply wanted her to eat more.

"You are too thin. I hope you can be fat in vain during the time you stay at my house, so that I can live up to you and my friend."

Shanluo was very kind to Lianhua, and soon Lianhua grew from a little girl with thin arms and legs to a plump and strong woman.

"Shanluo, am I too fat?" One day, the lotus flower took a step too slow in its transformation, and its waist and hips got stuck directly in the mouth of the tank. Lotus himself was startled, looking at his fat body, very worried.

But Shan Luo shook her head and said, "If you're not fat, you'll look best if you eat more. Look at the dignitaries in Bishui City who are not white, tender and rosy."

"That's true, but no one seems fatter than me?"

"That's wrong. There's a saying in the world: You're good-looking no matter how fat or thin you are. Your figure doesn't mean anything. Just looking red, pink, white and tender makes you happy. Don't worry."

So with Shanluo's encouragement, Lianhua finally gained 200 pounds. She seemed to have no memory of what she looked like when she first came here. She only knew that she had grown a lot. Even her height has grown rapidly, and she is now the figure of an adult woman.

There is an unwritten custom among the Bishui Tribe that as long as a woman is six feet tall, it is a symbol of adulthood.

The higher the height, the higher the status in the future. Currently, the head of the Bishui clan is six feet tall and is the tallest woman in the Bishui clan.

When the lotus grew to six feet, Shanluo was even happier than she was. She spent almost all her money and set up a banquet in Bishui City, letting everyone see that Lianhua was a Bishui woman with a bright future. . Like the noble ladies in Bishui City, she is of impeccable height. The eating and drinking in the past few days has made her a little taller than Shanluo. Lianhua was a little embarrassed, but Shanluo encouraged her: "You are my only friend. I am happier than anyone else when I see you." I’ll be happy even if I grow to seven feet!”

Shanluo continued to collect various delicacies and elixirs for her. Even if she didn't eat them, she gave them all to her. I don't know whether it was Shanluo's food and elixirs that had the effect, or whether the three thousand years of Lotus in the Yandang Mountains had somewhat suppressed her final thoughts. With her primitive spiritual roots fed like this by Shan Luo, she kept growing rapidly and couldn't stop at all.

Soon, she grew into a seven-foot-tall woman. Coupled with her broad shoulders and round waist, she looks like a door when walking on the road.

But it was precisely because of the effectiveness of "this door" that she, who was originally taller than the clan leader, did not immediately attract people's attention due to her height. She didn't look that tall, so she wasn't taken away quickly by the people in the royal city.

But Shanluo quickly hid her and wouldn't let her go out.

"You're too tired to go out now. You'll be out of breath even after taking two steps. You'd better rest more." Shanluo told her carefully.

Lianhua didn't think too much. After listening to Shanluo's words, she stayed in the tank obediently. Shanluo would put a variety of herbs in the tank and said, "These are all for beautifying the skin and increasing spiritual power. If you soak in them for a while, you won't feel too bloated."

The lotus flowers bloomed happily in the tank until seventy-seven forty-nine days later, firewood suddenly lit up around the tank. That firewood is not the firewood used for ordinary cooking and cooking, but the Nine Heavens Mysterious Wood. Once it burns, it is impossible to stop. It will never be extinguished unless the thing it is burning is reduced to ashes. And what is burning, only the person who lit it knows.

"Shanluo! Shanluo! I'm so hot, I'm so hot! Get me out!" Lianhua shouted desperately in the tank. She even wanted to push the tank away, but someone seemed to be weighing heavily on the tank cover. Things cannot be pushed away at all. The water in the tank became hotter and hotter, and the surrounding areas of the tank became hotter and hotter. Lotus felt that she was about to be burned to death.

She shouted desperately, but no one responded. There was dead silence all around, only the crackling and burning sound of Jiutian Xuanmu echoed in her ears.

Until this moment, Lianhua didn't feel that Shanluo was going to harm her. She was even worried that something had happened to Shanluo. Did she offend someone and the other person wanted to burn down her home?

She had never doubted Shanluo for a moment until everyone in the royal city came after hearing the news and pushed the big pot open, revealing only a small amount of water left in the pot that had been boiled, and the lotus with its roots almost blackened.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Wood was still burning, and the fire, which was originally burning against the vat, went straight towards the lotus after the vat was destroyed.

The guards of the royal city wore blue uniform uniformed by the Bishui Tribe. They could not stop the burning of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Wood, but they could control the water and let the water soak the whole body of the lotus. Even though she was being burned and roasted by the fire, there was always a steady stream of water all over her body. so wrapped in water that she would not be burned dry by fire.

After burning for seven days and seven nights, the Jiutian Xuanmu finally turned into a puddle of ashes. At the same time, the person behind the big tree spit out a mouthful of blood. Only then did Lianhua know that the snail had always been nearby. Watching yourself being burned and roasted by fire, not far or near.

As for the Nine Heavens Mysterious Wood, if it cannot burn the cursed person to death, it will bite back its owner. That Shanluo is the culprit who controls the Nine Heavens Mysterious Wood. And the person she cursed to death was her good sister, Lotus, who she shared with him day and night.

"Why?" Lianhua couldn't believe it until this moment. Shanluo actually wanted her to die.

"You are full of fat and good for nothing. You are so tall just because you can eat. Who do you think you are? You eat my food, live in my food and use my food. Why are you better than me?!" Shan Luo did not answer her. Instead, he was hysterical, his face was covered in blood, and he asked her with his teeth and claws.

Lotus was confused.

"Aren't we good sisters? Why do you say this to me?" Lianhua asked.

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