Sheng Junze turned around and got on the horse, then looked at Sheng Anning, "Aren't you hungry, why don't you get on the horse quickly?"

Sheng An Ning frowned, he didn't have a horse, and if he had one, he wouldn't know how to ride it!

In modern society, she has almost never been in contact with horses, and she is very envious when she sees them galloping on the grassland.I also thought about learning equestrianism, but I just thought about it and never put it into practice.

At this time, Sheng Junze stretched out his hand to her, and Sheng Anning hesitated.But it's not easy to refuse in front of everyone, otherwise the man might feel ashamed.The most important thing is that I have no other choice but to ride a horse with him!

She slowly stretched out her hand, and at that moment, her body was lifted up by a powerful force, and when she realized it, she was sitting on the horseback.Being so close to Sheng Junze behind her made her a little uncomfortable, so she moved forward quickly.

The man whispered in his ear, "Hold on firmly, and be careful not to fall off the horse's back, then you can't blame me."

After finishing speaking, he whipped his horse and swung his whip, Sheng Aning quickly closed his eyes, only the sound of horseshoes and wind could be heard.She didn't feel the horror she imagined, and slowly opened her eyes.The scene of riding a horse in the past seemed to appear in my mind, and I looked at my movements quite qualified.

At this time, she realized that the original body could ride a horse, but she didn't ride a horse during her rebirth, so she felt very strange, but she couldn't forget it subconsciously.

Sheng Junze also felt her nervousness, and asked loudly in his ear: "Why were you so nervous just now? It seems like you have never ridden a horse before."

"It's been a long time since I've ridden, so I'm nervous." Sheng Anning could only say this. Speaking about the rebirth would definitely be regarded as a dream.

As she spoke, she moved forward a little bit again, but Sheng Junze seemed to be doing it on purpose, and his body also leaned forward.There was an ambiguous atmosphere flowing between the two of them, and Sheng Anning felt her face turn red.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment!" Sheng Anning said quickly.

Seeing that she was a little nervous, Sheng Junze still stopped the horse, and he asked wonderingly, "What's wrong?"

"What about Bai Yu? We can't let her walk back slowly!" She looked behind her.

It turned out that he was worried about this, and Sheng Junze didn't take it seriously when he heard such worries.

"You girl, you should worry more about yourself! The mud bodhisattva can't protect himself when he crosses the river, but he still cares about his servants blindly."

"Even a servant can't leave her here! Is there any difference between a servant and us? Really, in fact, although there is a difference in birth, people should be equal. I don't like you always It puts status first."

Sheng Anning pouted, she felt that Sheng Junze was not bad in other aspects, but this kind of feudal thinking was too serious.But such words have no effect, this kind of thinking is deeply ingrained.

"It is because your status is important that you are told not to do things that are demeaning."

"When did I do something demeaning, but I think it's not easy for everyone, so I try to help as much as I can. Even if they are humble, they are the same people as us."

"You are kind-hearted, I know that, and I don't object to you helping others. It's just that you still have to be measured in doing things. Sometimes you do too much, and others will take it for granted."

"Of course there is some truth in what you said, but not everyone is like that. Many people repay their kindness. Besides, I don't expect anyone to repay me. Now that I'm here, I have to do my best Work hard and do more meaningful things.”

Sheng Junze frowned, this was not the first time I heard such words, "Why do you always say such things! Although the environment you lived in before is different from now, it is not two worlds! You act like you never It's like another world."

Sheng Anning was momentarily at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.She really wanted to tell Sheng Junze that she came from another world, but she held back when the words came to her lips.

There is no need to tell this secret, because no one will believe it.It's the same for me, if I didn't experience it myself, I would never believe it!
She didn't want to continue this topic, and sighed, "There are some things you won't understand. Forget it, we don't need to let others accept our point of view, we can keep it for ourselves. But I won't leave Bai Yu alone, you Put me down, I'll wait for her here."

Bai Yu followed her out, how could she have the heart to let her walk back alone!

Seeing that she was so serious, Sheng Junze didn't want her to worry anymore, "You don't have to worry, someone will bring Bai Yu back, and my subordinates won't be so mean. As for the other two guards, you don't have to worry even more."

Sheng Anning was only worried about Bai Yu, those two guards were highly skilled in martial arts, even if they walked back, it wouldn't be a big deal.Besides, I have already met my companions, so how could I continue to walk.

Thinking of Lu Yi, Sheng Anning felt that her worries were indeed superfluous.Others don't know, but she knows Lu Yi's heart.Lu Yi said last time that although he was not too direct, Sheng Anning was enough to understand his heart.

I don't know if Lu Yi's feelings are dedicated, and I don't know how long Bai Yu can exist in his heart, but at least Lu Yi likes her now, this is a fact and cannot be changed.

She nodded, "Yes, Lu Yi is a very considerate man, with him around, no one will be left behind."

Sheng Anning said firmly, the appreciation in his eyes made Sheng Junze very unhappy.Although Lu Yi, as his right-hand man, has always been appreciated by him, he feels that Lu Yi is good in all aspects.

But even so, he still felt uncomfortable when he heard Sheng Aning's praise for Lu Yi.There is a feeling of jealousy, even if I tell myself that it is unnecessary, I still can't control myself.

He said coldly: "An eloquent person like Lu Yi can always win the favor of your women. But do you know how many words are true and how many are false?"

After finishing speaking, he sneered, seemingly disdainful.

Sheng Anning frowned, "I don't think Lu Yi is the kind of person who doesn't agree with what he says. Besides, whether what he said is true or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, right?"

Sheng Junze was a little embarrassed, "Since it doesn't matter, why do you keep asking. I think you are a little abnormal!"

Sheng Anning felt that this man was a bit strange today, "You're the one who keeps talking! Forget it, it's meaningless. Since Bai Yu will go back with Director Lu, we don't need to wait any longer. We should go back to the mansion before the sun sets. .”

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