Seeing that Xi Ran didn't want to pay attention to him, Xiao Rong knew that it was pointless to continue asking, besides, it didn't have much to do with him, he just thought if Sheng Anning was also injured.Then he hurried over to take care of her, and maybe he would have a chance to return to her side. Sheng Anning asked her to serve her a few times before.

Xiao Rong has always held hope, because she felt that her performance was good enough, but after that, Sheng Anning didn't call her anymore, and still asked Xi Ran to help her, which made Xiao Rong feel very angry and disappointed.

Obviously her performance is very good, and she is smarter than Xi Ran, why doesn't Sheng Anning want her?
Although there are many complaints in my heart, Xiao Rong dare not do anything?After all, I am just a maid, if I offend my master, I will end badly.Although he also tentatively asked in front of the housekeeper when he would be able to serve Sheng An Ning, but the housekeeper just scoffed at such a thought.

The butler knew that these maidservants wanted to be with Sheng An Ning. On the one hand, they wanted to be able to relax a bit, and on the other hand, they fantasized about returning to the capital with them.

But how could the housekeeper care about such a trivial matter?So it was nothing after that, Xiao Rong still went back to the laundry room to do those complicated things, waiting for a miracle to appear.

This time, after Xi Ran and Sheng Anning went out, they didn't actually expect such a tragic thing to happen, they just wanted to come here to find out some news.

After leaving Xi Ran's door, Xiao Rong was still a little panicked.Because the wound on the face is really scary, for girls, this is the most feared thing to happen.

At this time, I should go to work, but Xiaorong was not in the mood, so I hurried to Yuan Zili to find those companions.

A servant girl saw Xiao Rong coming, and said while sweeping the floor, "You are really sober, you don't have to do anything now. Have you finished washing all your clothes? Don't let the housekeeper catch you being lazy."

Another maid also reminded, "Xiao Rong, what's the matter with you? There seems to be something wrong with your face, are you sick?"

Xiao Rong touched his face, "I'm not sick, I just learned a very shocking news, and I want to tell you."

Hearing such words, the two maids also became interested.

"What shocking news? Tell me quickly, don't keep it secret. It's not a time for bragging, and the butler sees it, but it's troublesome. Even if the butler doesn't see it, there will be some small reports People, it’s not like you don’t know.”

Xiao Rong looked around and said quickly, "Yesterday, Xi Ran went out with Miss Sheng. You should have heard of it. I went to her room just now and found a big secret. There is a big big smear on Xi Ran's face." The mouth is very scary, and she will be the ugliest woman in the future."

Hearing such words, the two maids couldn't believe it, "Don't be so exaggerated, okay? What kind of hole made her the ugliest woman?"

"I couldn't believe it, but it was absolutely true. Knowing that she hadn't come out when she came back, I went in and talked to her. I didn't expect her to cover her head with a quilt and dare not see me. I insisted It was only when the quilt was pulled back that I saw a horrible scene. The wound took up half of the face from the base of the ear to the nose. And the wound was red and swollen, and it might get worse."

A maid said in surprise, "How could such a thing happen? If you are with Miss Sheng, you will be protected!"

"What are you talking about? Xi Ran is just a lowly girl. When she is in danger, who will protect her? I also asked why she was hurt so badly. She said that she met a bad person. As for what kind of bad person hurts, no matter how I asked her, she never said."

"How did you encounter such a thing? It's really pitiful. We have something to do now, otherwise we should go and have a look." A maid said sadly.

"Yeah, the injury is better in other places, why is it on the face? Will Xi Ran really become so ugly in the future?"

"Of course. How can such an ugly monster serve Miss Sheng in the future? It's disgusting and terrifying to see." Xiao Rong said loudly.

"Miss Sheng has excellent medical skills. After Xi Ran is injured, she will definitely not ignore her." Another maid said softly.

Hearing such words, Xiao Rong snorted coldly, "You guys are thinking things too simply. In the past, Xi Ran served by Miss Sheng's side because she would do what she liked, so she was reused by Miss Sheng. Now it hurts so much. It's so heavy, it's disgusting to see, how could Ms. Sheng keep her by her side? It's really scary if you haven't seen her. Ordinary people might not have the courage to continue living if they are disfigured like that gone."

Hearing such words, seeing her gloating, a servant girl said very unhappy, "Don't say that, no matter what, we all work in the same mansion, it is also a kind of fate, since we meet such a Things are pretty pathetic."

"Poor people must have something to hate. Who made her so proud before? Don't forget, all of us were punished for her. Now even the housekeeper dare not order her to do things. Think about how a maid can be arrogant How about this? On the surface, she is submissive, but in fact she has the most heart. The injury is so severe that there is no cure, Miss Sheng must have given up on her, otherwise it would be impossible to let her be alone there alone. .”

Another young girl said sadly, "Is this really the case? It's so pitiful."

"What's so pitiful! It must be very difficult for a person like her to stay here and do things in the future, and no master wants to see such a face. Of course, if Miss Sheng is willing to take care of him , I might arrange an errand for her where no one is seen. Ms. Sheng must not have her place by her side." She smiled triumphantly as she spoke, because without Xi Ran, she would have a chance.

"You are quite capable. You have made arrangements for what will happen in the future." Sheng Anning's voice frightened the three servants. They did not expect Sheng Anning to come here, and they knelt down on the ground with a plop. .

Sheng Anning was very angry, passing by here to see Xi Ran did not expect to hear this scene.They are all maids, how could they be so cruel and add insult to injury?If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, she wouldn't have believed it.

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