Wang Zhaoyang grinned, stepped forward to put his arms around Ling Yue, and said softly, "Xiaoyue, am I discussing with you?"

"You also know that Xiaoxing has no job now, and he has no skills. If we don't help him, when will he be able to start a family and start a business."

Ling Yue broke free from his embrace and looked at the man in front of him for the first time.

When she traveled here, the family relied on this man to make money.

Ling Xiaoyue would take all his money away every month, leaving him no pocket money.

Although he was dissatisfied at that time, for the sake of this small family, he turned a blind eye.

After he started his business and had saved up a little and planned to open a store, his performance also satisfied him.

Especially when his mother brought Wang Zhaoxing to trouble him, he would still stand by his side.

Later, his business got better and better. Although he didn't tell him, Ling Yue knew clearly that he had been secretly sending money back to his hometown.

The money was not much, and the remittance slip was as much as 30 yuan, and as little as [-] yuan.

Ling Yue can bear all these.

In fact, she did too.

But Ling Yue couldn't bear what he said.

He actually wanted to take Wang Zhaoxing over?
"Wang Zhaoyang, tell me the truth, how much money do you send back to your parents every month?"

Ling Yue's sudden attack made Wang Zhaoyang a little at a loss.

He said awkwardly: "Xiaoyue, my parents haven't had a good life all their lives. I just want to help them to the best of my ability."

Wang Zhaoyang felt a little guilty.

He always thought he was hiding it well, but Ling Yue still found out.

Ling Yue folded her hands and looked directly at him: "Wang Zhaoyang, when our business was poor, you sent 20 yuan and 30 yuan a month, I have no objection."

"Our business is good. If you send four and fifty yuan a month, I can accept it."

"But can you guarantee that the money will reach your parents smoothly?"

"With Wang Zhaoxing's character, I'm afraid this money won't even reach your parents' hands, right?"

"Do you think you are helping him? No, you are wrong. You are harming him."

Wang Zhaoyang didn't dare to look her directly in the eyes, "How do you know that I send money to my family every month?"

"I'm not blind, and there are quite a few people who know you."

Ling Yue walked towards the desk while talking, opened the drawer, took out an envelope and threw it in front of him.

"Do the math yourself, how much money have you sent home in the past two years?"

Wang Zhaoyang grinned: "Not much, just a few hundred dollars."

"We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to build this building, these few hundred dollars..."

"Wang Zhaoyang, can you stop lying to yourself?"

Ling Yue said: "Father is not in good health, and I have no objection to asking for money to see a doctor and buy medicine."

"I don't care if the Zhang family marries a daughter or the Wang family marries a daughter-in-law. After all, this is the way of the world."

"But look at the letter written by your good brother. He made a girl's belly bigger and asked for money for an abortion. I can't figure out that the money should be paid by you."

Wang Zhaoyang wiped his face with his palm, "My brother doesn't have money, doesn't he?"

"Yes, your brother has no money, I admit it."

"You thought he was a three-year-old kid. Since he doesn't want to marry another girl, why would he do such a heartless thing?"

Ling Yue folded her hands and walked to the window, staring out of the window: "You think you are helping him, Wang Zhaoyang, you are helping the evildoer!"

"But I only have this younger brother. If I don't treat him well, who will treat him well?"

Hearing this, Ling Yue was completely angry.

"Okay, Wang Zhaoyang, since you want to say that, from now on, I guarantee that no penny will go into your pocket."

"Your parents need money, I will send 30 yuan back every month, and there is no more money."

It was the first time Wang Zhaoyang saw Ling Yue getting so angry, and he froze immediately.

"Now that prices are rising so fast, isn't 30 yuan too little?"

Ling Yue was tired.

At this point, he is still fighting for more benefits for them.

"Wang Zhaoyang, don't force me. If you still insist on going your own way, then we will only have a divorce."

Wang Zhaoyang's darkness darkened in an instant: "No, Xiaoyue, why did you become like this now?"

"You brought your parents and brother over here. I just want to help my brother. Why can't I?"

"Which of my parents and brothers has been involved in 'whoring and gambling'?"

"I lent them money, and I can get it back in the future, but if the money is in your brother's hands, do you think you can get the money back?"

Wang Zhaoyang frowned: "Xiaoyue, can you stop being so unreasonable?"

Ling Yue was stunned when she heard this.

She looked at Wang Zhaoyang in disbelief, her face full of disbelief: "Wang Zhaoyang, do you think I'm unreasonable?"

"Let me tell you, if I was really unreasonable, I would have started a fight with you as early as when you sent the first money."

Wang Zhaoyang also lost his temper: "Then what are you doing now!"

Ling Yueliang looked at him swishingly, "I don't want to argue with you, I've already given up my words, I have no objection if you want to support your parents, but if you want to use the money to support your useless brother, I just don't want to." agree."

"If I find out that you secretly gave him money again, I will show you what is unreasonable."

Wang Zhaoyang was defeated, he only felt a pain in his throat.

After staring at her for a long while, he slammed the door and left.

It wasn't until after he left that Ling Yue sat in front of the desk and spread out the numbers that she had calculated with a weak face, which made her hands and feet tremble.

Fifteen thousand and four hundred yuan.

So much money is enough for their family to build a beautiful small building in the local area.

Enough for Wang Zhaoxing to open a decent store.

It even allowed him to marry a wife.

However, Ling Yue dared to guarantee that with so much money, only 400 yuan could go into the pockets of the royal father and the queen mother.

With Wang Zhaoxing's virtue, as soon as the money came into his hands, he would definitely go to his group of cronies as soon as possible.

The so-called birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. With Wang Zhaoxing's virtue, how could his group of friends be any better?

She was so angry that her hands and feet were cold.


The news that He Jinzhong failed to blackmail and was sent to the Public Security Bureau was learned by Feng Weiwei the next morning.

After getting the news, Feng Weiwei rushed to Li Zhonghua's house, ignored Li Yushu's old couple at home, and slapped Li Zhonghua hard in front of them.

"You are a useless thing, and the person you are looking for is also so useless."

Li Zhonghua was stunned by her beating, covered his face and looked at her: "Weiwei, why are you so nervous?"

Feng Weiwei folded her hands and stared at him: "You are really getting more and more capable, the person you are looking for actually wants me to wipe their ass."

Li Zhonghua's face changed abruptly, and he dragged her out of the house without saying a word.

"Dad, Weiwei and I have something to go out, don't wait for us for lunch."

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