After seeing off Ji Zhongqiu, Wang Zhaoyang asked Ling Yue strangely: "Xiaoyue, listen to what you mean, which industry do you want to join?"

Ling Yue said seriously: "It doesn't count, do you remember what I told you back then?"

"This building, if we can't afford to open a restaurant, then we will open a processing plant."

Wang Zhaoyang nodded: "You told me this, but don't we have no money now?"

"The debt is too much." Ling Yue chuckled, "Borrowing 15 is a loan, so why can't I borrow tens of thousands more?"

Wang Zhaoyang was stunned, "Xiaoyue, do you still want a loan?"

Ling Yue nodded: "Yes, I want to use this building as a mortgage, and a loan of 40 should be fine."

Wang Zhaoyang was frightened by her: "40? Why do you suddenly want to take out a loan again?"

"It was a temporary idea." Ling Yue sighed, "Our cooperative relationship with Wu Zhenbo should also be terminated."

Wang Zhaoyang was even more puzzled: "But didn't we cooperate well? What happened?"

Ling Yue said, "I went to his office with Xiao Jun today, and he actually flirted with the accountant in his factory in broad daylight. He would rather not update the equipment. It seems that he still has a deep prejudice against Xiao Jun."

Wang Zhaoyang seldom goes to garment factories, but he knows a thing or two from the words he revealed to the satellite.

Wu Zhenbo is not an honest person, there are only two or three lovers in the factory, and I don't know how many lovers there are outside.

"Then we can go to the second factory."

"It's better to ask yourself than to ask others." Ling Yue said, "Instead of cooperating with them, it's better for us to seize the opportunity and produce and sell ourselves. As long as we start our brand, we don't have to worry about selling it."

Ling Yue remembered the sales model of many clothing brands in later generations.

Self-produced and self-marketed is the first, and the second is to develop franchisees.

As long as the clothes produced by ourselves are of good quality, new styles and reasonable prices, they will definitely have a place in the market.

Wang Zhaoyang looked at her blankly. He never knew that Ling Yue had such ambitions.

"You have a good idea, but will the bank agree to use this building as a mortgage?"

"Aren't you worried that if we fail to repay the loan, the house will be taken back by the bank?"

"Don't you still believe in my ability?"

Ling Yue said: "Take a step back, if we really lose money, at worst, I will go back to sell fruit."

Wang Zhaoyang laughed.

In the past two years, he has been used to living a stable life, and he has forgotten how they got rich in the first place.

That year, Ling Yue just strolled around the night market, then sold her hair to buy fruits and then sold them back.

She is not afraid of hardship, and when others are still asleep, she gets up to eat fruit.

When others were eating breakfast, she had already started selling fruit.

While others were taking a lunch break in the afternoon, she was carrying fruits and selling them along the streets.

It is also her spirit of not being afraid of hardship that allowed her to build such a large building in just two years.

He was instantly infected by her.

"Okay, your words are enough, at worst, we'll go back to selling fruit again."

Ling Yue looked at him: "You really trust me that much?"

"Our husband and wife are one body. We are blessed to enjoy difficulties together. As long as we never leave each other, it will be a big deal to start all over again."

Ling Yue suddenly laughed.

"Okay, your words are enough. However, there is one thing I want to remind you. To apply for a mortgage loan, you need a real estate certificate."

Ling Yue's house has just been built, and the real estate certificate has not yet been issued, so regarding the mortgage loan, she can only consult the bank first to see what the bank says.

"I see. I will go to the housing management department in the past few days to try to get the real estate certificate earlier."

Ling Yue nodded, and Wang Zhaoyang suddenly approached her and whispered in her ear, "Honey, we haven't had that for a long time..."

Ling Yue understood in seconds, she blushed and looked at the door of Tongtong's room, and quickly pecked him on the mouth while he was not paying attention, "Go and see if Tongtong is asleep first."

After leaving this sentence, he quickly ran into the room and lay down on the bed.


It was already two months later when Wang Zhaoyang got the real estate certificate.

"I really didn't expect that it would take so long to get a real estate certificate."

Ling Yue pursed her lips: "This is already fast. In two days, let's consult the bank."

In the past two months, Ji Zhongqiu has vomited bitterness to her more than once.

Wu Zhenbo has already started targeting Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun's salary was not considered low, but Wu Zhenbo always had various excuses to punish Xiao Jun.

Sometimes even the expenses incurred by Xiao Jun's serious business work, he would use various excuses to delay.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Wu Zhenbo was messing with him, and Xiao Jun complained to Ji Zhongqiu more than once.

Ji Zhongqiu also went to look for Wu Zhenbo, but with little success. One more time, as soon as he stepped out of Wu Zhenbo's office, a punishment for Xiao Jun was posted on the bulletin board in the factory.

Just half a month ago, Xiao Jun couldn't take it anymore and resigned angrily.

If it weren't for Lingyue's three stores to support him, he would have gone back to Shenzhen City long ago.

Therefore, as soon as Ling Yue got the real estate certificate, she thought about going to the bank to apply for a mortgage.

Ling Yue went to look for Xu Lianye, the person in charge of Qingpu City of ICBC who gave him an interest-free loan last time.

Xu Lianye was surprised to hear their intentions.

Ling Yue built a house in West Station, which is currently the tallest building in West Station and occupies the largest area.

And only two months after it was built, they are eager to apply for a mortgage loan. It seems that they must have encountered something.

She quickly asked: "What, you want to take a new house that has only been built for two months as a mortgage?"

"Yeah, our house does not meet the requirements, and I don't know what procedures are required?"

Xu Lian'e quickly said: "The materials you need to provide include the borrower's own ID card, household registration book, marriage certificate, and the borrower's spouse's ID card, household registration book, income certificate, house ownership, and notarization of the mortgage by the house owner and co-owners. book and proof of loan purpose."

"In addition, you still have a loan of 15 yuan in our bank that has not been repaid. If the amount of your loan is too large this time, it may not go so smoothly."

Ling Yue knew about this process a long time ago, and when she heard that she could do it, she immediately burst into joy.

"How much can we borrow at least for that building?"

This is what Ling Yue cares about most.

If the loan amount is too small, she will change.

"It's hard to say. It is estimated that 30 can be done."

Ling Yue frowned: "30? My house was built for more than 30."

Too little!
In the past two months, no one knew what kind of life they lived.

The combined daily turnover of the three stores is only 5000 yuan, and she has to buy goods every three to five times. In addition, there are renovations on the third floor and above, so she has no money saved at all.

But she is relieved that the renovation of the fourth floor is almost complete now.

After the decoration of the fourth floor is completed, she will not do any decoration this year, and will invest all the money in the clothing factory that is still in preparation.

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