Traveling through the Eighth Five-Year Plan: Starting from selling fruit at a stall

Chapter 145 King Xiang is interested in Goddess but unintentionally

Ling Yue couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this: "Wang Zhaoyang, why didn't you mention it to me?"

If he had mentioned this to himself earlier, maybe she would really have matched Ji Zhongqiu and Ling Xiaohua.

The two of them are about the same age, and Ji Zhongqiu's family members are simple, so there will definitely be no "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship" problems. If the two of them are really together, the stone in my heart can be completely let go.

No one in the family likes He Zhigang.

Not to mention that he brought people to his house to make trouble and injured his father. Just because of his family conditions, no one would look down on whoever he changed.

Ling Xiaohua is also innocent now, and has never been in contact with anyone, and she doesn't know the dangers of people's hearts in the world.

She couldn't listen to the persuasion now, so she had to pretend that she didn't care about anything.

But really don't care?
That's simply not possible.

"Then what's going on with Li Zhonghua?"

Ling Yue doesn't really believe in love at first sight.

In contrast, she thinks it is more important to see people's hearts over time.

When two people are together, it will take time to prove the various adjustments in the early stage and the various accommodations in the later stage.

Whether two people are suitable or not, only time will tell.

"He, although I have known him for so many years, he has never found any girlfriend, let alone fell in love. I believe he really fell in love with Xiaohua at first sight."

Ji Zhongqiu curled his lips and said half-jokingly: "However, his love for Xiaohua at first sight was based on that hot pot meal. I mean, you should understand, right?"

After hearing this, Ling Yue didn't know what to say.

What is this called?

Falling in love with someone just because of a hot pot meal, this saying is strange no matter how it sounds.

"It turns out that it wasn't really love at first sight, there is still a reason."

If this is the case, it means that Li Zhonghua is not pure in mind.

Ji Zhongqiu chatted with them for a while, and finally looked at the backyard worriedly: "Sister, how about I go comfort Xiao Hua?"

Ling Yue waved her hand briskly: "Go, get out of your shop after you've been appeased."

"Obey, sister!"

Ji Zhongqiu quickly ran to the backyard to find Ling Xiaohua.

"Xiaoyue, do you think Mid-Autumn Festival is serious or just for fun?"

Ling Yue stared at Wang Zhaoyang: "You ask me? I want to ask you, don't you men fall in love with each other?"

"Then you have wronged me." Wang Zhaoyang quickly raised his hand, "I swear, since I married you, I really haven't looked at other women in the eye."

Ling Yue deliberately teased him: "I don't believe it."

Wang Zhaoyang hurriedly patted his chest and assured: "I really don't have one. If I do, I will be hit by thunder!"

Ling Yue: ...

She is speechless.

She originally just wanted to tease him, but she didn't expect that Wang Zhaoyang swears when he says he swears!

"Okay, I'm kidding you."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yue thought of something again, and glanced at the two sisters Chen Zhaodi who were standing on the side and dared not approach.

Especially when she saw Chen Pandi's injured expression, she suddenly felt melancholy again.

The reason why Chen Pandi came to Qingpu City was to have a blind date with Ji Zhongqiu!
Especially at that time, when Chen Pandi didn't arrive, Chen Zhaodi was so dazed that her brother-in-law wanted to go crazy, and she couldn't let go of Ji Zhongqiu, wishing to stuff him under Chen Pandi's pomegranate skirt on the spot, the smile on her face disappeared instantly. solidified.

How should I explain it to her?

Sure enough, after he took a look at Chen Zhaodi, Chen Zhaodi walked over with a livid face.

"Sister Xiaoyue, Mid-Autumn Festival and Xiaohua..."

Ling Yue really didn't know how to answer her. When she was thinking about her sentence, she heard Wang Zhaoyang say from the side: "Zhao Di, you can't force things about feelings. Although you see that Ji Zhongqiu is interested in Ling Xiaohua now , but, I'm afraid that King Xiang is interested in Goddess and has no intentions."

Chen Zhaodi snorted coldly: "You don't have to drag the text with me, as far as I can see, it's not like King Xiang has a heart, and the goddess has no dreams. It's clearly consensual, and it's just a close call."

Wang Zhaoyang shrugged his shoulders: "If you really think so, I have nothing to say."

"But it's not like you don't know. From the first day Xiaohua came here, she told you clearly that she has someone she likes in her hometown."

Hearing Wang Zhaoyang's words, Chen Zhaodi bit her lip, and her expression became better: "Yes, I told Xiaohua. But..."

"Zhaodi, do you know what 'a twisted melon is not sweet'?"

Hearing Ling Yue's sudden question, Chen Zhaodi's face darkened again.

"Sister, don't worry about my affairs."

Chen Pandi said: "Miss Xiaoyue is right, twisted melons are not sweet. If there is a real destiny with me, Ji Mid-Autumn Festival, then we would have been together long ago."

"And we have been together for so long, and we haven't gotten any closer. He doesn't even want to talk to me, which means that he doesn't like me."

Her face was very relaxed, and there was no other emotion at all.

"I think it's fine for me and him to be like this. Believe me, I will definitely meet my true destiny."

Chen Zhaodi bit her lip and said tremblingly, "But I really hope you are happy!"

"I'm very happy if you can bring me out from grandma." Chen Pandi comforted her, "Really, I don't blame you for this matter."

Hearing this, the stone in Chen Zhaodi also fell down.

"Little sister, but if you don't find someone you like in Qingpu City, how can I make an appointment with grandma?"

Thinking of her grandma, Chen Zhaodi couldn't stop trembling.

She grew up in the shadow of her grandmother.

In order to escape her control, she married Hu Lichun who was ten years older than her without thinking.

At first, she wanted to escape from control, but after marrying Hu Lichun, she realized how comfortable she was.

Hu Lichun is a veteran, he is upright, although he likes to drink some wine and play cards, but other than that, he has never lifted a finger to himself.

Even sometimes, when he is sick, he can understand her, serve her tea and water, and enjoy it.

Even during those few days of each month, he repeatedly told himself not to touch cold water as much as possible and drink more brown sugar water.

But with that little salary every month, how much brown sugar can he buy to soak in water?

"Sister, don't think too much. At worst, I won't go back!"

Chen Pandi said it easily, "Anyway, you were afraid that they would come over, so you never wrote your real address when you wrote to me, and when I came over, you were also afraid that she would come to trouble us, so I also brought all those letters with me. coming."

Chen Zhaodi looked at her in disbelief: "Pandi, you..."

"Yes, I'm the same as you. I never thought about going back after I came out. Even if it's Chinese New Year, I don't want to go back."

"But I can't leave you here alone to celebrate the New Year!"

"Sister, why don't you understand? Grandma is a blood-sucking bug. Only by staying far away from her can we live a good life."


"It's nothing serious, the big deal is that I earn my own dowry, earn my own money and marry myself, and I don't have to look at her face anymore."

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