Only by explaining the benefits of the accounting exam to Ling Xiaohua, can Ling Xiaohua agree to take the exam.

And Ling Yue did this out of selfishness.

After all, Ling Xiaohua is the younger sister of her own mother, if she can't even believe her own sister, who else can believe it?

And the profession of accounting, just like a doctor, becomes more and more popular the longer you do it.

Even if Ling Xiaohua doesn't help her in the future, she will still have the survival skills to make ends meet.

When Ling Xiaohua heard what she said, she was also moved.

But when she thought that she didn't even graduate from elementary school, she flinched a little.

"Sister, let's forget it, I can't even recognize the words, how can I be qualified for this job."

She has her concerns.

A person who can't read all characters is really not qualified for a high-paying job.

"What are you afraid of? If you really pass the exam, you can work here for a few years. When you become proficient, you can go back to the village and become an accountant without any problem."

Ling Xiaohua looked at her with bright eyes.

Ling Yue's words reached her heart.


"What did I lie to you for? Tomorrow I will ask your brother-in-law to find a few books for you to read. If you don't understand anything, just ask your brother-in-law."

Wang Zhaoyang nodded: "Okay, although accounting doesn't match my major, I also know two people who are accountants. If we really don't understand, let's ask them again."

He meant the accountants he had known from working in the machine shop.

One of them lived in the same building as him and had a decent relationship with him.

Ling Xiaohua was even more moved. She looked at him with bright eyes: "Brother-in-law, are you serious? I'm afraid I'm too stupid to learn."

"Actually, accounting is not as difficult as you think. You just deal with numbers and abacus every day. If you have time these few days, practice more abacus and recognize a few more words. I believe you can learn it."

Wang Zhaoyang's affirmative answer made Ling Xiaohua burst into joy.

She looked at him with joy, and then at Ling Yue: "Sister, then I will go buy materials tomorrow?"

Wang Zhaoyang smiled and said: "Don't worry, we can't buy books so blindly. So, tomorrow we will go to Accountant Liu first. She has worked as an accountant for so many years and knows a lot about this area. What books does she recommend you to read? Let's go shopping again."

"it is good."

Wang Zhaoyang's words were a reassurance for Ling Xiaohua.

Only by reassuring her can she let go of learning.

Seeing Ling Xiaohua's joyful appearance, Ling Yue's hanging heart finally eased.

Only if she is completely tied up in Qingpu City, then she will not think about that little bastard again.

And after so many days, there has been no news of the little gangster, and it is not known whether he has been caught.

Thinking of Ling's father's suffering, the anger in Ling Yue's heart burned violently.

She is not afraid of things, but if you have to ride on her head to shit, then you have to be prepared to be counterattacked by yourself.

After finishing accounting, Ling Yue asked Ling Qingfeng again.

"Qingfeng, are you still used to it in the past two days?"

Ling Qingfeng nodded: "It's okay, but sometimes those employees are not easy to manage, and sometimes they always sing against me."

Ling Yue didn't take it seriously: "Since they dare to sing against you, then you have to show your prestige and make an example."

Ling Qingfeng looked at her in astonishment: "Sister, why are you trying to make an example?"

He just took over this matter, so he doesn't understand many things.

"What exactly happened to you?"

"It's just that sometimes, when a customer wants a piece of clothing, I ask them to find it, but they push and push. I am afraid that the customer will be in a hurry, so I have to find it myself."

"Qingfeng, remember, you are the cashier, and you are only responsible for cash. If you have to leave the cashier, you must lock the drawer where you put the money."

Ling Yue said, "As for looking for clothes, that's the job of the waiters. If they refuse to do it, they can be forgiven once or twice. If they repeat it, then you have to take action. Otherwise, they will It will definitely ride on your neck."

Ling Qingfeng nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "Sister, I understand. I won't make such a mistake again in the future."

Ling Yue glanced over their faces one by one, and said, "There is one more important thing to do today, which is to list our employee rules, and you can express whatever you think."

The so-called three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang, and it is not impossible for her to do this by herself.

It is best to take advantage of the presence of the big guys and the big guys to make suggestions, so that it will be more targeted.

So, led by her, the first item is to list the clock-in time every morning.

Of course, there is no punch card machine now, so prepare a book in the store, each person uses one page, and manually registers the time to and from get off work every day, which can also play a role in attendance.

This method can only be used in one store alone.

At present, there are only two sisters, Chen Zhaodi and Chen Pandi, in her shop. The management can be relaxed a little, but checking in is essential.

The second store originally had three stores with six employees. After the third store opened, two employees were transferred from the second store, and the third store had seven stores with seven employees.

Adding Xiang Weixing, Zhao Banbai and Mei Qiutang together, there are sixteen employees alone.

Therefore, the matter of clocking in must be put on the agenda.

Then there is the time, now in winter, seven o'clock in the morning is too early, no one wants to get up so early to blow the cold wind, and although the clothing store is also a service industry, in comparison, their time is much more relaxed than that of the breakfast shop .

"Working in winter, I want to set the time from 08:30 in the morning to 06:30 in the afternoon, a total of ten hours. They are allowed to rest for half an hour at noon. Do you have any objections?"

"It's okay to work at 08:30 in winter, and 08:30 in summer?"

"In summer, I go to work half an hour earlier and leave work one hour later. At the same time, the working hours in summer are slightly longer, and the wages can be raised appropriately."

When she heard that she wanted to raise their wages, Ji Zhongqiu was the first to object: "No, sister, we give them 90 yuan a month, which is relatively high. And you give them a dime back to stimulate their enthusiasm. One piece of commission, calculated, their average salary is at least 100 yuan a month."

100 yuan doesn't sound like much, but with the current purchasing power, 100 yuan is still very attractive.

"In my opinion, the salary will not increase."

Wang Zhaoyang also nodded: "That's right, the mid-autumn festival is correct. Now when you enter a factory, most of the wages are only 50 yuan, and the wages don't need to be increased."

Ling Yue didn't expect that when he said it casually, the two of them objected collectively, so they stopped thinking about raising wages.

Thinking about it afterwards, it was thanks to their opposition, otherwise, in the off-season, it is very likely that a single piece of clothing cannot be sold in a day, and at that time, the cost of wages will be too high.

"Okay, since everyone disagrees with the wage increase, let's skip this one, and the other is the reward and punishment mechanism..."

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