Chen Zhaodi's two sisters get off work in winter at 06:30 in the evening.

It has been snowing for the past two days, and their off-duty time has been advanced to six o'clock.

The sun was out today, the temperature hadn't risen yet, and a biting cold wind blew up at noon.

After coming out of Lingyue's shop, Chen Zhaodi said to Chen Pandi: "Pandi, I think Ling Xiaoyue's younger brother is not bad, so I can ask him later?"

Chen Pandi's small face was tightly wrapped by the scarf she knitted, only two eyes were exposed.

Her eyes were full of satisfaction: "Sister, actually I still like Ji Mid-Autumn Festival."

In contrast, Ji Zhongqiu is a widow. She has no in-laws to deal with when she gets married, and he is also in business, earning hundreds of dollars every day.

There is still a house in Qingpu City, just having a house is enough to make her secretly agree.

Chen Zhaodi said helplessly: "Pandi, it's not that you haven't seen his attitude towards us. With his attitude, he must have missed you."

"Let's take a step back, Ling Qingfeng is also handsome, and when his sister Xiaohua gets married, won't you marry the person you marry into their family?"

Chen Pandi thought for a while: "He looks good, but he is a bit dark."

"There is nothing wrong with rural people, which proves that he is a pragmatic person. With our family's conditions, it is not bad to find someone like him."

"We are also from the countryside, and there is no need to dislike the other party as a rural person. You say yes, and as long as he is hardworking and willing to work, you will not suffer much."

Chen Pandi nodded: "Then what do you think I should do to win his favor?"

"The so-called women are the ones who please themselves, why don't you dress more beautifully tomorrow?"

Chen Pandi looked at her clothes. Since she came to work for Ling Yue, she has been wearing the "work clothes" provided by Ling Yue every day. The work clothes don't look very good, but the point is to keep warm.

She doesn't have any extra money to buy new clothes now.

A look of embarrassment surfaced on her pretty face, "Sister, my monthly salary plus commission is only 120, or even less, how can I have so much money to buy clothes!"

Chen Zhaodi looked at her with helplessness on her face: "Then you have to find a way to buy yourself two decent clothes. If you go back to your hometown during the holidays, it's not appropriate for you to wear these clothes."

Chen Pandi thought for a while, and finally made up her mind: "Sister, to tell you the truth, I have taken a fancy to that khaki woolen coat in his shop. I tried it on secretly, and it fits me well."

Chen Zhaodi supported her: "Then you go and buy it. If you don't have enough money, I can lend you some. You can pay me back when you get paid."


"Really!" Chen Zhaodi said, "But you have to go and get Ling Qingfeng after you bought the clothes. He just came from the countryside and doesn't understand many things."

She thought for a while and came up with a big move: "Those people in the family courtyard have said that if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach. In this way, you will rush to cook tomorrow."

"But I don't know what he likes to eat!"

"Don't be afraid, he just came here, Xiaohua will definitely buy his favorite dishes, and then you can just watch and cook."

Chen Pandi thought about it, and it seemed that the same thing happened.

"Okay, then I will follow you. If he still doesn't like me, what should I do?"

Chen Zhaodi snorted coldly: "If he doesn't know what to do, then the two of us won't do it."

Let a girl take the initiative to chase a boy. If the boy doesn't know what to do, then the two sisters will have no point in doing it there.

"They are now recruiting people for the new store, and they will definitely call us around like before. When we make trouble again, they will definitely suffer."

Chen Pandi was stunned: "Sister, this is not good, I think Miss Xiaoyue is also pretty good, isn't it a bit unkind for us to do this?"

"My silly little sister, I just want to find you a wealthy son-in-law, if you don't cooperate with me, how can you marry the person you like?"

Chen Pandi bit these three words, and suddenly laughed: "That's fine, sister, I will cook tomorrow. I still don't believe it, my cooking skills will be worse than Xiaohua's."

When the two returned to the family courtyard, they bumped into Li Yulan going downstairs.

Seeing them, Li Yulan greeted them warmly: "Hey, Zhaodi, you're back."

Chen Zhaodi looked at her unexpectedly: "Sister Yulan, are you out?"

Li Yulan's face twitched, she gave a dry laugh, and squeezed past the two of them without answering.

Chen Zhaodi raised her eyebrows and entered the room with Chen Pandi without saying anything.

Chen Pandi listened to Chen Zhaodi's suggestion, and as soon as Ling Xiaohua cooked the rice at noon the next day, she rushed to cook.

"Sister Xiaohua, sit down, I will do it today."

It was cold, and Ling Xiaohua also wanted to be lazy. When she saw someone offering to help her, she just sat at the cash register and said, "That's fine, I'll trouble you today."

Walking to the kitchen, Chen Pandi rummaged through and found a piece of pork belly, a piece of pork tongue, a handful of celery, a few stalks of lettuce, a bag of dried chilies, and a jar of pickles in a jar next to the cupboard.

The other is the pile of potatoes and taro piled up in the corner, open the cupboard door, and there are two pieces of white tofu inside.

Seeing meat and tofu, Chen Pandi made homemade tofu, fried shredded hot and sour potatoes, shredded lettuce and made cold shredded lettuce with chili sauce, and cooked egg drop soup.

Three dishes and one soup have always been their standard Chinese food.

Not long after the meal was ready, Ling Qingfeng came back with Tongtong on his back.

Seeing Ling Xiaohua sitting at the cash register, she asked, "Xiaohua, why haven't you cooked yet?"

Ling Xiaohua giggled and said, "Pandi is doing it."

Ling Qingfeng let out a cry, put Tongtong on the ground, looked around, but didn't see Ling Yue and Wang Zhaoyang, "Where is my sister and brother-in-law?"

"He said he was going to sign the contract."

Ling Qingfeng nodded, seeing Tongtong warming herself by the fire with her little hands outstretched, she asked, "Tongtong, do you want to eat first or do your homework first?"

Tongtong shook her head: "It's so cold, I want to warm up to the fire first."

Ling Qingfeng took off the gloves, grabbed her tender little hand, and shouted: "Ah, Tongtong, why are your little hands so cold?"

Tongtong tried hard to break free from him, but Ling Qingfeng grabbed him tightly, she couldn't break free at all, so she had to ask Ling Xiaohua for help: "Auntie, help me quickly, uncle's hands are so cold!"

Ling Xiaohua hurriedly came out from the cash register, and knocked off Ling Qingfeng's hand with her hand: "What are you doing, your hands are so cold, what should you do if they are so cold?"

The three of them were fighting when Chen Pandi came out from the backyard.

"Sister Xiaohua, when will Miss Xiaoyue and the others come back?"

Ling Xiaohua said: "Don't wait for them, let's have dinner."

After Tongtong went to school, their daily meal time was determined by Tongtong's school.

Whenever Tongtong came home, they would have dinner.

Ling Xiaohua has already developed this habit.

If she didn't eat at this point, she would be starving.

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