"You have read this book for nothing, just let them get used to it, and you will regret it later."

Zhu Lamei said, her eyes shot at the cashier.

Seeing her staring straight at the cashier, Wang Zhaoyang said helplessly, "Mom, the cashier won't release money at night."

Wang Zhaoyang had to remind her that her eyes were only engraved with money.

Zhu Lamei snorted coldly, pretending not to hear, just scolding him: "Useless thing, how can you let a woman ride on your head!"

Wang Zhaoyang saw that her words became more and more outrageous, so he had no choice but to change the subject: "Mom, take Tongtong to take a bath."

Zhu Lamei looked at Tongtong with an unhappy expression.

"Such a big person, you want me to help her take a bath? When you are her age, you can cook."

"Mom, I didn't ask you to wash her, but I asked you to take her to wash."

"The weather is not hot, so it doesn't matter if you don't wash it."

Wang Zhaoyang looked at her, lent Tongtong to check her homework, and left the dinner table.

Zhu Lamei looked at the mess on the table, but she didn't clean it up, she got up and went to the backyard to take a shower.

After Wang Zhaoyang checked Tongtong's homework, he asked Tongtong to pack her schoolbag. Seeing that it was still early, he asked Tongtong to watch TV for a while.

The TV is placed in his room, and Tong Tong sits on the bed while watching TV.

Zhu Lamei came out of the shower and moved a small mat to sit at the door to wipe her hair. Her hair was still half wet. Ji Zhongqiu brought money.

Ji Zhongqiu took out the money and handed it to Wang Zhaoyang, "Why do you feel that the business in the past two days is not as good as before? If it wasn't for some new styles on the market today, otherwise, there is not even 700 yuan."

Hearing the number he reported, Zhu Lamei paused, and a pair of greedy eyes shot towards them.

She quickly calculated in her heart, one thousand seventeen, two people divided it is 850 yuan!

For 700 yuan, Ji Zhongqiu tied two bundles with rubber bands. She saw Wang Zhaoyang take it and count it, and then gave half of it to the other party.

"There is also the money from the previous two days, let's divide it together."

As Wang Zhaoyang said, he took out the ledger book and gave it to Ji Zhongqiu, "Check the numbers first."

Ji Zhongqiu glanced at it. He and Ling Yue went to Shenzhen City to stay for two days and one night, and there was no money for three days.

In the past three days, the branch's turnover totaled 2000. He nodded: "The business is pretty good now, with an average of more than [-] per day."

Wang Zhaoyang ordered sand production: "Yes, but now the weather is cold, and cotton clothes are starting to walk."

Even the bloated "bread clothes" have sold several pieces in the past two days.

"The money for these three days is 6000 or [-] yuan in total. If there is no problem, we will share it together."

Ji Zhongqiu agreed without thinking.

Zhu Lamei's eyes stared straight.

The two of them split the money, and they didn't avoid her at all. They split half of it at the beginning, which was 850 yuan.

Before they could catch their breath, they began to divide the money again, this time giving each other a total of 100 yuan.

She was all messed up.

The eyes that looked at Ji Zhongqiu were filled with monstrous anger.

But in front of Wang Zhaoyang, she didn't dare to make a mistake, she just watched with a smile.

When Ji Zhongqiu left, he greeted her: "Auntie, I'm going back first."

When Ji Zhongqiu was gone, Zhu Lamei couldn't help complaining: "Wang Zhaoyang, isn't that store yours? How did you give him the money?"

"No, that store was opened in partnership with him, and he usually looks over there. These two days, he and Xiaoyue went to buy goods, so I went to help."

"Tell me about you. You would rather trust an outsider than your brother. Is your brother that unbearable in your eyes?"

Thinking of this, she was even angrier.

These two guys who eat inside and outside, would rather bring an outsider to do business than bring their own brother to do business!
It is said that knowing a child is like not being a mother, but when it comes to Wang Zhaoyang, it becomes "the knowing mother is not like a son".

She feels uncomfortable all day if she doesn't find something to do.

He collected the money, and said lightly, "Let's talk about this when you don't help him pay off his gambling debts."

Zhu Lamei was immediately silenced by him.

If Ling Yue dared to talk to her like this, he would have scolded Ling Yue bloody.

But it was her son who said this, even if she was angry, she didn't dare to vent it to him.

She sat down on one sheet, and sat at the door.

When Ling Yue and Ling Xiaohua came back, they were carrying a bag of oranges in their hands.

Naturally, I bought the oranges from Huang Guixiang's. As soon as he entered the door, Ling Yue said to Wang Zhaoyang: "Mr. Wang, I have ordered the blackboard. I can pick it up in two days. You must talk a lot."

"Okay, since I promised you, I will definitely not break my promise." Wang Zhaoyang grinned, "But the ugly thing is first, I have never done this before, so don't laugh at me if I don't teach well."

Originally, he wanted Ling Yue to go to the literacy class of the machinery factory, but now that he was no longer there, and the distance was far away, he was worried that Ling Yue would go there alone, so he might as well teach her at home.

"Okay, we will definitely not laugh at you."

Seeing the two of them flirting with each other, Zhu Lamei, who was sitting at the door, looked even more ugly, and spat thick phlegm on the ground.

The next morning, Ling Yue got up early, made breakfast, and sent Wang Zhaoyang to the hospital.

When the breakfast was served, Zhu Lamei hadn't gotten up yet.

Ling Yue didn't call her. After Tongtong had finished her breakfast, she asked Ling Xiaohua to take her to school, and gave her five yuan by the way, asking her to cut some more meat back.

After all, there is still a patient in the hospital, and he promised Wang Xuekun yesterday that he will make tofu for him today.

No matter what you say, you can't treat patients badly in terms of food.

When Zhu Lamei got up, she saw that the breakfast prepared by Ling Yue had gone cold, and she immediately felt that she had been greatly wronged.

"Ling Xiaoyue, why are you so dark-hearted, you don't even leave me a meal in the morning!"

Ling Yue didn't listen at all, so what should I do.

After howling for a while, Zhu Lamei had no choice but to shut up resentfully.

When Ling Xiaohua came back with the vegetables and asked her to watch the store, Ling Yue walked briskly towards the People's Hospital.

Wang Xuekun was going to have an operation, and Wang Zhaoyang was taking care of him, but as a daughter-in-law, she had to ask.

And when I went to the hospital, I didn't have to face Zhu Lamei's face.

The best of both worlds.

Zhu Lamei was bored and ate the lumpy noodles all by herself angrily.

She deliberately ate slowly, her eyes glanced at Ling Xiaohua from time to time.

"Xiaohua, you got up so early, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Ling Xiaohua sat at the cash register, her tone was lukewarm: "Auntie, I'm used to it, now I sleep a little longer, my back hurts."

Zhu Lamei responded, but she was thinking about how to get rid of her.

She saw it last night, Wang Zhaoyang locked the money directly in the drawer of the cash register.

His drawer has at least 7000 yuan.

With so much money, why not give it to her and Wang Zhaoxing?
"Xiaohua, we have a guest."

Ling Xiaohua locked the cash register and then walked towards the customers: "Hello, just take a look."

Zhu Lamei felt even more uncomfortable seeing her guarding herself like a thief.

From her point of view, everything here belongs to Wang Zhaoxing and has nothing to do with that dead woman.

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