Affectionate trapping

Chapter 33 Take the first step

Chapter 33 Taking the First Step

Min Jiayou said without much hesitation: "I think I would be very willing to go there."

After speaking, he frowned tightly and fell into deep thought.

Wen Xi nodded: "I remember I told you last time that people are always full of fear of the unknown, but on the road of our growth, don't we always face the unknown? When you first learned to walk, you didn't know that you were walking. Will you fall down at that step, but you still walk out step by step; you go to school and live on campus, and you also worry about whether you can get along well with your roommates and take care of yourself, but you are so safe now grown up."

"In fact, from birth to death, all attempts are to face the unknown. Why do you choose to escape this time?"

"I..." He lowered his head, feeling unbearable for himself.

Wen Xi smiled lightly: "I'm still not confident."

He pursed his lips and realized his inferiority complex, always thinking that he was not good enough to achieve satisfactory results.

"I always think I'm not good enough and blame myself for not working hard enough."

"Blaming yourself often does not lead to real improvement in yourself, but instead increases feelings of powerlessness and anxiety."

He bowed his head, speechless.

She paused: "Lack of self-confidence is one aspect, and on the other hand, you are also afraid of loneliness and parting."

"In fact, parting and loneliness are the normal state of life. You can only grow when you experience setbacks and tribulations again and again, and you can stand at the top after experiencing all kinds of loneliness."

This was the most she said in the conversation with him. She had always been a listener before, and now she thought the time was ripe and it was time to tell.

After all, he is in the most confused stage of his life, and there are many places that he can't understand, and he needs other people's advice.

Wen Xi folded her fingers on the table: "There are many people who go abroad to work hard, and they can't easily communicate with the locals. They can speak broken English, Chinese English, and even gestures, but they still survive. "

"People's potential is infinite, and their ability to deal with difficulties is also endless."

"You have to have confidence, you are no worse than others."

She said slowly: "Jiayou, you are 17 years old this year, when you go to college, you will be an adult."

Finally, this sentence made him react, and he repeated silently: "Adults..."

His mother controlled him, so why didn't he rely on his mother?
He has always been confined in his own small circle, shrunk in the tortoise shell and refused to stick his head out, so he retreated again and again, facing the road ahead and still not moving forward.

If you want to grow, you must reduce and eventually break such dependencies, so that you can become an independent person.

After a long silence, Min Jiayou said sadly: "I also want to grow up and become like a man, but... I can't seem to do it."

"It's useless to think about many things." Wen Xi lowered his eyes and looked into his eyes firmly: "You can do it, but you just don't have the courage to take that step."

"A lot of difficulties are difficult to solve, but it's just because there are things you want to escape."

Min Jiayou's eyelashes trembled, and he tugged repeatedly in his heart. In fact, they had already loosened, but he still couldn't easily say "I can".

Wen Xi squeezed out a green fruit candy, opened it and put it in the palm of his hand. He glanced at her, said thank you, and stuffed it into his mouth.

She smiled and said, "Let's change the subject, have Mom and Dad praised you often recently?"

He puffed his cheeks because the sweet candy saliva overflowed from his mouth, and he smelt of sweet cantaloupe when he spoke.

I don’t know whether it’s joy or satisfaction, some joy hung on the brows: “Yes, they often praise me recently, and they also talk to me more during meals, asking me how I get along with my classmates in the summer camp, listening to them chatting with me about this, I'm actually quite happy."

"Has your mother seldom bothered you recently?"


"Have you ever thought that this is mother's concession?"

He raised his head.

"Look, you said before that your mother is very unwilling to listen to you, no matter what you say, she will end in a few words, which shows that she is not very patient, but recently she is willing to control her emotions for you, even like a friend Same, let’s talk with you from your point of view.”

He nodded: "Yes, my mother has changed a lot."

"In fact, the best state of getting along between parents and children should be like friends, standing on an equal footing with each other, rather than oppression by one party and dependence on the other, at least at the ideological level."

"Now your mother is trying to achieve this balance. Although she is not doing well enough, it proves that she is trying, so you should try too, right?"

He subconsciously asked, "How should I try?"

"She restrained her temper for you, allowed you to make friends, and tried to get closer to the voice in your heart, so why didn't you take that step for her?"

Why not take that step?

He will grow up, leave the shelter set up by his parents, spread his wings and fly high, and fly out of the cage of dependence.

After a long time, he said in a low voice, "sister Wen, you are right."

"Instead of backing down again and again, I should stand up like a man."

Wen Xi's lips curled up slightly, "I know it's not easy to break the barriers in your heart, but as long as you take the first step and have a firm determination to move forward, the rest will be very simple."

"Don't forget, you have a year to prepare for it."

"One year..." He repeated the words in a whisper, crunching the candy in his mouth, and his eyeballs were spinning rapidly because of thinking.

She took out a colored card with Shi Tiesheng's words on it——

"The important thing is to take the first step boldly, regardless of right or wrong. Since ancient times, there has been no such thing as planning everything before starting. Don't figure everything out before walking. Reckless people must learn to think first , what a good thinker has to overcome is hesitation. The goal is to be perfect, but there is no need to be thoughtful when making a move.”

Min Jiayou held the card and lost his mind for a long time: "I know, I will work hard to overcome the obstacles in my heart, and then, then..."

She continued, with a joking tone: "Then work hard to learn English well, and don't need to reach out when you try to get out."

He suddenly smiled, "Yeah."

"Sister Wen, I like talking to you very much." He mustered up his courage, "You look very good-looking, even better than the classmate in our class."

Wen Xi took the compliment: "Thank you, I am also very happy talking with you."

"I have a secret to tell you."


"Actually, when I came out of here for the first time, my mother told me that you look so young, and your level may not be very good. She said that if you feel that you can't do it, you can change it."

It's normal for Wen Xi to raise her eyebrows. Many people probably thought this way when they first saw her.

"But later, she started to praise you, saying that you are young, and you still have two brushes."

She laughed and told a cold joke: "Maybe there are three."

Min Jiayou giggled.

 Blaming yourself often does not lead to real improvement in yourself, but instead increases feelings of powerlessness and anxiety.

  ——Excerpt from "The Philosophy of Life of Cats and Dogs"

  The most important thing is to take the first step boldly, regardless of right or wrong. Since ancient times, there has been no such thing as planning everything before starting.Don't get it all figured out and go for a walk.A reckless person must learn to think first, and a good thinker must overcome hesitation.The goal craves perfection, but there is no need to be thoughtful when you move. —— Shi Tiesheng
(End of this chapter)

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