Hey, is dad caring more and more like mom more and more?

She remembered that at the end of the last season of Xiaojia, her father didn't ask her mother how to get back.

"Sister Mu came to pick me up, she is already on the way." Qin Yuanyao replied.

Chi Baiyi nodded, without showing any emotion on his face, but there was a faint sense of loss in his heart.

Feng Wenhe's family also went upstairs to pack their luggage.

However, Feng Wenhe and Shi Hofen didn't clean up, they let Wu Ningwei clean up alone.

Wu Ningwei was packing her luggage in the room, while Shi Hofen was whispering to Feng Wenhe in the living room.

She told all about Wu Ningwei's strangeness today, focusing on expressing her dissatisfaction with Wu Ningwei.

In the end, Shi Hofen said: "You daughter-in-law, you have to take care of it. In front of the live broadcast camera, she can treat you, me and Ah Xuan like that, which shows that she is paying less and less attention to us.

"She doesn't take me seriously, I don't care. But she doesn't take you and Ah Xuan seriously, and I'm very angry. If it weren't for you, she would be able to live the life she is now? If she doesn't appreciate you, forget it , and even said in front of the live broadcast room what you are doing in the variety show.

"What does she mean?! You are working so hard to make her and Ah Xuan's life better, but she is not grateful at all, and wants to ride on your head!

"She will come out in a while, you should teach her a lesson. Don't let her think that she has been a rich wife at home for a long time, and she is really a rich wife, so she can ignore us!"

Feng Wenhe listened to Shi Hofen's words with lowered eyes, and had the same thought as Shi Hofen.

He solemnly said: "Mom, don't worry, I will talk to her well."

Only then did Shihofen take a sip of tea in satisfaction.

Back then, when she was a daughter-in-law, she was so submissive that she didn't dare to raise her head and speak in front of her mother-in-law.

Although she knows that the times have changed and women are much happier now, but the daughter-in-law of the Feng family should still be submissive when she should be submissive, and she can't do it the other way around!

Shi Hofen put down the teacup, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw Wu Ningwei standing at the door of the room like a ghost at some point.

Wu Ningwei was looking at them, and she was still pushing a box.

"Why did you come out so quietly!" Schofen frowned dissatisfied.

She wasn't afraid that Wu Ningwei would overhear what she and Feng Wenhe said just now, she just didn't want to be scared by Wu Ningwei.

"Have you finished packing your luggage?" Feng Wenhe raised his face, showing the airs of a patriarch.

"I'm done packing." Wu Ningwei said.

"It's just in time for you to come out. I have something to tell you, and you can continue to clean up after talking." Feng Wenhe said.

"I have something to tell you too," Wu Ningwei pushed the suitcase forward: "I'll finish first, you can talk later."

"Presumptuous!" Schofen said sternly, "When is it your turn to speak first?"

"Grandma Shi, you still live in the Qing Dynasty, with so many bad habits." Wu Ningwei smiled: "I'll finish first, and you will know whether there is any need to say what you said."

Feng Wenhe and Shi Hefen were stunned for a moment, not quite understanding the meaning of Wu Ningwei's words.

At this very moment, Wu Ningwei looked at Feng Wenhe and spoke again.

"Feng Wenhe, we're getting a divorce. I've already found a lawyer and I'm drafting a divorce contract. I'll send it to you when the contract is ready. I haven't been respected at all in your family these years. Therefore, I don't have any property that I deserve. No less. Pack your luggage yourself, lunch at noon is the last thing I will do for you."

After Wu Ningwei finished speaking, she was about to leave.

Both Feng Wenhe and Shi Hofen were stunned.They never thought that Wu Ningwei would get a divorce, so they didn't react for a while.

Feng Xuan was the first to react, he blocked Wu Ningwei's way, and asked her: "What are you getting on your nerves again! Hurry up and pack your luggage, I don't want to stay in this crappy place for a minute!"

Wu Ningwei looked at the son she had conceived and gave birth to in October calmly.

"You take the custody of your son. If you want to carry on the family so much, I will satisfy you." Wu Ningwei said to Feng Wenhe: "But if you still spoil Ah Xuan so much, he will become more and more lawless in the future."

"What are you crazy about!" Feng Wenhe finally came to his senses, and he frowned: "You can't talk about divorce even if you lose your temper!"

"Don't try to threaten us with a divorce!" Shi Hofen followed closely: "You think Wen He and Ah Xuan can't do it without you? Let me tell you, Wen He can still find a young and beautiful girl without you." Girl, but you, it will be very difficult to find someone with the same conditions as Wen He!"

"Then quickly find Feng Wenhe a new wife and let me get a smooth divorce. I will sincerely bless him." Wu Ningwei smiled lightly and went downstairs with her suitcase.

Only then did Feng Wenhe and Shi Hofen realize that Wu Ningwei might be for real.

Wu Ningwei had never done this before, so they subconsciously felt that Wu Ningwei was retreating and trying to fight for a greater family status.

"She really wants to get a divorce?" Shi Hofen found it inconceivable: "She doesn't even want to care about Ah Xuan?"

Feng Wenhe looked solemn, and went downstairs to catch up with Wu Ningwei.

"Wu Ningwei! Wu Ningwei!" Feng Wenhe chased Wu Ningwei in three steps at a time.

"What do you really want? You don't really want a divorce, do you?"

Wu Ningwei, who was forced to stop by him, looked directly at him: "I just want a divorce."

"Are you having an affair? Is there another man you like?" The only reason Feng Wenhe could think of was this.

Although he knew that Wu Ningwei's social circle was very narrow and he knew almost all her friends, he still thought of this possibility.

"No, I didn't have an affair, I just had enough and wanted a divorce."

"Enough? What are you fed up with? Am I treating you badly? Food and clothing, how can I treat you badly?" Feng Wenhe couldn't believe it.

Wu Ningwei looked at him with a sarcasm in her eyes.

"Or do you think my mother treats you badly? My mother is like that, you just get used to it. Besides, all mothers-in-law in the world are similar, everyone can live, why can't you?" Feng Wenhe And said.

"Feng Wenhe," Wu Ningwei chuckled, "The reason you are like this now is not because you like me so much, but because you find it difficult to accept that it is me who filed for divorce."

Feng Wenhe was startled, a thought hidden deep in his heart was hit by Wu Ningwei.

"But I like you. If I don't like you, why would I marry you? I didn't get married until I was in my 40s. I haven't gotten married for so many years. I just want to wait for someone I really love." Feng Wenhe said.

"I know you like me," Wu Ningwei said, "but you like yourself more."

Feng Wenhe's eyes trembled.

"I also love myself more. Therefore, we can't live on. Divorce is good for everyone. Feng Xuan entrusts you to take good care of it."

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