Chapter 229
On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Quan Quanjin invited the principals of each family in the village to gather in his main room.

It's the Chinese New Year, Qi Ercai and Qi Ercai discussed it with his old man, and decided to send some things to the villagers for the Chinese New Year this year.

It's not that their Qi family is stupid and has a lot of money, but it's to let everyone in the village have a safe and healthy year.

Otherwise, when the Chinese New Year comes, the whole family will eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and the other three families and Lao Tongsheng will also be able to eat well. Only those who come later can eat more than one meal, which is prone to problems.

But the Qi family didn't say how good the gift was.

"This is the first time for us to celebrate the New Year in a village. Before that, our village also got some reward silver. It's just that the reward silver has other uses, so we can't share it with everyone."

"We don't share money, but we can give you something else. It's not very good, but it can add some oil and water during the Chinese New Year."

Quan Quanjin expressed his attitude first.

But don't let everyone think that it is posted every year.

Everyone expressed their understanding and said some words of thanks.

Only then did Quan Qijin talk about how much each family got.

Calculated on the basis of head count, men between the ages of 50 and [-] each receive a catty of polished rice, a catty of refined noodles, half a catty of pork, and two taels of fat.

Women are distributed according to one standard regardless of their age.

In addition to the same things as men, an extra three feet of muslin is given.

Women's menstruation belts need this. Although it is not stated explicitly, most women understand it.

Children under the age of ten will be given half of the items.

If the old man is over 50 years old, everything will be doubled.

Although the elderly lady got half of the rice, noodles and meat oil, no one thought there was any problem with doing so.

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, Qi Zheng and the other three old men got together to study, and finally decided that the Qi family would give out ten catties of green vegetables, and the other three families would each give five catties, so they combined a 25 catty of green vegetables and distributed them to Lao Tongsheng and the later villagers. .

Not to mention the meat on the table of the New Year's Eve dinner, there are actually fresh vegetables, which spoiled everyone's novelty.

The fish in the pond behind Qi's house have been caught.

The fish are not as big as last year, but most of them weigh two or three catties.

This winter in the Qi family, the daughters-in-law are all around the rare things like corn, cucumbers, and watermelons, but no one proposes to sell noodles in the city.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a place as big as Erjin Yard in the city, the family probably wouldn't even have the intention to go to the city to grow vegetables.

The seeds still need to be planted.

Every three days, they go to the city to deliver green vegetables, and two of the people who deliver the vegetables will stay alone in the city to take care of the planting situation in the second courtyard.

Wait until three days before going to the city to deliver food, and two people will stay behind.

So repeated, impartial.

However, they were all sons and daughters of the Qi family, and none of the girls went.

Fishball noodles are no longer sold, and these fish will naturally have to find another market.

After Qi Ercai mentioned it to the restaurant, the restaurant bought most of it, and the remaining Qiqijin was researched by the old man, and finally decided to keep all of them and not sell them.

Most of them are kept for their own food, and a small part is kept and sold to the villagers.

It is not bought with silver, but the villagers are asked to chop firewood and exchange it with firewood.

It's Chinese New Year, who doesn't want a fish on the dinner table!
The meaning is good, or meat dishes.

And the Qi family didn't just want to do good deeds, but because so many houses in their family needed to be burned, the consumption of firewood was not ordinary.

In addition, the Qi family had to run back and forth between the city and the village, so they really didn't have so much time to chop firewood.

Simply handed over the job.

Each family can only exchange one fish at most, and the rest will be collected at the price of a bundle of about ten catties of firewood.

Ten catties of firewood may seem like a lot, but it is actually not difficult.

It is not a problem for a grown man to gain fifty or sixty catties a day.

Even half-grown children can get Liuwen money easily if they do it twice a day.

But everyone doesn't think that the Qi family really has this need, but firmly believes that the Qi family is to help everyone, so they arrange this way to make money for everyone.

In this regard, the Qi family did not explain much.

The days are getting better and better, but the mood of the Qi family is getting more and more entangled.

The reason for the entanglement is nothing else, but because of the New Year's Eve dinner.

Yi Meng, who has just passed three months, feels that her body is in good condition and does not affect cooking at all.

But Quan Quanjin firmly disagreed.

The rest of the Qi family couldn't bear to let a pregnant woman cook the family's meals, but when they thought of the taste of other people's cooking, they couldn't help but be greedy for Yimeng's craftsmanship.

In the end, it was Qi Cheng who made the decision.

Let the other daughters-in-law cook the New Year's Eve dinner, and the pregnant fourth daughter-in-law doesn't have to go into the kitchen.

Everyone agrees, but they are very disappointed in their hearts.

Alas, I thought I could have a delicious meal during the Chinese New Year, but now I don't have to think about it.

Sitting on the kang, Yi Meng is also worried.

She was only three months pregnant, and she obviously felt that she had gained a lot of weight.

If this continues to be raised like this, she is afraid that she will directly turn into a ball when she gives birth.

It's okay to recover after giving birth. The most important thing is that I am fat, and the child will also be fat. When the time comes, giving birth will be a troublesome thing!

She has lived in this era for so many years, and she has never heard of such an operation as a caesarean section.

Can't say no.

There are still some, but in this era, the name of the caesarean section is to remove the mother and keep the child, commonly known as Baoxiao.

Quan Quangang came in with his little girl in his arms, the two were chatting and laughing, very warm.

Sitting on the kang, Yi Meng became angry when she saw this scene: "Qi Quanjin, put down my daughter!"

The sudden anger puzzled Quan Quanjin: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

Yi Meng glared at him fiercely, then stretched out her hand towards Qi Manman: "Man Baoer, come here, let mother hug her."

"Mother is pregnant with my younger brother! You can't hold Bao'er full, or your stomach will hurt."

Qi Manman shook his head and hugged his father's neck tightly.

Although she didn't understand why her mother's stomach hurt when she hugged her after she was pregnant with her younger brother, it didn't prevent her from being a very cute, sensible and obedient Man Baoer!

Qi Quanjin was also in a hurry: "Daughter-in-law, don't mess around, you can't work hard now!"

"Nonsense, where am I?"

Yi Meng broke out suddenly, tears streaming down her cheeks: "Qiquanjin, you bastard, do you have the idea that you only want children and don't want me?"

"What? Me, when did I have that idea?"

Quan Quanjin was even more dumbfounded.

Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Qi Qijin couldn't care about his daughter anymore, so he put it on the kang and hurriedly coaxed his daughter-in-law: "Daughter-in-law, don't cry! I, I can't just want my child and not you at any time!"

Yi Meng believed this, but felt wronged in her heart.

Special grievance!
Especially thinking of the scene of a dystocia that I will face in half a year, I feel even more panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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