Chapter 5 Talking about dreams
Yin Ruhua smiled, and said sweetly, "My aunt treats me like pearls and treasures, and my grandmother wants to punish her. How can I just watch?"

She said and looked at her father, "And I am also for you."

"Father doesn't need you to sacrifice like this."

Yin Ruhua said in her heart that this is the confidence of being favored. Yin Ruxing, who is also a concubine, is not as lucky as her.

But everyone has nothing to do with each other, and she didn't feel sorry for Yin Ruxing, because she didn't bring on this happy event, and besides, Aunt Li can also compete for favor and benefit her daughter, but she is not as good as others.

"If the eldest sister doesn't want to marry, and the second sister doesn't want to marry, I won't just stand by and watch something happen to the Hou's house. Even if I don't want to, I will marry, and I will never make things difficult for my father!" Yin Ruhua said earnestly.

Lord Yin Hou was touched, "Father knows, go back and see your aunt, she must be worried about you now."

Yin Ruhua waved to her father, and came to visit her aunt with a curling bottle.

"Miss, you are really going to scare the servant to death. The servant thought that the lady is really going to celebrate His Highness the Crown Prince." Curling said with lingering fear.

Yin Ruhua narrowed her eyes and said, "You are right, I am indeed going to congratulate His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Curling froze for a moment, looked at her young lady, "Miss, did you say something wrong?"

Yin Ruhua chuckled lightly, and didn't explain much, thinking that her young lady made a slip of the tongue.

But when Yin Ruhua saw her Aunt Hui, the first thing she said was: "Auntie, I'm going to congratulate His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Aunt Hui is actually relieved, with Master Hou going to Qiushui Garden, her daughter will definitely not be married to celebrate, otherwise Master Hou would not be able to pass her test.

So when she heard her daughter's words, Aunt Hui said angrily: "You child, don't you really suffer from heat stroke and have a fever and become confused? You're starting to talk nonsense."

"Auntie, I'm telling you the truth, I'm going to congratulate His Royal Highness, and I want to marry His Royal Highness!" Yin Ruhua said.

Aunt Hui couldn't help trembling, and looked at her, "Could it be that you are possessed by something unclean? You talk nonsense as soon as you come in!"

He said to Zhou's mother: "Go and burn a handful of wormwood, and smoke her to get rid of bad luck!"

Zhou's mother also felt that Miss San had something dirty on her body, so she went to find wormwood to burn a brazier without saying a word.

"I have long had a deep-rooted love for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I am infatuated with no regrets. I am going to marry the Crown Prince!"

Before she went out, she heard Miss San say such words that made people feel like auditory hallucinations, so she quickened her pace.

Aunt Hui also felt that her daughter had been bewitched, and was very worried, and asked the stunned Curling, "Whether Zhang'er was touched by Madam, or by Aunt Li **** I don't know " Curling was about to cry, "Miss, don't scare the servant, do you still remember picking up the servant by the Daming Lake?"

Yin Ruhua, "..."

It was not enough to smoke the wormwood pot brought by Zhou's mother from the beginning to the end. Aunt Hui also wanted to ask someone to spend a lot of money to hire a master of Taoism to exorcise evil spirits.

But being stopped by Yin Ruhua, she said to Curling and the others, "Everyone back down, I want to talk to my aunt."

Aunt Hui looked at her daughter, she also wanted to hear what this damn girl had to say, so she waved her hand and told the maids to go down.

As soon as the maids left, Yin Ruhua smiled and said, "Does my aunt think that my daughter is crazy and bewitched, that's why she said such things?"

Aunt Hui looked at her daughter, the mother and daughter looked very similar, but Yin Ruhua had a different kind of purity and innocence compared to Aunt Hui's charming and charming body.

She combines purity and charm.

To put it simply, she will be pure when she should be pure, and she will be charming when she should be charming.

"If it wasn't for being possessed by an evil spirit, would you have said that?" Aunt Hui was naturally satisfied with her daughter, but she just rolled her eyes at this meeting.

Yin Ruhua got down seriously, "Auntie, I'm telling you the truth, I must marry to make me happy, the position of crown princess is mine, no one can take it!"

Aunt Hui was stunned, really stupefied.

But she reacted quickly, and yelled at the door, "Mother Zhou, burn another pot of wormwood, and boil another pot of wormwood water!"

"Auntie!" Yin Ruhua pulled her, "Don't be suspicious, I'm fine, nothing happened. I told Auntie, but Auntie can't even tell Dad about this!"

Aunt Hui looked her up and down, and then said: "Aren't you still clear about Auntie's mouth? Tell me quickly!"

She also wanted to know what was wrong with her daughter, that she could say such nonsense.

Yin Ruhua naturally believed in her aunt. The best thing in the world for her was her aunt, who almost gave her everything she could.

So she slowly talked about her dream.

Aunt Hui felt that her daughter's dream was really absurd when she heard it, but slowly, she stopped, even Zhou's mother who was outside was trying to bring in water, but she stopped her.

"At the end of the dream, my daughter just watched herself turn into a pile of bones. Groups of crows perched on the bones and pecked at them from time to time. The wolves howled far away. Together with the cold wind, they seemed to be expressing their daughter's tragic life." Yin Ruhua was silent.

Aunt Hui couldn't help trembling, "This is just a dream..."

"This is definitely not a dream." Yin Ruhua shook her head and looked at her aunt seriously, "Before the imperial decree came down, the crown prince was seriously ill and the emperor asked the lady of Yinhou's mansion to celebrate the wedding. I already knew from the dream that the person was chosen." For Yin Ruxing, Yin Ruxing will die in depression one year after marrying into the prince's residence."

"What about you? Were you married at that time?" Aunt Hui asked while holding back her palpitations.

"I was in the fourth prince's backyard at that time." Yin Ruhua's eyes were full of thoughtfulness. In her dream, she just walked through her life roughly, and many details were vague and unreal.

"How could it be the fourth prince? Shouldn't it be the third prince?" Aunt Hui couldn't help but said, this time she was spying on the whereabouts of the third prince, that's why the madam planned to ambush her!

"I don't like the third prince. Mother, the person I liked before was always the fourth prince." Yin Ruhua said frankly.

Aunt Hui didn't know about this yet, so she couldn't help but pinch her, "You damn girl, the fourth prince, apart from his good looks, is very capable, there's nothing worthy of your liking!"

"The third prince doesn't have anything worthy of my liking. It seems that Wentao and military strategy are as good as gods, but in fact it is all a staff behind him who advises him. After that staff is eliminated, he can't survive a few rounds of attacks before being destroyed. gone."

Aunt Hui choked, and said: "You say the crown prince is the real dragon? Are you sure, he is about to die of illness!"

"Every time I'm critically ill, but in the end I survived with a sigh of relief. Besides, if I'm not sure, I can rush to celebrate? Is your daughter that stupid?"

Yin Ruhua is looking for a powerful husband.

Love without materials is like a mess of loose sand, and it doesn't take two steps to be blown away by the wind before it's gone!
(End of this chapter)

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