Chapter 39
Just now in the Zhengyuan Courtyard, I saw the side concubine flirting with His Highness the Crown Prince, and the two servant girls were frightened to death.

But I didn't dare to say anything outside, but now that I'm back, I must say something.

But Yin Ruhua's first sentence is: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Two pots, "..."

Yin Ruhua chuckled and picked a grape from the fruit plate on the table to eat, "This grape tastes good, you all have to try it."

While eating grapes, what I thought in my head was whether His Highness the Crown Prince would eat it or not?She can peel it and feed it by mouth.

"Is the concubine really not worried?" Yuhu asked.

These words interrupted the unhealthy thoughts in Yin Ruhua's head, "His Royal Highness is my husband, his woman is playing tricks on him, how can he still eat me? Didn't you see that my aunt always wants to talk to me?" Dad made a fuss, let my dad coax her?"

Her aunt and her father have been in love for more than ten years, but do you really think there is only sweetness?no.

Every month, her aunt would find something to quarrel with her father.

I remember that the most troublesome time was when her aunt packed her things and took her to live in the manor.

As a result, when she woke up the next day, she heard from someone that Lord Hou rode over overnight to reconcile with her aunt, so they both went to bed late.

Later on at the manor, the two of them directly left her behind, but don't play too affectionately.

Afterwards, she asked her aunt what was the game about?

My aunt told her that you can't always keep a straight face in front of men, and occasionally, you have to be sarcastic. Blindly obedient and considerate will not work, and it will look dull and ordinary.

Having met Sapoer, the obedience and obedience on weekdays are even more rare.

In the end, it can be summed up in eight words: making a big fuss hurts the body, but making a small fuss makes you happy.

But I can't help but admire Yin Ruhua.

Her father really can't escape her aunt's palm in this life.

Curling and Yuhu are naturally aware of their aunt's methods, "But this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

"So what about His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is also a man, and if a man is a man, he will eat my tricks." Yin Ruhua said slowly while eating grapes, and took the opportunity to mention them, "This will scare you when you get there. But how can you bear it? You must make progress, don’t make a fuss at every turn. Remember one sentence for me, as long as I am still here, this day will not collapse.”

"Your servant remembers." Hearing the words, the two pots could only accept it.

Yin Ruhua was very satisfied, and pushed the half-eaten grapes in front of her, "Just remember it. Curling, you send this half plate of grapes to His Highness."

Curling was stunned for a moment, then nodded and went to get the food box and put it on the plate.

Seeing that this was true, Yuhu almost knelt down.

"Why, forgot what I just said?" Yin Ruhua took a pen and ink and came to write a note.

"Side concubine, let's... let's not play such a big game, you eat half of this, and send the rest to His Royal Highness, this..." Yuhu really couldn't stand it.

She felt that her side concubine was dancing on the tip of a knife, and if she was not careful, she would be smashed to pieces.

While she was speaking, Yin Ruhua had already written a sentence on the cut piece of paper: I tasted the grapes for Your Highness, and these grapes are very delicious, Your Highness, please taste them too.

It's in Zanhua lowercase script, and it's very beautifully written.

In order to train her handwriting, her aunt not only spent a lot of effort, but also paid a lot of money to hire someone to teach her in private.

And Yin Ruhua has indeed put in a lot of hard work, but after the bitterness, the sweetness, now that she has learned something, it's all worth it.

"Side concubine, do you really want to give it away?" Yuhu said in fear.

Let His Royal Highness eat the leftovers from the side concubine, this...

Yin Ruhua put the written note to dry, and said, "Why don't you give it away? I don't have anything to give away right now. This half bunch of grapes is just right."

"What if His Royal Highness is angry?"

"If His Royal Highness punishes me, it means he is not happy, and I will restrain myself next time. But if His Royal Highness does not punish me, I will know what to do next." Yin Ruhua said calmly.

She is not afraid of trial and error, just correct it if she makes a mistake.

Now there are no other female relatives in the house, she must be the only one in His Royal Highness's heart before there are other female relatives.

What other women dare not do, she dares to do.

What other women dare not say, she dares to say.

She dared to reach out and touch the tiger's beard where other women dare not set foot.

She wants to be the woman who can jump at the dangerous place of the prince's bottom line, but will not be punished.

With the help of other Huanfei Yanshou who came in later, they dare not do this with her. Even if they want to imitate her, with her pearls in front, it will only be counterproductive for those who follow her.

Therefore, she must go this way.

If she gets the chance today, she will take this step!
The half plate of grapes was sent to Situ Ji by the bold curling jug under Yuhu's worried eyes.

Situ Ji was stunned for a moment when he saw the half-bunch of grapes, then he picked up the note and looked at it, laughing angrily.

Look at this little concubine, how she holds grudges like this, just because he frightened her, played tricks on her, and dared to send him the leftover grapes.

It's really a cat's temper, the cat before him was like that, he pressed his tail, but he didn't dare to be aggressive with him, but in private he dared to use his small paws to scratch the sleeves of his clothes.

She looks docile, but actually has her own temper.

"Go back and tell your side concubine so that she doesn't have to serve her in the future."

These words were brought back intact by Curling, who almost broke his courage.

It was quite bold when it just passed, but when it came back, it was like this, soft on the ground.

Yuhu was so nervous that he was dying, but when he turned around, he saw the unconcealable joy on the face of her side concubine:

"It's done!"

Yuhu's heart trembled and said: "Side concubine, what happened?"

Yin Ruhua personally helped the curling pot up from the ground, and the little maid was so frightened that her legs went limp, "Don't worry, Your Highness is not really angry. If you are really angry, we should seal off this yard now."

Sealing the yard, that's what it means to let her sit on the bench and let her know how powerful she is.

Now that it is like this, Yin Ruhua can't help but think of her father being scolded by her aunt angrily, "You can just stay by yourself from now on, I won't come!"

In the end, after three days, her father would definitely come over again, and her aunt would beat him a few times, and then the two became even sweeter.

Yin Ruhua curled her lips into a smile.

It is probably impossible for the crown prince to take the initiative to come to the west courtyard now, but it will be difficult to say in the future.

But then she will be silent for two days to slow down, too hasty can't do it.

"Come on, kick the shuttlecock with me." Yin Ruhua said with a light smile.

Yuhu and the terrified curling glanced at each other, and there was really only admiration left.

Now I still have the mood to kick the shuttlecock, so I really don't have to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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