After Wang Ailan heard Shi Qinghuan's words, she thought of her bad little son, and her mood suddenly became terrible.

So after putting the biscuit jar on the table, he opened his mouth and said to Shi Qinghuan: "In the past, I would definitely not be polite to you and just accept the biscuits, but now I can't."


"Because Xiaofu has been too disobedient recently. He is picky eaters when eating. He doesn't think about what the situation is now. It's good to be able to eat. He still hates it. It really pissed me off. If I had known, I would have Let him suck the Hetao stone."

"Sucking Hetao stone?"

"Yes, oh, I forgot that you are not a local, so it is not surprising that you have never heard of it. In fact, sucking Hetao stone is very simple to understand, it is to suck the smell of Hetao stone just like sucking snails.

A few years ago, Grandpa Xiaofu survived by sucking Hetao stones without eating. As a result, they still use hot peppers to stir-fry Hetao stones when they drink. "

Shi Qinghuan was amazed after listening to Wang Ailan's words. Sure enough, the wisdom of the working people is infinite, and even stones can be made into food. She really admires it.

So she suggested to Wang Ailan: "Aunt Wang, why don't you make some Hetao stones for Xiaofu, maybe Xiaofu won't be picky eaters."

"Okay, I happen to have a bag of Hetao stones at home. I will wash the Hetao stones after I get back, and make Hetao stones for Xiaofu in the evening."

After hearing Wang Ailan's words, Shi Qinghuan silently sympathized with Guan Xiaofu, but she only sympathized for a while.

Because it is not a good thing for children to be picky eaters, and it will affect the children's health, so it is better for Guan Xiaofu to correct the problem of picky eaters as soon as possible.

As for Guan Xiaofu's suffering in the next two days, he earned it by his own ability, and he has no one to blame.

Thinking of this, Shi Qinghuan didn't intend to continue talking about this topic with Wang Ailan, but changed the topic to talk about other things with Wang Ailan.

"It's getting late, I have to make dinner later, so I'm going home first." Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Wang Ailan got up and said happily to Shi Qing.

After Shi Qinghuan heard Wang Ailan's words, she stuffed the jar of biscuits into Wang Ailan's basket, and then said to Wang Ailan, "When Xiaofu's picky eating habits get over, you can give him the biscuits."

"No, when he wants to eat, I'll buy it for him."

"How can it be the same? What I give is what I give, and what you buy is what you buy. The meanings of the two are completely different."

Wang Ailan saw that Shi Qinghuan was talking about this point, so she could only accept the biscuits for Guan Xiaofu, and then she said to Shi Qinghuan: "I thank you for Xiaofu."

"you are welcome."

"Then I'll go first." After Wang Ailan finished speaking, she picked up the basket, turned around and walked outside the house.

After Shi Qinghuan sent Wang Ailan away, she closed the door of the room, went to the dining table and broke off a sprig to eat.

Well, how should I put it, it's a little different from the pate she bought at the market, but it's also delicious, but if she had to choose, she would prefer to eat the pate bought at the market.

Because the sprinkles bought in the market have a special fragrance, even if she described it, she couldn't describe what that special fragrance is. In short, it tasted better than Wang Ailan's.

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